Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cheryl looked in Kimberley’s caring eyes and had to tell her. “I love Nadine.” With that Cheryl burst into tear.

Kimberley pulled Cheryl into a hug, “hey Cheryl pet, why are you crying?” she asked whilst stroking the Geordie girl, trying to calm her down.

Cheryl sniffed, “She’s hardly going to feel the same way Kimba.” She couldn’t control her tears as they continually flowed down her cheeks.

Kimberley held Cheryl tightly, she hated seeing her best friend upset and crying, it made her feel completely helpless and she could feel tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “Cheryl listen to me, there is definitely no reason why she wouldn’t feel the same way about you.” Cheryl looked up at Kimberley with an unconvinced look on her face, “Trust me Cheryl; it wouldn’t surprise me if she does.”

Cheryl felt a bit of hope as she heard Kimberley’s words, “what makes you say that?” she asked the older girl, she may have been able to admit her feelings to Kimberley but there was no way she would face potential embarrassment by telling Nadine unless she was sure the feeling was mutual.

Kimberley smiled at Cheryl, “Babe, I’m best friends with both of you, I could tell you had feelings for her, I was just waiting for you to realise them. And I can tell by the way she acts around you, I’m pretty sure she feels the same; she just might not know it yet. Give her time.”

Cheryl had a small smile on her face, it was true Kimberley knew her too well; it didn’t surprise her one bit that Kimberley knew what Cheryl was feeling before she did herself. “What do you mean the way she acts around me?” Cheryl felt she needed reassuring from Kimberley, she still wasn’t sure if it could be possible for Nadine to have the same feelings for her.

Kimberley chuckled softly; she could tell Cheryl wanted reassurance, but the Geordie really was blind if she couldn’t see that Nadine acted differently with her than the other girls. “Cheryl have you not noticed how she has to touch you with any chance she has, if she’s down whenever she sees you she straightaway cheers up, she watches you when you don’t realise, you two just have this sparkle when you’re together...would you like me to go on?” The older girl smiled as she saw the Geordie sit there contemplating what the older girl had just told her.

Cheryl shrugged, “Oh. Well I’m not saying anything or acting on it until I’m completely sure.” Cheryl certainly didn’t want her heart to be hurt again; she could stand just being best friends with Nadine even if it did mean she couldn’t express her true feelings for the girl.

Kimberley nodded slowly and held the younger girl close to her, “that’s fair enough. Just don’t you dare give up on her. You two are far too cute together and I want both of you to be happy. And you have a lot of time to charm her before she heads back to LA for a holiday, starting with this evening.” Kimberley knew that Cheryl must have been scared about her feelings but more so not having them reciprocated by the Irish girl, she just hoped Cheryl realised there was no reason to feel scared.

Cheryl smiled softly at Kimberley’s words, feeling much more comforted, “Don’t worry I won’t give up, I have my Geordie charm, remember?” Cheryl flashed Kimberley a winning smile, “Right, let’s getting ready for tonight. We need to look stunning. Well I do. Could you dress down so I have more of an impact?” Cheryl teasingly asked; it was funny how a few comforting words from her best friend and the thought of seeing Nadine tonight made her feeling much happier.

Kimberley smiled at the Cheryl jumping off the sofa to get ready and the very quick change in mood, “for the impact you want I may have to wear a bin bag.” She said with a wink.

Cheryl laughed, “Thanks babe, you’re a real motivator.” Cheryl grabbed Kimberley’s hand and dragged her upstairs to get ready.

Later that evening, Nadine was at her home rushing around making sure she had everything before Sarah was about to drag her out for being so late.

“Nads I’m the one with the nickname Half hour Harding, you are upstaging me being this late.” Sarah looked at her watch to see that the two girls would definitely be about an hour late, she’d already called the girls to tell them and from the sounds of it the other girls were already at the bar and well on the way to being drunk. “We’ll have to play major catch up by the time we’re there.”

Nadine laughed whilst slipping into killer Louboutin heels, “No worries Sarah, I’m more than happy to do shots with you once we are there. Now where’s my keys?” Nadine asked whilst looking around.

Sarah stood there holding up the Irish girl’s keys, “You mean these?” chuckling to herself at Nadine’s slightly but very adorable annoyed expression.

