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Lilly's pov:

I wandered the halls probably going in circles I thought just as a walker rounded the corner I grabbed my knife and it impaliled its head I grabbed it back out whipping it on my jeans. I sighed and grabbed for the wall to steady myself I heard the footsteps I was prepard for a walker but the light of a flashlight blinded me since I had been in the dark for days on end. "Lilly?"Glenn's familar voice asked. "Glenn!?"I said blocking the light from my eyes with the back of my hand trying to make sure it was him as my savior. "We have to get you back to the group I can't believe I found you."He said and moved his flashlight from my eyes an dmade his way to me I nodded weakly and limped closer to his side. "What happened to y-your leg??"He asked "Turns out barbed wire fences don't like me too much."I joked and then reached for the wall that was feet behind Glenn steadied me and picked me up bridal style I was really light aparently. "Damn are you a pillow or something light as hell."He said and chuckled I went in and out of conciousness on the way back to the cell. I opened my eyes when I heard the familar sound of the creaking or the metal door all eyes landed on us a few gasps escaped their moulthes. I searched the faces but many people were missin T-dog, Lori, Rick, and Daryl I sighed and the blackness took over again. Opened my eyes but the light was blinding I shut them again and tried to move my left hand but it was attached to something I yanked at my arm but it wouldn't budge I moved my head and saw the metal handcuff around my wrist attached to the bed rail. "Woah woah easy killer."Glenn said and chuckled he turned a small key and the metal released I rubbed my wrist. "Maggie shes awake!"Glenn called and she rushed in and to my side she smiled and tears slipped down her face and she smiled before hugging me tight I hugged her back and smiled at her weakly when she pulled out of th ehug. "We all thought you died youv'e been gone 6 days."Maggie said and stuff started coming back to me. "Daryl?"I asked

Daryl's pov:

We had searched for 6 days in these halls not finding any trace of Lill I sighed nad my foot hit something I looked down and picked it up a gun not just any gun Lilly's gun. "T-thats Lill's gun."I said to myself I sighed and tucked it in my belt and continued walking I walked for a hour not even finding a walker just dead bodies I turned on my flash light just as a lone walker layed dead on the ground and a blood soaked rag a few feet away. I picked it up and the fresh blood stained my hands. "Fresh."I whispered and decided to go back and see if anyone else had found anything. The cell block took only minutes to reach I opened the door and leaned against a wall. Footsteps came from outside the cell block and Rick came in the door he had fresh clothes on. "How is everyone?"He asked Glenn who was sitting by a table. "Good but me and Maggie we're planning on going on a run later today. "Ok I just came in to check on Carl."He said and patted Carl on th eback. "Wait both of you will wanna see this."Glenn said and Rick and I followed behind him to a cell. Everyone cleared out but Hershel I looked from Glenn to Hershel and down to the person on the bed her hair looked light brown but blonde blood covered her and a gash on her leg was infected Her eyes fluttered open and landed on me then I knew who it was. "Lill!"I said and dropped my crossbow and rushed to her side her breathing was shallow but all that mattered was that she was alive I was starting to doubt it myself her hand went for mine and our fingers locked together she smiled weakly and closed her eyes she opened again but they searched the room untill they landed on me again. "She is dilusianal from blood loss I figure she should be better tomorrow but she'll need a shower before I can search her for any other wounds."Hershel said I nodded and everyone left but em I stayed by her side she had gone back to sleep I kept my hand in hers all night. "Daryl!"She said and flew up out of the bed searching the room. "Lill?"I questioned and she wrapped her arms around me I didn't know what was going on. "H-he said he's going to kill you and me."She whispered "Who?"I asked and she pulled "I don't know."She said man she was dilushinal. "No one will I promise."I whispered and layed her back on the bed. "Don't leave."She said "I won't"I whispered and she fell back asleep I stayed awake I should of been there for her but I was here know wasn't I? 

Mending a broken heart *Daryl Dixon Love story*Where stories live. Discover now