Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It had been a week since the girls photo shoot; which was received well from their management and the album and first single cover shots were chosen. After a few more meetings, which were dragged out far too long in Cheryl’s opinion resulting in less time for her to spend alone with Nadine, the album title was decided - Part II. Their first single to be released from the album is Captured Love; think a cross between Call The Shots and The Promise; all the girls were excited about the single and album, personally they thought it was their best yet. Their video for the single is to be shot tomorrow, much to the girls’ excitement and dread; the pressure on them for something great has gradually been building and building.

Luckily for the girls they had been given the day off before their video shoot; Nadine was sitting at the kitchen counter of her flat drinking her morning tea. She was considering breaking up with Jason; she had cheated once and she said she would never do it again, yet she found herself cheating on Jason with Cheryl. Everything with Cheryl had happened so fast and she was rarely seeing/talking to Jason as she was so busy with the band to consider a trip to LA; but that morning she had a phone call from her ‘LA’ boyfriend and he was clearly missing her, however, if she was honest with herself he hadn’t even crossed her mind. She thought that was partly down to Cheryl, recently everything involved the stunning brunette; when they were together either working or chilling out, they are wrapped up in each other; and when she isn’t with her favourite Geordie all she does is think about her; the contagious dimple smile, the rose thorn tattoo around her thigh, the dimples in her lower back, the luscious brunette locks, the list being endless.

Cheryl smiled to herself as she pulled out the key for Nadine’s flat door from her expensive yet freebie handbag; she remembered the feeling of elation when Nadine rolled her eyes and told her she might as well have her own key and chucked her spare pair at the Geordie, after having to get up to open the door to the Geordie for what felt the umpteenth time to the younger Irish girl. As much as Nadine tried to make it look like it was a snap decision, Cheryl knew the girl well and knew she would have thought about her decision as she was normally such a commitment phobe; but weirdly Nadine hadn’t shown any signs of being scared of commitment with Cheryl which the Geordie couldn’t be more pleased about.

Nadine was so deep in thought she hadn’t heard the lock turn in the flat door, or registered the entrance of Cheryl as she walked in brightly with one of her honest dimpled smiles adorning her beautiful features. Cheryl noted that there was no reaction from her Irish lover and instantly recognised the concentrated etched in to the younger girls face;  the Geordie looked around the flat to find the reason for such concentration but saw no explanation, apart from Nadine and a cup of tea. Cheryl decided to cough to alert Nadine to her presence, knowing from experience that doing something physical i.e. giving the girl a hug results in a near black eye incident.

At the sound of the Geordie’s cough the Irish girl jumped slightly with a startled expression, and turning to see who made the noise, instantly smiled when she saw it was her favourite brunette. “Oh hey you.” She said cutely turning her body to Cheryl, beckoning her over with her arms outstretched for a hug.

Cheryl placed her bag down on one of the decorative coffee tables in Nadine’s flat and walked over Nadine, wrapping her arms around her, taking in the scent she absolutely loved, “Hey yourself.” She replied whilst slowly pulling slightly away from the hug, with her arms still wrapped around the younger girl’s waist. Resting her forehead on the Irish girl’s she slowly leant forward to capture the sweet lips of the blonde, after what felt like a life time, yet not long enough, of kissing passionately she pulled away and quickly placed a chaste kiss on the younger girl’s lips which was instantly mirrored by Nadine; something that was becoming routine to the two lovers.

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