Cheradine - Complicated Feelings

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Chapter 1

Sitting around Nadine’s front room of her London home after one of Nadine’s long flights from LA to London, was becoming a regular occurrence for the GA girls. And often the alcohol was constantly flowing, as Sarah would have it no other way, to her Nadine being back “home” was more than enough reason to celebrate and let their hair down.

“I‘m sooooo glad that we might get a bit more Nadine time for the next couple of months, brief visits just aren’t enough for me”, Sarah stated whilst knocking back cocktail.

“You’re telling me, I know I like travelling but it’s been so hetic for the last couple of months,” Nadine groaned dramatically in her distinct Irish twang whilst animatedly waving her arms around.

“Ha you’ve managed well Nads, you know we’re all impressed with your country hopping”, Kimberley smiled.

“Nearly as impressive as your man hopping,” Sarah chipped in with a wicked smile.

“Me?!?!” Nadine responded in a higher tone.

The girls laughed, “You have to admit Nads, you’re normally running off scared of commitment even if they’ve just given you a kiss.” Cheryl said teasingly and poked her tongue out at Nadine.

Nadine huffed and crossed her arms pretending to be in a mood, even though she knew the girls were joking, her commitment along with her eccentric accent was always a topic of teasing for her; “I’m nat that bad” she whined.

Kimberley put an arm around Nadine stroked her shoulder, “we know you aren’t don’t worry, I still love you.”

“Suck up” Cheryl and Nicola coughed at the same time.

“More like the caring mother, am I allowed another glass of alcohol mummy?” Sarah asked in a humorous tone.

“Only if you get all of us one, and apologise to Nadine” Kimberley said with a smile.

“Sorry Nadine baby”, Sarah said with a smile and went off to get more alcohol.

Cheryl took Sarah’s place next Nadine and put a hand on her leg, “How are things with Jason? Is he going to be coming over from LA?”

Nadine subconsciously shifted slightly to be closer to Cheryl and looked at her with a charming smile, “things are good, going slowly which is how I like it, he will be coming over at some point but he’s spending time with his family. As I kinda kept him from them whilst I was in LA.” As much as Cheryl loved seeing Nadine happy, as well as the other girls, there was just something about Nadine being with Jason that she didn’t like. However, all the other girls thought he was perfect for Nadine so she thought she’d keep her doubts to herself.

Nicola smiled at Nadine, thinking that maybe just maybe her friend was slowly getting over her commitment phobia, Jason was certainly a sweet and caring guy; “Has he mentioned the moving in card yet?”

“Gee Nic don’t scare her with such ideas, we don’t want her having nightmares on her first night back here”, Sarah laughed to herself as she walked in with a tray of drinks for the girls.

Kimberley lightly slapped Sarah’s wrist, “enough teasing of Nads tonight Sarah”, she playfully told off the blonde.

“Yer Sarah stop being mean, you’re just jealous.” Cheryl playfully added whilst taking two drinks and handing one to Nadine with one of her trademark dimpled smiles.

“Of course I am, I just can’t stand how successful she is,” Sarah playfully stated and poked her tongue out at Nadine who was blushing at the mention of her individual success. Cheryl smiled to herself, she loved how bashful Nadine was when it came to her success as a solo artist. Sarah sat herself down next to Nicola whilst passing a drink to her and affectionately ruffling her hair.

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