Nadine dramatically sighed, “Yes those, now let’s go get drunk.”

Nicola, Kimberley and Cheryl were all around a table in the VIP section of the bar, already suitably beyond tipsy, as Nadine and Sarah arrived. Sarah spotted the girls and dragged Nadine along, “Before you say anything, its Nadine’s fault we are late.” Announcing their arrival to the other girls who had been deep in conversation about how to out drink Sarah.

“Ah Sarah, we were talking about you!” Nicola exclaimed happily stumbling out of her seat to give her a hug, “Don’t touch the hair.” She warned jokingly before wrapping her arms around Sarah’s neck on spotting Nadine the redhead let go of Sarah. “She brought Nads!” the redhead flung herself at Nadine giving her a huge hug.

Nadine looked over Nicola’s shoulders to the other girls, “how much has she had?” she caught Cheryl’s eye, she couldn’t help but stare at the Geordie who looked breath taking.

Cheryl didn’t break eye contact with Nadine, she didn’t see why she should, the Irish girl's eyes were so mesmerising; “don’t worry she won’t be talking to stools yet, just give her a few more shots.”

“Talking of shots” Sarah turned to Nadine, “Nadine here owes me a shot race at the bar.” Sarah walked over to the Irish girl and detangled the red head from her, “Kimba make sure Nic doesn’t speak to any strangers. Coyle you’re coming with me to the bar.” Sarah took Nadine’s hand and led her to the bar.

Nicola looked at the other girl’s, “I may be drunk, but I know I don’t want to miss this.”

Cheryl laughed, “Me neither.”

Kimberley smiled knowingly, “of course you don’t.”

The girls were lined up at the bar, with Sarah and Nadine doing tequila shots. “Kimba make them stop, they are going to harm themselves soon. I’ve lost count of how many they’ve done.” Cheryl slurred whilst taking a sip from her own cocktail, watching Nadine down the shots was not helping the urge Cheryl had to pounce on Nadine. Cheryl knew she was very forward when she was drunk, but at this point Nadine looked simply irresistible and she wanted her to stop doing shots so that she could drag her on the dance floor.

Nicola laughed drunkenly, “You’ve lost count ‘cos of the amount you’ve been drinking. I think it’s funny.” She said whilst jokingly pointing an accusing finger at the Geordie.

Nadine winced as the alcohol went down her throat, “Ok ok ok I think...I think that might be me done...” She turned round unsteadily and put her arm around Cheryl’s shoulder to prop her up.

Sarah laughed, “Miss Coyle you disappoint me, giving up already. I’m not even that drunk.” Sarah said whilst turning to the girls, “Nic fancy a round of shots? Or will the baby of the band not rise to the challenge?”

Nicola flashed a wicked smile, “Bring it Harding.” She replied whilst stumbling over to take her place next to Sarah at the bar.

Kimberley rolled her eyes, she knew for well that she would have to look after the red head later that evening, “If either of you are sick you can hold your own hair out of the way.” Even though she knew, without doubt, that it would definitely be her job later on.

Cheryl was laughing at Nadine who grabbed the Geordie’s drink out of her hand to get rid of the after taste the tequila had left her, “You better be getting me another one of those.” Cheryl jokingly stated as Nadine finished it off.

Nadine smiled cheekily at Cheryl, “Now here I thought you would drag me to the dance floor at your first opportunity. But if you want another drink I don’t mind...” Nadine started on one of her drunken rambles before being quickly distracted from her chain of thought as Cheryl pulled her in the direction of the dance floor. “All you had to do was ask, no need to be so forceful...” the Irish girl mumbled to herself as she unsteadily followed Cheryl across the floor.

Cheryl led Nadine to the centre of the packed dance floor and was happy to see that the club was suitable dark enough so that they would not be recognised. Snaking her arms around Nadine’s waist, she pulled the Irish girl closer so their hips were touching, Cheryl looked at Nadine to see she had her pouty face on, “What’s wrong?” she asked knowing for well that Nadine probably had a very silly reason for being ‘upset’.

“I’m in every mind not to dance with you. Seeing as you dragged me here, without asking my permission to dance. Very rude indeed for someone who is meant to possess the Geordie charm.” Nadine replied in her best attempt to sound moody whilst drunk.

