Christmas Party

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Riley and Maya were getting ready at Maya's apartment. It was only 7 o'clock and Riley was already dressed and ready to go. She'd had this planned for weeks now. How she wanted her hair, what she was going to wear, what shoes were going to match her outfit, everything. Maya on the other hand didn't have as much time on her hands. She put on the red dress she'd bought at the mall and looked in the mirror. 

It was pretty tight fitting. She looked good, but she still felt a little self-conscious. She hadn't worn anything like this since she ha the baby. Maya was so tiny anyway it hadn't been hard to lose and weight she'd gained during her pregnancy, but she still wasn't sure. 

"I don't know, Riles. Maybe I should just wear something else," Maya mumbled as she paced around the room in her bare feet. 

"Why? You look great," Riley told her honestly. 

"What about shoes?" Maya asked. 

"Those ones," Riley answered simply, pointing at a black pair of heels in the corner of Maya's wardrobe. 

Maya slipped on the shoes and wobbled a little. She was pretty unsteady in them, but once she saw how well they tied the outfit together she didn't care. 

Riley straightened Maya's hair and then curled the bottom half. After about an hour and a half, they were both finally ready. Maya dressed April in a little red tutu and white tights. She looked adorable. As she got all of April's things together, she started to question whether or not this was a good idea. It would be April's bedtime soon and she wasn't used to sleeping at Lucas's. But Maya had promised Lucas she would go and there was no one else to watch April, so she thought she'd better go through with it. She could always just come home if there was a problem. 


Riley knocked on the door while Maya stood back with the baby, reluctant to enter the room. It was Lucas that answered. 

"Riley! You're here!" he pulled her into a hug immediately. 

"Look like there's a ton of people here already," Riley pointed out, looking over his shoulder.

His apartment was decorated head to toe for Christmas. There were ornaments and tinsel everywhere you looked.  

"Yeah! Go ahead, grab a drink or some food or whatever," Lucas told her, letting her pass him in the doorway. 

He then spotted Maya lurking back and holding April. 

"You coming?" he asked, gesturing towards the room full of people. 

"What, no welcoming committee?" Maya asked. 

Lucas closed out the door behind him and stepped into the hall with her. 

"What, do you not wanna do this now?" he asked. 

"I do, I'm just...uneasy about it," Maya admitted. 

He took her hand and grabbed everything Maya was carrying besides the baby. 

"Come on," he said, pulling her into the room. 

Almost everyone turned to stare at her and the baby when they entered. 

"I'll go drop this stuff in my room," Lucas told her as he moved away with April's things. 

He already had a crib set up for when he had April during the day, but she'd never slept in it all night. 

Maya sat down on a chair in a quiet corner and sat her baby on her lap. She immediately checked the time. It was only 8:30. She decided she would put April to bed in half an hour. It was still much later than her regular bed time, but it was the best he could do. She sat for a minute but then decided she should at least make some kind of effort to socialize. She walked over to the middle of the room to get some snacks, baby on her hip. 

She's Having My Baby: A 12 Days of Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now