Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It has been a week since Nadine returned to London from LA. The girls had decided to meet up at a fancy restaurant with their boyfriends as it was the day before their first official meeting back as a band with Hilary and the rest of the management. Although throughout the week they had all been meeting up when they had the time, for coffee, shopping, dinner at each other’s and of course Sarah had dragged them all out for a few drinks that turned into many.

All the girls had arrived with the boyfriends and were sitting around the table drinking and chatting aimlessly, apart from Nadine who still hadn’t arrived with Jason.

“Maybe they are caught up in the bedroom, it has been a week or so since she’s been back...” Sarah cheekily put forward to the group.

“Sarah!?!” Nicola exclaimed, “Seriously, why is your mind so dirty?!”

The rest of the girls laughed, “Can’t be getting enough of it herself. Tommy what are you doing to her?” It was Cheryl’s turn to embarrass the blonde, who suitable turned bright red and playfully glared at Cheryl. The boys sat there feeling a little out of place from the girl’s playful but personal banter.

“More like what isn’t he doing?” Nicola chipped in with a cheeky smile.

Kimberley chuckled at the teasing but decided to smooth things over noticing that Tommy was also embarrassed and she feared that the girls would turn on her and Justin with their playful teasing. “Now girls play fair, the boys can’t know what we’re really like.”

At that moment, Nadine and Jason walked in the restaurant arm in arm and looked round for the table. Spotting the girls Nadine smiled and dragged Jason along behind her rushing to see the girls. Cheryl couldn’t help but stare at the younger Irish girl; she was wearing a short black body con dress that showed off her tanned legs for days. Nadine subconsciously flicked her blonde long hair over her shoulder which shimmered in the artificial light of the restaurant. Cheryl felt mesmerised, but then suddenly realised where she was and who she was practically drooling over, and she quickly picked up her drink. Out of the corner of the Geordie’s eye she could see Kimberley give her a questioning look but she soon turned back to Nadine as she came to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Nadine went around all the girls before finishing with Cheryl; she gave her a kiss on the cheek and a slightly longer hug, well Cheryl thought it was longer than the other girls got but then she was probably being biased. “Hey babe, we were just discussing the potential reasons for you being late.” Cheryl said with a smile, and also acknowledged Jason with a smile, who sat down next to Justin.

Nadine rolled her eyes knowing that Sarah would have probably said something inappropriate in front of the boys, “Oh well actually our driver was late, nothing to do with me or Jason.” She explained whilst giving Sarah a knowing look.

“What?! I didn’t suggest anything else.” Sarah said with mock surprise looking to Nicola for support who just laughed.

“Of course you didn’t Sarah. But sorry for making you guys wait.” Nadine said whilst sitting down next to Cheryl.

Cheryl lightly patted Nadine’s hand which was resting on the table, “No need to apologise babe, we literally just got our drinks. But now you’re here we can order. I’m sure Nic is starving.” Cheryl smiled and looked over to the red head who was indeed already deciding what to eat as soon as Cheryl mentioned ordering.

For the remainder of the time at the restaurant, everyone was enjoying each other’s company, mindlessly chatting and drinking. However, Cheryl couldn’t help herself from occasionally looking at Nadine for longer than she should, it was just the Irish girls lips captivated Cheryl who was fascinated by the way they produced Nadine's amazingly individual accent. Any reason for the slightest contact between each the two girls; passing salt, or passing the wine bottles between each other, Cheryl would greatly take the opportunity to feel Nadine's touch. She told herself it was just because she felt relaxed at the other girl’s touch, the thought she could possibly be falling for the Irish girl hadn’t even crossed her mind.

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