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I could feel the stares on us as Daryl held me in his arms and I cried into his chest. I pulled back and stared into his blue eyes and his smile faded as soon as his eyes saw the cut on my face and the bruises on my forehead. "Daryl I'm-" "Which one of them did it?"He said turning my face to get a better look. I pushed his hand away "Which one damn it?"He said raising his voice making me flinch a bit. I looked over to Shane "Officer jack ass beat the fuck outta me when I was trying to get back to the city."I said looking at the ground feeling Shane's glare on me and Daryl's on him. "You hit her?!"He yelled making his way to Shane with his fist clenched. "Daryl no stop!"I said grabbing his arm and pulling him back. "You got no right to lay a fuckin' hand on her!"Daryl yelled at him and I walked in front of him pushing on his chest. They kept yelling and screaming back and forth. "Damn it Dixon."I mumbled and in one swift movement I swept Daryl's feet out from under him and he was lying on the ground complaining I had brought Shane to the ground as well but he just stared at me trying to justify what I had just done. Daryl tried sitting up but I put my foot on his chest "Just stay down Dixon."I said "Maybe I won't have to pull you off another bloody body again."I mumbled before walking down to the lake to clean my cuts. I knew I had to get back to the city before tonight the felling of a hand on my shoulder disturbed my thoughts and I looked up to see Rick and Daryl standing. "We're going back to Atlanta to retrieve a bag of guns and a lost man would you like to come."Rick asked his blue eyes shinning with the reflection of the sun. I stood up and put my bow on my shoulder "What we waiting' for then lets go."I said walking toward the truck. "Aw hell no Rick that little bitch ain't going with ya."Shane's voice said and he glared at me "Hey best choose your words more carefully."Daryl said in my defense. "No I did bitch is what I meant."He said smirking "I appreciate the nick name officer jack ass now you can go to the hills of hell and rot like the piece of shit you are."I said getting in the truck making sure to slam the door. We drove in silence until Glenn pulled the truck over "We walk from here."He said and we got out "Guns or Merle first?"Rick asked "Merle we ain't even having this conversation."Daryl said irritated "Wait we're saving Merle?"I said looking at Rick then Daryl they nodded and I sighed "You guys go his way I'm goin' to my apartment and blocking the fucking door."I said and started running down the street when a firm grasp grabbed my wrist yanking me back wards. "So close."I said and sighed standing there with Daryl's firm grasp on my wrist and then we started running to the building beside mine Daryl pushed me up before him and we came face to face with Merle's bloody hand on the floor with a blood trail leading off. Daryl fell to his knees with pain and nearly started crying I knelt down beside him and he took my hand I looked up and let a weak smile appear on my face. We followed the blood trail until it was obvious that he had slipped out and had left. Glenn was talking about the easiest way to get to the guns "I'll run and get them."I said "I'll cover you."Glenn said and we took our positions I gave my bow and arrows to Daryl and got ready to run with Glenn and get the guns. "Alright be quiet and try not to draw attention."I said to Glenn and we took off down the street. A minute or two later I picked up the bag slinging it over my shoulder grabbing the sheriff hat on my way and we ran back to Daryl I could hear someone shouting "Authamay!"A boys voice. We rounded the ally corner to see two men jumping Daryl kicking the fuck outta him and they looked at me. "That's bag muscles take it."One of them yelled pointing at me and a bald man ran towards me grabbing the bag but i didn't let go they started to pull me into the car with them before a hand clasped over my mouth I screamed out "Daryl!" He came toward the car but walkers cut him off and the car was already gone.

Mending a broken heart *Daryl Dixon Love story*Where stories live. Discover now