Chapter 24

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When I awoke it was almost dark outside, the sun was just going over the horizon. The anthem would go off soon and the screen will show which tributes were killed. I was hoping that at least more than half were gone, I wasn't calling death upon them or anything, I just wanted to get things over with so I could go home.

My back was sore from sleeping up right. I was surprised that no one found Inna and I, I wonder what happened to Keene, is he still on the platform, fear overtaking him? Or did he go for it and drowned? Or, did he make it?

So many questions, yet no answers. Inna was fast asleep on the couch, cradling herself and sucking her thumb. She's in shock, going into a state of panic that she feels like a small child again. I felt sorry for her, for all of the tributes forced into this game in which no one wins.

I go to the front window and peer out of the curtains, checking my surroundings. No activity yet, just a piece of tumbleweed blowing in the breeze. I go over to Inna and shake her awake. "What?" She asks dreary eyes. "We're going to get going soon, once it's dark and the anthem goes off. Everyone will be too busy looking in the sky than to notice us. Grab all your things and be ready to move. We're going to the small woods on the outskirts of the town."

She nods, rubbing her eyes and gathering her things. I do the same, every once in a while checking the windows for anything out of the ordinary. I'm guessing its about eight p.m. by the suns position. We'll leave at nine, when the anthem begins.

All of a sudden I hear a bang and crash, a window being blown out. It wasn't our house, but the one about two houses down. I grab Inna and pull her down and into a wall, telling her to stay put, quiet, and out of sight. I also gave her a knife just in case.

I go to one of the windows that is facing the noise. I then hear a scream, and a gun shot. Then I hear the blast of a sign that someone died. Inna gasped and began to shake. I nodded, showing her that it's okay.

I peered out of the window to see three people fighting. One of them carry a gun, and it's male, he's very short, not Keene. He shoots another person in the leg. A girl screams and runs to the wounded persons side crying. The boy shoots the wounded again, this time killing her. The girl screams, yelling "NO!". Then he shoots the other girl without flinching.

He leaves them there, and runs down the road disappearing behind the corner. Who was that? And how did he get a gun? I thought I threw all the ammunition into the ocean. Unless, there was more in the box that I saw. Dammit.

I waited until the two blasts went off for both of the girls who were shot, then went to the front door of the house. Inna winced, signaling me to stay, but i shake her off and say, "It's okay, in only going to check it out. You stay here and hold the fort. It's okay, you can do it." She nods nervously.

I open the door and peer out of a crack, the streets empty. The sun was just leaving the earths surface, the waters glowing yellow and ripple in an array of color. It was beautiful, a sight that will help put me at ease.

I then venture out. I slowly pulled my bow down into my hands as steady as possible, and bring one arrow down into the hold. I've had it too easily lately, now is the real games.

I was about ten yards away when I hear a rustle in the buses near me, i get my bow ready when out pops a small boy with a bald head, his face full of fear and covered in sweat. He holds his hands up, and drops to his knees. "Please, don't shoot, I'm only passing though."

I'm not sure if he is a threat, he seems vulnerable. But, he could also be a sign of my life or death. I aim right at his heart, I will not hesitate if I have to. He begins to cry, and puts his face in his hands. "Shh! Quiet!" He stops and looks up at me, and nods. I beckon him to go, and he sprints off.

Once he's gone I whip around and check my surroundings, no noise or movement, I'm wide open for any attack.

I slowly go up to the bodies and see they are both lifeless, I poke them with my shoe and they just wobble side to side. I hurriedly check their bags and pockets for anything valuable, and find a knife, and two bags with food, roping, a flask with water, and some more stuff I just don't have time to look for.

After I gather the things I sprint back to the house. I've never actually seen an arena like this, with homes and streets, mostly the arenas are based on nature or destruction. Not a calm neighborhood.

Once I make it back to the house I once again check everything around me, and make my way inside. "Inna? Inna are you in here?" No answer.

I look around in the darkness, but see no Inna. "Inna where are you?" Right now, I'm asking myself, for I will get no response.

Inna's gone.

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