Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The following day the girls somehow managed to turn up on time for their meeting with the record company management, even Sarah managed to turn up on time which was a shock for everyone. They spent a lot the afternoon discussing the girls schedule for studio time, as before they could even consider a tour they had to make the album. The record company decided to give the girls an open time limit so they could be involved in the writing process with their usual writers. They all agreed that it would probably be six months until they had the album finished; and that they would start work that week. Public appearances were also arranged, fashion shows, film premieres, celebrity parties, the usual kind of outings the girls expect to be attending. As the meeting came to an end, Nicola and Sarah said their goodbyes as they had plans with their other halves already arranged. Kimberley, Cheryl and Nadine all decided they would go to Nadine’s London house for coffee and just general chit chat.

“You twos both know the code to get into my gates, right?” Nadine asked the two older girls as they were walking into the reception of the building, she couldn’t help but notice the sea of paparazzi forming outside the main entrance.

Both of the older girls nodded, “did you two both park out front as well?” Cheryl asked, she knew the answer before she asked as both of them had an apprehensive look on their faces. No one liked having to walk through paparazzi.

At that moment Cheryl felt her Blackberry vibrate in her hand:

1 New Message


Good luck losers! Xxxxxxxx

Just as she finished reading that text she saw she had another message arrive on her Blackberry:

1 New Message


Why do they have to be sweaty and old men?!?! Xxxxxxxxx

As Cheryl looked up to tell the other two about the texts she saw them both look up from their own Blackberry’s, “well I suppose we just have to brave it.”

“Aye” Nadine nodded and put on her best game face and walked to the exit.

Kimberley and Cheryl looked at each other, “such a trooper” Cheryl said with a grin and Kimberley crack a laugh and took Cheryl’s arm to drag her towards the exit so they could catch up with Nadine.

As the three girls exited the building they were bombarded by questions;

“Cheryl is it true you’re pregnant with Simon’s lovechild?!”

“Kimberley when are you getting up the duff? Clock is ticking.”

“Nadine ever considered just quitting the band? Solo work suited you so much better.”

Along with shouts of their names and other hurtful comments directed at them wanting a reaction to get money worthy pictures. The girls managed to get to their separate cars, and wasting no time sped off in the direction of Nadine’s house. Once they were eventually inside Nadine’s house, their killer heels kicked off in the hallway, Cheryl stormed into the kitchen.

“Who do they think they are?! Saying Nads should go solo?! And that your clock is ticking?! What a load of jumped up, *&@%ing retarded bunch of old greasy men who can’t get a real job so they have to stalk us!” Cheryl finished her rant and sat down on a chair looking very miserable. “Pricks” she muttered under her breath.

Nadine sighed and gave Cheryl’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze before busying herself with making the three girls a cup of tea.

Kimberley sat down opposite and put a reassuring hand on top of Cheryl’s hand that was resting on the table, “Pet you know what it’s like with the paparazzi, they will always be there whilst we are doing this as a job. Remember don’t take it...”

Cheryl cut the older girl off, “I know, I know, don’t take it personally, just pisses me off when they say hurtful comments about you guys. I’m used to the harsh comments about me ‘cos I’ve been doing solo work, I hate it when it’s about you girls. And I swear they weren’t normally that rude, especially as it’s the mid of the day. At least give us some credit and only try to make us snap when we are drunk.” Cheryl could feel herself beginning another rant, until she felt Nadine by her side.

The Irish girl walked over to Cheryl who was ranting and placed her cup of tea in front of her and wrapped her arms around Cheryl’s shoulders to give her a hug. “Babe, you are living you’re dream, don’t let them bring it down.” Nadine placed a kiss on Cheryl’s cheek, “But if you are having Simon’s lovechild you better tell us.” The Irish girl joked as she sat down next to Cheryl with her cup of tea and passed Kimberley hers.

Cheryl frown at Nadine, “oh shut it Nadine.” She sulked and took a sip of her tea.

“Oh too soon to joke about it then?!” Nadine playfully teased whilst placing a comforting hand on Cheryl’s arm.

Kimberley chuckled, “it’s not that Nads, she’s scared we’ve are going to find out her secret.” She said jokingly whilst raising a questioning eyebrow.

Nadine went along with Kimberley, “good observation Kimba, the defensive attitude would definitely back up your idea.”

“Guys stop, it’s not funny.” Cheryl whined, showing the saddest facial expression she could muster to Kimberley.

Cheryl tried not to smile as she saw it worked so easily on her older best friend, “Oh that’s not fair Cheryl.” There was no way Kimberley could be mean to Cheryl with the adorable look that adorn the Geordie’s face.

Nadine tutted, “you give in so easily Kimba, she has you completely and utterly under her thumb.” She joked whilst poking her tongue out at Kimberley, knowing for well that Cheryl had a very easy time manipulating people with her stunning looks and facial expressions.

Kimberley took mock offence, “I challenge you to say no to that face.” She said whilst pointing at Cheryl who was at this point smiling at the childish of the argument her two best friends were having, her anger towards the paparazzi easily forgotten.

“Hmmm I think I can safely say I could say no to that smile.” Nadine stated nodding to herself.

Kimberley turned to Cheryl to see in fact that she was now smiling, “Oh well she wasn’t smiling earlier, Cheryl give her the hurt face.”

Cheryl laughed, “I’m not a performing monkey Kimba.”

“Well actually Chez, we are performers, and as humans we are closely related to monkeys. Hence actually saying you’re not a performing monkey is indeed lying; therefore you should show Nadine the hurt face.” Kimberley rambled, pleased that there shouldn’t be any loop holes in her argument.

Nadine laughed, “We have really random conversations, you know.”

Cheryl looked at Nadine who looked utterly adorable to her, as she was chuckling away to herself, “aye we do and I wouldn’t change it for the world.” She instinctively reached her hand out and placed it on top of Nadine’s that was on the table.

“Oooh looking at Cheryl getting all emotional on us.” Kimberley joked with the younger girl.

Cheryl blushed slightly, “Oh shush you. I was just saying.”

Nadine squeezed Cheryl’s hand, “I thought it was cute.” The Irish girl flashed Cheryl a charming smile and took a sip from her drink.

Kimberley rolled her eyes, “you two can be so mushy sometimes, it’s sickening.” Smiling she took sip of her drink, “but I do love you two for it.” She added, she didn’t want to sound too much like Sarah.

The three girls continued their pointless chatter for the rest of the afternoon, feeling very relaxed in each other’s company. The three of them getting each other excited over the studio time they will be doing in the next couple of weeks. To them it wasn’t like work, they were doing their passion and were surrounded by people they cared about; and they couldn’t wait. As once the writing and recording was finished, it was that bit closer to them tour again as a five piece.

Cheradine - Complicated FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now