Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The girls have been progressing steadily with their album, so far everything they have done they are really pleased with, and they are roughly a month from finishing the recording process and having enough tracks to choose a top class album. And each one of the girls has loved every minute of it; from recording their vocals, chilling out in the studio whilst listening to the other girls record, improvising on songs, playing around with melodies and of course making each other laugh.

Nadine is in a sound booth belting out a section of a very emotional song; Nicola and Sarah are also in other sound booths in different rooms of the studio, recording sections for the same song. Kimberley and Cheryl are lying on the sofas in the room Nadine’s sound booth is situated, able to hear her perfectly, and watching her through the glass wall.

“This song is made for her; she will own it on stage.” Kimberley stated quietly to Cheryl as not to disturb the producers that were at the sound desk.

Cheryl nodded, “that’s if this even get’s on the album, I love the song, but we have so much material its unreal.” The two girls continued to listen to Nadine sing, her voice made Cheryl feel serene, the Irish girl’s accent was still evident in her singing voice which Cheryl loved.

Kimberley looked at Cheryl smiling, “it still amuses me how the twang in her accent still comes across whilst she sings.”

Cheryl chuckled softly, “aye, cutest thing ever though.”

Kimberley nodded in agreement, she looked over at Cheryl who had now closed her eyes and was curled up at the end of the sofa looking like she would fall asleep. There was a very blissful look on Cheryl’s face and Kimberley was pretty sure it was due to Nadine’s voice. It was so obvious to Kimberley that Nadine and Cheryl’s friendship was growing into something deeper, even if they couldn’t see it themselves. Kimberley laughed to herself, all the fans were convinced the same thing had or was happening between Cheryl and Kimberley. She understood why, her and Cheryl did have a very close friendship, in a way Kimberley did think they were soul mates; they understood each other perfectly and had been through a hell of a lot together. But then Kimberley would go to say she thought all of the girls in the band were soul mates, she was convinced they were meant to be in the band together, it just worked so perfectly. Yet there was something different between Nadine and Cheryl, their friendship was very strong and they have always cared for each other, but Kimberley could sense something deeper was happening between the two. She knew it was just time before Nicola and Sarah would see it as well, they’d already been making comments about the closeness of Nadine and Cheryl. Again she smiled to herself, she was certain Nadine and Cheryl would be the last people to realise their feelings for each other, she just wondered how long it would actually take.

Nadine finished up on her section feeling rather drained; sometimes the emotional songs were actually emotional straining and took the energy out of her. She exited the sound booth to listen back to what she recorded and to hear the thoughts of the producers etc. She saw Kimberley and Cheryl laying on the sofa, Nadine went over and lifting the girls legs up sat down between them and let out a sigh.

Kimberley lightly stroked Nadine’s hair, “you sounded absolutely gorgeous babe.” She said smiling and passed Nadine a bottle of water.

Cheryl sleepily yawned, “Yer Nads your voice is stunning.” She tenderly placed her hand on the tired Irish girl’s leg.

Nadine turned to Cheryl, “Glad to know my singing sent you to sleep.” She said with a soft smile and continued to drink the water.

Cheryl sat up and rested her head on the back of the sofa so she was facing Nadine, “No, that’s a good thing babe, your voice is so calming to me.” She continued to stroke Nadine’s arm with her hand.

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