Chapter 27

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Every once and a while, Inna would groan. It would scare me every time. Her weight began to become too much, luckily I found a small cave just on the edge of the woods. I slowly set her down on the stone floor, and pulled her back as far the cave would let me. The night air began to get a little cold. Sadly I left my jacket at my foundation.

I searched through my bag to see if anything will help, and find a sleeping bag. I also pull out the needle and thread.

I grab the cloth she screamed into, and went outside to find a stream or source of water. I look to the floor of the forest, seeing if there is any moss or if the ground is moist. It took me about ten minutes to find a trail.

I follow it until I hear a stream, then water. I rush to it, and fill my flask, then get the cloth wet. I sprint back to Inna right when I get the last drop.

A blast goes off. Someone is dead.


I sprint as fast as my legs will carry, branches hit me in the face and cut my arms. I clutch the water and cloth like my life depends on it. My legs begin to burn, but I keep pushing. Please be okay, please be okay.

When I get back i rush to her side. i feel her pulse, she's okay. Relief floods through me, I wonder who did die. I guess I'll find out later. Luckily she is still asleep, I wouldn't want her awake when I'm puncturing her with a needle and thread like she's a rag doll. I lift up her shirt and see the wound.

I almost puke.

Blood seeps through the puncture, spurting like a hose. Thank God it's not infected. I hurriedly clean it, first pouring water then cleaning it with the cloth. I wish I had some type of liquid to clean her wound with, something. Then Gina pops into my head.

I run outside and look to the trees, hopefully it has a camera. I make hand gestures indicating that I need antiseptic. I even say the name a few times. I clasp my hands together and plead. Then I fall to my knees crying.

The tears just came. And then left as quick as that. I stood, wiped my face, and went back inside to cleanse Inna.

I decide to wait a little while before I sew it shut, for I might get the medicine. I put pressure on both sides of the wound, then tie the rope around it to keep from bleeding.

When I take my hands away they are shaking. Red covers them, Inna's blood. When I try to swallow its like a lead ball is stuck in my throat. If I don't get the medicine soon, Inna will die from blood loss.

When I walk outside the glare of dawn shines across the arena. A beautiful sight through all this horror. I grab my bow and make my way to find some game.

I walked slowly and quietly, listening for game, or anyone following me. I realize that this is only but the second day, and there's already killing and Inna is already hurt.

I finally see a squirrel a few feet away from me, and I pull my bow back. Before I can shoot, it jumps at me screeching. Claws and huge teeth poke out of the small animal. Right when it's about to hit me, I dive to the right. It misses me by centimeters.

I tuck and roll and look behind me to see a whole pack of them. Red eyes, huge claws, bearing teeth, all screeching in harmony. Sending chills down my spine.

I fasten my bow around my shoulder and run.

I can't run towards Inna, they will rip her to shreds in her state. So I run in the opposite direction. Towards the ocean. Hopefully they can't swim.

My lungs burn, my legs throb, but I keep running. I hear their screams, the thuds of their feet pounding while running. I hear them in the trees, rustling while hitting branches. My feet pound hard on the ground, which turns to gravel once I'm in the streets. I feel a searing pain in my shoulder, and I glance to see one of them chewing on it, ripping flesh. I scream and pull out my knife, and stab it. I then grab it, and throw the creature behind me. I feel blood trickle down my left shoulder.

I finally see the ocean, I can taste the the salt. Just a little bit further. Another bites me in the leg, and I fall, knocking my head off of the cement.

Everything goes black.

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