Chapter 29

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My legs burn, my arms pump as I run for the cave to save my best friend. She is still alive, but not much longer if I don't hurry. Did she wake up and think that I abandoned her? Did she think that I died? Just thinking that made me run faster.

Finally j see it in view, and I slide on my knees into the cave. She jumps at my sudden appearance. "Lilac?"

I jump into her arms, but then she yells in pain. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I just thought that something bad may have happened to you... How's your wound?"

"Holding up pretty good, but I'm afraid if I don't close it soon it will become infected with whatever diseases they put in here-" She stops when she sees Davin. She back up slowly and grabs the knife. "No it's okay, he's with me." She sighs with relief.

I smile, but that makes me think of the begging I did to get medicine. Did Gina get the message? "Did you see or hear any parachutes fall?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, and where did you go?" I sigh and look at Davin. He's smiling and shaking his head. I tell Inna the story of everything that happened. She listens and never looks away. Once I'm done she takes a look at me and asks, "Are you okay?" I smile and nod. "I bet I would have died if it weren't for him."

Davin smiles. "Now how about I get that wound closed." She nods. I grab my flask and the cloth, and untie the rope around her torso. I lift her shirt to find her wound still bleeding, but not as bad since I put pressure. When I look up a her she is pale, all color is drained from her face.

"Do you want to be asleep for this?" I ask. She shakes her hesd, "Just get it over with."

Right when I'm about to start, a little beeping sound stops me. The sound of a parachute.

I sprint outside and see a parachute falling lightly from the sky. It lands safety in my hands, and when I open it I see that it's the medicine that I needed for Inna's wound. I smile, and go back into the cave.

She smiles too when I tell her what it is, and I rub the medicine on her wound. She bites on the sleeping bag. She groans in pain, I wonder what she'll be like when I begin to seal it shut. Once I rub it all in, I take out the needle. She gasps and tears fall from her eyes.

"Punch me as hard as you can Gavin. Knock me out please." Says Inna in a wobbly tone. Gavin hesitates.


Gavin stands/crouches and walks over to Inna. She closes her eyes and waits. I wait too. He pulls his hand back and flies it forward. Her eyes open wide, then they become lifeless and she falls over. Out cold. Gavin rubs his fist, I didn't know he could punch that hard.

I begin to sew.

It takes me about two hours to completely seal her wound, which was harder than you think. She woke up about 15 minutes into it. I finally realized that Gina had also sent me sleep serum, so then Gavin doesn't have to hit Inna again.

Once I'm done, I grab my bow and make my way outside to the stream to wash my hands off and fill the flask. I run my hands along tree trunks and pluck leaves from trees. I feel at home. All I want to do now is close my eyes and lay in a bed of grass and sleep. Let my pale skin soak up the suns warmth. I want my mother to sing to me, my father to hold me, my brother smile at me. But right now, I want the impossible.

I finally make it to the stream and end down to wash my hands. When I'm done filling the flask I hear a twig break, or maybe leaves crunching. Either way it's not good.

Before I can turn I feel myself being shoved. I fall into the water, I try to come up for air but a body is holding me down. My lungs scream for air, and I begin to choke on water. I thrash and try to break free, but the person on me weighs too much.

I begin to sob, and I can feel my body giving out. I'm going to die.

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