Festive Fighting

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December 23rd

Maya had been having such a nice day. She was still full of excitement for Riley and Farkle, she was still on a high from her date with Josh, and she felt fully ready for Christmas. All she'd planned to do today was stay at home with her baby and relax. Apparently she was allowed no such day. 

At about one o'clock, she received a phone call from an unknown number. 

"Hello?" she answered, slightly annoyed. 

"Hi, is this Maya Hart?" a woman asked. 


"Hi Maya, my name is Jennifer Brown. I'm calling regarding the message you left us yesterday, you're interested in a job at my store?" 

Maya suddenly changed her whole attitude. 

"Yes, yes I'm very interested. Thank you for getting back to me," Maya said politely. 

"No problem. Now, we're really busy since it's almost Christmas, but we desperately need someone to start in January. Would it be okay if we did a quick phone interview now?" 

Maya was very taken aback and could feel herself getting increasingly nervous, but she knew she needed to try for this job. 

"That sounds great!" Maya said enthusiastically.


The woman went on to ask Maya a few questions: "why are you interested in this job?", "what skills do you have that would help you excel in this job?", "have you had previous jobs similar to this?" 

Maya answered them as best she could. She actually felt she did pretty well. But as the interview came to an end, Maya felt it was only right to give them all the information. 

"And you're sixteen?" the woman asked. 

"Yes," Maya replied. 

"Alright. We should be getting back to you very soon."

"Wait, there's one more thing you should probably know before you make your decision," Maya told her. 

Maya had to force herself to say it. She felt like she was literally rejecting the job before she'd even been offered it. 

"I have a baby." 

"I'm sorry, what was that?" the woman asked nicely. 

"I have an eight-month old daughter. I just thought you should know, in case that changes you opinion or...whatever," Maya let her sentence drift off. 

"Okay, well I appreciate your honesty Maya. You should be expecting a phone call within the next few days," the woman said evenly. 

Maya couldn't read her tone. She couldn't tell if the news had ruined her chances or not. 

"Okay, thank you."

Maya finished the phone call and tried to just forget about it. If she got the job, great. If not, she'd just have to keep looking. 

She's Having My Baby: A 12 Days of Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now