Chapter 30

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It was always hard making a new friend when I was in school. I wasn't a very sociable type of girl. I liked to keep to myself. The only reason- pretty much- that Scarlet and I were ever friends were because of our parents. But, later on, we grew closer and I finally trusted her. She really grew on me when I taught her to hunt and she killed her first animal which was a squirrel. She bawled her eyes out, but soon enough got over it and ate her first squirrel. Of course I was proud of her.

That's probably why it was so hard to find friends when I came here. Into the games. It's not like I wanted friends, I just didn't want to be hated for no reason. My father would tell me that the reason people didn't like me is because they were intimidated by me. He says intimidated, I say scared.

I was always avoided during school, my theory was that everyone hated my parents for starting the Games again.

Therefore I was punished for their doing.

Therefore putting me in this situation.

Therefore ending my life....

I feel like I am floating. That I have no mass or weight holding me down. Like my soul has finally taken flight... The water in my lungs just sits there, drowning me. Taking my life away from me. This is it. This is truly it.

But then, the water begins to come up out of my lungs, through my throat, and out of my mouth. My chest begins to feel heavier, a type of breeze flowing through my lungs.

Air. Oxygen. Life.

I gasp and sit up quickly. Water drips off of my lips, and two faces look down upon me in fear. Then they turn to relief. Inna and Davin.

Davin wipes his mouth, then smiles. A dark body lays behind them. gavin has a gash below his left eye. What happened? Inna gasps, "Lilac! Oh my God!" She leaps into my arms and hugs me so tight it suffocates me like water. I am too shocked to respond, my limbs lay limp at my sides.

I am safe, I am not dead. I am alive.

I try to move but can't, for my body feels stiff. I can't blink either. I try my hardest but I can't do anything. I am paralyzed with fear.

"Here let me." Says Gavin as he puts one arm under my legs and the other behind my back. He lifts me like I'm nothing and begins to carry me. I can't help but look at the body.

The boy from 7.

I try to gasp but my lungs don't allow it. Just in, and out. Nice cool air. No drowning water, no weight on top of me, just freedom.

We make it back to the cave, and Gavin sets me down in the sleeping bag.

"Why isn't she doing anything!?" Yells Inna.

"She's in shock. She's pretty much paralyzed." Says Gavin.

Inna's eyes fill with tears. I haven't seen her so weak. I guess the games finally broke her. I want to hug her an tell her it's okay. Then again I want I slap her in the face and open her eyes and say, "This is the Hunger Games! What more do you expect!?"

I am both gentle, and strong. I am my parents daughter. But I scold myself for wanting to slap Inna in the face. But really, what more did she expect?

Finally I have feeling in my limbs, and I can finally blink back the dryness that has formed. Inna rushes to my side and Gavin just watches me.

"How are you?" She asks. "I'm fine, really."

"Yeah, on account that you actually died! Until Gavin gave you mouth to mouth and saved you. He also took out that-''

I doze off at the thought of Davin's lips on mine. I blush. Why am I thinking so foolishly?! I am only 13, relationships are least of my worries. Especially with a boy like this. I don't even know why he is bald, but I can barely see the small peach fuzz of hair growing in. His eyes are a piercing blue that are always wide in concentration or alert. He has a small nose, small ears, and is a little taller than me- ah! I'm doing it again.


"Then he got hit in the eye with the but of a gun! Though he kept going! He kicked the legs out from under the boy from seven, then punched him in the face so hard it KILLED him!! I don't know about you but I'm a little afraid of this boy. While he was fighting I dragged you out of the water and sat you up. Of course, i didn't know CPR or anything. So, I was scared, and I didn't know what to do..." She dozes off and Gavin takes her place.

"She then went into shock, and once I was finished fighting, I came over and gave you CPR. Thus saving your life. Long story short." He says with a half sly smile.

I don't smile back. I already ow this boy too much in return. Now there's another thing to add on to the list. Great.

"Here." He says, handing me some type of meat. "It's that squirrel you caught. While you were in shock I cooked it. Eat up, you need your strength."

"What about you two?" I ask frantically.

"We'll be fine for now. Once your done were going to move out. In the mean time, eat." I don't question him. I dig into the meat, which tastes like any other meat. Good.

Once I'm done I throw the bones aside and gather my things. I can already feel my strength coming back.

I didn't know how weak I really was.

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