Part 2

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Chapter 13

We made it to the main lobby, the room was almost completely empty if it weren't for the Avox's standing beside every door. I was sat down on one of the leather chairs as Gina went outside. I sat quietly, still in shock from all of the screaming fans.

All if a sudden, the front doors opened and in poured these children no older than 13, all of them looking vulnerable and small. Some have fear on their faces, some confused, and some just normal. Gina came walking in behind them with other adults. Gina came up to me and lead me away from the kids. "Who were they?" I ask. "The rest of the tributes who you will compete with."

I stopped in my tracks. ''What! They're only, like, twelve years old!! How?!" She grabs my elbow and drags me into a supply closet. "It was their doing Lilac, the Empire, they meant to choose victors under 12 years. They did this in revenge for your mother years ago. They just came up with it too."

I felt tears begin to weld in my eyes. "I can't do this, I can't kill twelve year olds. Ill have to do it because its not like they will kill anyways!!!" I broke down crying. "They can't do this!"

"I'm sorry, but they already did..."

We made it down the hall and we turned sharply to the left. We made it to these Steele double doors that seem out of place with all of this luxury. Gina slid a card key through the slot, and the doors automatically opened.

She led me down two more hallways, then to a room that was probably mine. She opened the door and slammed it behind us. She sat me down on the bed, and went into the bathroom and got me a warm wash cloth. She wiped away my tears gently while I cried away.

When I was finally calmed down, I said, "so they rigged all of the districts?"

She nods, "They thought that getting chosen at twelve was the rarest thing in the world. So they made it come true, to make us all lose hope right when your name is dropped into that bowl. You see, Lori didn't draw Hevry and Scartlet's names, she was assigned to say their names. They didn't have a chance to be chosen. Your aunt prim was one in a million, but still she was. And your mother volunteering was an even bigger matter. They let you volunteer because they think that when they get rid of you this year, they'll get your brother next year. Once your dead, they will have complete control over all. Without you, all hope is lost."

My heart sank deep into my chest. "So, I just can't die? It's not as easy as you think, especially when it involves the games!"

"I know, I know. But just think, your parents were the most famous victors there ever was. And your their daughter."

Chapter 14

I sat and stared at my food, not exactly hungry about the information that I had just heard about. I may have to kill 12 year olds, young and vulnerable. I just can't wrap my mind around it.

"Aren't you going to eat your food?" Asks Gina

"I'm not very hungry.. May I be excused?" She nods and I walk back to my room.

I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, my training will be tomorrow, and then I will have to show myself. What will I present myself as? Agile and nimble? Or strong and fast? Am I just going to shoot my bow? No, I have to make myself known. I have to show them what I'm made of.

I finally drift off asleep when I have an amazing idea that will leave an impact on the game makers that they will never forget.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was really busy with basketball, but if you like comment and vote!!! Thanks for reading!!! Chapter 15 will come soon, and you'll see exactly what Lilac meant!

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