Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The five girls were meant to be attending their first meeting of the week to go through the songs they want on the album and any potential album names; they had a number of meetings scheduled for the next couple of days; as the record company knew from experience that it would be a long but worthwhile process. However, Nadine and Cheryl found themselves running late whilst rushing around the Irish girl’s house trying to get ready whilst their car was waiting for the two of them outside. Cheryl had found herself staying over Nadine’s for the second night in a row; she didn’t have to worry about telling Ashley where she was as he had been at an away match. The older girl loved staying with Nadine, she had never felt more loved and wanted in her life and the Irish girl had definitely proved her lust for the older girl the night before and that morning; the main reason for the two girls running late; but Cheryl definitely wasn’t going to complain.

Cheryl was dashing in and out of room’s looking for her Blackberry, she was completely ready apart from the lack of her vital Blackberry; “Babe have you seen my Blackberry?” she called out to the younger girl who was in her walk in closet choosing what bag to take with her.

Nadine eventually decided on her new Mulberry bag that she brought herself a few weeks ago, “It could be anywhere Chez.” She replied whilst walking out of her bedroom picking up things she wanted to take with her, noticing Cheryl’s Blackberry on the floor by a pile Cheryl’s stuff that had been chucked hastily off her the night before.

Cheryl sighed annoyed at the lack of help Nadine was displaying, “Really helpful Nads.” The older girl looked up to see the younger girl walk into the kitchen with a huge smile on her face, her beauty was undeniable and mesmerising, the older girl couldn’t help but stare.

Nadine could tell instantly that Cheryl was staring at her, the younger girl loved the way the Geordie would slightly bite her lip as she watched her; “and staring at me won’t help you find it either.” She teased as she placed Cheryl’s Blackberry that she found into her own bag. Placing her bag on the kitchen counter the Irish girl leant back on one of the kitchen counters, keeping her eyes firmly on the Geordie.

Cheryl huffed, she hated losing her Blackberry it had everything on it, “Babe please help me” she asked the younger girl in a pleading tone and gave her best puppy dog, knowing they were irresistible, whilst walking over to the other girl.

Nadine chuckled softly at Cheryl, “Mmmm nope. I can think of more interesting things to do.” She replied in alluring tone, taking the older girl’s hands as the girl reached her and pulled her in closer so their hips were touching, snaking her arms around the older girl’s waist.

The older girl mentally cursed Nadine for being so enticing but she knew now wasn’t the time as they were already running late, “Nads, we already late due to those things you’re thinking about.” Cheryl leant forward slowly keeping eye contact with the Irish girl, “and I don’t think the driver will appreciate waiting any longer.” As their foreheads touched she closed her eyes, rubbing her nose lovingly over the younger girl’s and quickly captured the girl’s lips with her own. Cheryl felt she would never get used to the sensation she felt as their two lips joined together in a passionate dance.

Nadine moaned slightly as the older girl kissed her with so much passion, she replied with her own, running her hands through the girl’s hair and attempted to pull the older girl closer to her. As the necessity for air became too much for the Irish girl she gently nibbled on the girl’s bottom lip, pulling away whilst peppering the girl’s lips with gentle kisses. “Mmmm perhaps we should both call in ill.” She looked at Cheryl with such lust and leant forward to capture the older girl’s lips again.

Cheryl laughed at the younger girl’s obvious want for her, and placed a finger gently on the girl’s lips before she could kiss her; “not a good idea, slightly suspicious don’t you think.” She removed her finger from Nadine’s lips and slowly placed a tender kiss on the younger girl’s soft lips.

Nadine shrugged after enjoying the affectionate kiss Cheryl had just placed on her lips, “And?” she looked at the older girl with a raised eyebrow, she knew for well that there was no way Hilary or the other girls would allow them to miss the meeting about the album.

Cheryl chuckled at the younger girl and pulled away from the girl, feeling instantly colder from the lack of body contact, “And it’s an important meeting, you want to have the best songs on the album, right?” the older girl intertwined her hands with Nadine’s and pulled her gently up from leaning on the kitchen counter.

Nadine nodded, “I’m sure the other girls can pick them.” The Irish girl knew there was no way she would win this argument but she didn’t mind dragging out their time together before having to go to work, although she felt slightly bad that they were keeping their driver waiting. Although she was pretty sure Mike was used to it by now, any of the girls being exactly on time was a rarity, apart from the exception of Kimberley.

Cheryl smiled at Nadine, her behaviour was very endearing and the older girl couldn’t deny the fact it made her feel incredible but Cheryl hated making people wait; “Nads. Stop arguing and just hurry up, we need to go.” She said in an authoritative tone whilst placing another lingering kiss on the younger girl’s lips, and turned around whilst pulling away from the younger girl, looking around the kitchen in her last attempt to find her Blackberry.

Nadine huffed and starting to mumble to herself, “well I wouldn’t argue if it wasn’t for the fact you’re so God damn attractive and therefore I naturally want to spend more time with you on my own...” she started off on a mini rant whilst quickly pouring herself a drink of water, “...I was ready anyway, you’re the one who can’t find your Blackberry...” the younger girl continued.

Cheryl laughed softly to herself, Nadine’s mini rants were just one of the things she loved about the younger girl, turning back to the younger girl and wrapped her arms around her again; she smiled affectionately at the adorable moody face on the younger girl’s face. She leant forward and captured the moody pout of the girl’s lips with her own, sharing a passionate kiss with the younger girl. As she slowly pulled away, slightly out of breath, “right let’s go, I can go without my Blackberry for one day.” She paused, “I think.” Pulling away she intertwined her hand with Nadine’s, she couldn’t miss the mischievous smile that was spread across the younger girl’s face. “What have you done?” she asked the younger girl with a raised eyebrow.

Nadine continued to smile and picked up her bag from the kitchen counter with her free hand as Cheryl did the same, “Oh I found your Blackberry ages ago.” She stated whilst quickly stealing a tender kiss from the older girl. “Don’t worry I put it in my bag. Let’s go.” The younger girl laughed to herself as she led the slightly annoyed older girl out of the kitchen.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, there was no way she could tell off the younger girl, she was far too irresistible to stay annoyed at, “You’re lucky I love you.” She stated whilst following the younger girl out of the front door.

Nadine turned round smiling at the older girl, “It’s not luck.”

The two lovebirds got into the waiting car and both apologised to their driver Mike, who smiled; he was used to the girls being late but he didn’t mind as they were always so lovely to him.

Nadine took out Cheryl’s Blackberry out from her bag and leant towards the older girl, closing the gap between them and placed the girl’s Blackberry in her hand, “Love you too babe.” The younger girl’s urge to place a kiss on Cheryl’s lips had to be controlled as she knew Mike could easily see, and she knew their relationship definitely couldn’t be public. Nadine frowned slightly to herself, she had a feeling it would be a long day if she wouldn’t be able to show her love and affection for her favourite Geordie.

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