Cheryl smiled at the cute behaviour of Nadine, just one of the things she loved about the younger girl, “Awww aren’t you cute trying to play all hard to get on us. But how about you do us a favour and dance with me, you know you want to.” Cheryl laughed softly whilst squeezing Nadine’s waist, trying to pull her closer, if closer was actually possible.

Nadine smiled at Cheryl’s attempt to draw her closer, and proceeded to place her arms around Cheryl’s neck, leaning into Cheryl she whispered in her ear, “You know I’d play hard to get if it wasn’t so obvious I’ve already got you.” Nadine mentally stopped, she couldn’t believe she just said that to her best friend, what in God’s name made her want to flirt with her best friend?!

Cheryl felt her cheeks burn up, she was very grateful for the fact Nadine had kept her head rested on shoulder. If Nadine had just been joking, she certainly didn’t want her best friend see her reaction, it would have just confirmed what Nadine had said as being true. Yet she was certain that she could feel Nadine hold her tightly, and the Irish girl definitely just kissed her ear lobe, the feeling was Cheryl was experiencing was pure ecstasy. Cheryl started to think Nadine could actually have the same feelings for her, yer the girl was drunk but actively kissing her earlobe, Cheryl definitely hadn’t asked her to, although it could just be a bit of friendly affection the Geordie thought. Before she knew it, however, Nadine had pulled away slightly and her eyes connected with the deep chocolate eyes belonging to Cheryl.

Nadine didn’t know what she was doing or why, she knew her friendship with Cheryl had a new deeper dimension but up until now she wasn’t too sure what it was. But in the position she found herself on the dance floor, there was definitely something about the closeness to Cheryl that Nadine loved. All day being apart from Cheryl, Nadine had found herself wanting the evening to come as quick as possible so she could see her. And now she was drunk, her arms wrapped tightly around Cheryl’s neck pressed against each other that there was no way they could be any closer. She had just obviously flirted with the older girl, at this point she should be feeling that they had gone too far, yet it felt perfect and she was wanting more. She turned her head slightly, and tenderly brushed a kiss on Cheryl’s ear lobe, feeling the softness of Cheryl’s skin the Irish girl craved more. She pulled away slightly and her eyes flickered to Cheryl’s lips, she brought her gaze upwards to Cheryl’s eyes. She found them mesmerising and knew she could get lost in them for days, she could see so much desire in them, confusion and yet a hint of fear. Nadine couldn’t resist Cheryl any longer, she didn’t know why or how and she didn’t care, she just wanted her. Nadine’s eye’s flickered down to Cheryl’s lips again, lingered and went back up to stare back into the familiar deep chocolate eyes. She wasn’t sure if it had happened but she swore Cheryl nodded slightly, if it happened or not it gave Nadine the added confidence she needed, not that the alcohol she had consumed wasn’t giving plenty already. The Irish girl slowly leaned into Cheryl; the two girls never breaking eye contact, Nadine took one of her arms from around Cheryl’s neck and gently cupped Cheryl’s cheek with her hand. As Nadine’s forehead touched Cheryl’s she could feel the breath of the Geordie girl against her lips, teasing her, she was so close to what she craved. The Irish girl moved her hand on Cheryl’s face to the back of the girl’s head, tangling her fingers into the luscious hair, holding her gaze for just a while longer Nadine shut her eyes, feeling their noses touch as she slowly moved in closer...

The moment was completely tarnished as Nadine felt someone jump on her back, “what the f&*@!!” Nadine screamed whilst turning round to see a very drunk and red faced Sarah attempting to apologise. Nadine looked back at Cheryl to see she was still rooted to the spot, with a hand to her mouth touching the lips that Nadine had nearly captured with her own.

Kimberley and Nicola rushed over to Cheryl, whilst giving Sarah the ‘you’re dead look’, they tried to subtle join in dancing with her, so anyone watching wouldn’t think anything out of the ordinary. Sarah looked at Nadine and held out her hand, “Come with me to the toilet’s. I’ll explain. Please?” she drunkenly begged as she could see the anger and confusion in Nadine’s eyes.

“This better be good.” Nadine snapped back whilst following Sarah to the bathroom, and refusing to hold Sarah’s hand.

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