Tears of acid....

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My body didn't go limp the color didn't drain from my eyes the bullet didn't go through my skull. I looked up and saw Rick, Daryl, Merle and Tyler standing there guns raised I nearly cried out to them but I knew if this wasn't done they would all die I had to do what was right. The Governor's gun laid by my side from where one of them shot it from his hands I picked it up and stood up aiming for my own head everyone's eyes locked on me. A smirk filled the Governor's lips the guns were pointed at each other I kept mine pointed at me. With the little strength I had I snatched a gun from one of the guards next to me. A smirk played on my lips I let it spread as I locked eyes with Daryl he had a terrified look in his eyes I brought my guns down aiming them at my sides shooting the people missing the Governor which was a shame. I shot left and right at the people shooting with the strength I had.

Daryl's pov:

The gun she aimed at her head making my heart stop she locked eyes with me and smirked her eyes made her spirit look broken me leaving had affected her more than I thought. Her body covered in cuts and bruises. She pulled the gun from her head and started shooting up the people I had a smirk wanting to play on my lips but I let it fall and shot my crossbow missing the sick bastard that had aimed the gun at her in the first place. "Formation!" Rick called throwing a smoke bomb I could barely see but shot the screaming people trying to find my way to my beloved Lilly. "Don't you touch me!" I could hear her scream making my will to find her greater. The smoke cleared and I saw her struggling from the grasp of a guard. "What you don't want to play some more." He said I tensed and knocked him off her I gabbed my knife into his head and looked up at her she smiled lightly but I could se the broken look written in her eyes. Another gun went off and Lilly winced and Looked down at her side the bullet had just grazed it but it had to hurt like a bitch. "Daryl lets go!" Merle screamed I grabbed her had and dragged her with me she ran along my side even though I knew she was in pain she had denied my help we got out of that town as they called it and started for the cars her hand stayed latched in mine as we ran. I could tell she couldn't take much more of this her pace was slowing and her breathing was heavy. "Daryl I can't." Lilly said between breathes luckily we reached the cars its about fuckin' time I thought and pushed her into a car I couldn't bear to leave her side so I climbed in after her. "Drive!" Rick shouted to Merle who was on the motorcycle we drove off.

Lilly's pov:

I laid my had back feeling dizzy from the amount of blood I had lost in the past day and a half. Even with my vision going in and out I moved over to Daryl wrapped my arms around him as tears streamed down my face. His steady heart beat reminding me that he was my reason to live he was my rock. I felt as if I let him go he would slip away. "What the hell were you thinkin'?" Tyler asked me sternly from the passenger seat I couldn't bring myself to speak. "We'll discuss it later let her rest." Rick said Daryl's arms stayed firm around me his hot breath hit my neck. "I won't leave you ever again." He whispered into my ear. "Don't make promises you can't keep." I said back before I passed out.


I woke a throbbing pain filling my head I groaned and covered my head with my hands I opened my eyes slightly the room was empty I sat up slowly the pounding in my head slightly bearable looking around still a empty room. "Daryl."I whispered inot the darkness no answer came I stood up fully ignoring the pain and started down the hall I saw someone sitting at one of the metal tables right outside the cell block I stepped closer and realised it was the govener. "Well well well."He said I backed away. "What do you want."I growled he stood up and smirked. "We had a deal I'm coming for you."He said and raised his gun. The shot fired. "Lilly..." "Lilly!" The voice got louder bt it was the vouce in my own head begging me to wake up from my death dream or had it been a realization of the near furure what my death would be like. My eyes fluttered open to the empty room my fears were eating at me that my dream was about to come true I walked slow the stiffness in my legs was making sure of that. I could hear whispers and m name multiple times,I stepped out and walked into the room where the Govener had shot me in my dream. "Shes up."Carl called and his eyes locked with me. "It would probably be better if she wasn't."Hershel said. "what do you mean shes been out for five days if she hadn't woke up I would of been worried."My brother staed and they started walking  toward me I backed up a little not sure what they were talking about. I could feel the foggieness in my memeory. The baby cries filled my ears I spun around my head still hurt and my hip didn't feel any better I walked up the steps and looked down at her innocent face her bright blue eyes stared into mine. I remeber what Lori had told I had promised her I would protect her family at all costs. "I-I need to goon a run."I said and looked up at them. "you were almost killed and now you want to go on a run!"Daryl exclaimed i know he meant well but I promised Lori. "Yes."I said crossing my arms over my chest giving him a I won this one and you know it look. "I don't like it either."Rick said my eyes flashed to him. "I promised Lori the first day we got her that I would do what I ahd to, to keep you, Carl, and little ass kicker a=safe she made me promise and I'm keepin it at any cost."I said and looked at Carl he had hope an dlove in his eyes its been awhile since Iv'e seen that I smiled at him and turned back to Rick and Daryl. "Who owuld you take?"My brother asked butting into the coversation. "Of course me."Daryl said coming closer I shook my head. "We need you here to protect them I can take umm."I said looking down. "Michoone and Ummmm"I started but Carl cut me off. "Let me come please!"Carl pleaded between me and Rick. "I don't th-"Rick cut me off midsntence. "Get you stuff and be good love ya buddy."Rick said I flashed him a glare. "We leave in 10."I said walking down the steps. "You come with me."I said sternly to Rick he followed as I walked down the the hall to a far enough distance from the group. "What are you thinkin hes just a kid I'm supposed to protect him not take him on runs where he could get hurt."I said feeling my anger rising. "Its the same as letting you go you think I want you in jepordy no I want nothing like that."Rick said "This have a point."I said leaning against a wall. "I don't want you in danger ever I don't wnat you hurt but thats the world we live in now we have to get hurt to protect the ones we love."Rick said looking down then looked back up at me. "I love you."He said and pinned me against the wall smashing his lips against mine I was in shock. I wanted to kiss him back a part of my heart longed for it but my heart belonged to Daryl I pulled back. "My heart belongs to Daryl you can't change that."I said and pushed him off walking back to the cells this was gonna be one hell of a day wasn't it I thought. "Lets go guys."I said grabbing a gun and two clips along with my knives. "Be safe ok."Daryl said his hands finding their place on my waist. "I'll try no promises."I said with a smirk. "I mean it don't want to stitch you up again."Daryl said sternly pulling me closer. "Fine."I said playfully and leaned in for a kiss he accepted. "Remeber not to tear your stitches on your hip and drink plenty of fluids."Hershel said and I chuckled slightly and grabbed my jacket from the bed. "Yes mom."I said going out to meet the others.

 Carl's pov:

We waited for Lilly I made sure to have a extra clip for my gun and it was loaded, I sighed. "Sorry got caught up being lectured by Hershel."Lilly said with a small smirk. "Lets go."I said I was excited I ahdn't gotton to go on a run except with my dad and Michoone when Lilly was with the Govenor we had found my dads friend Morgan but he was crazy since his boy died I sighed and slipped into the back of the truck. "Hey Carl wheres Dakota I haven't seen him lately."Lilly said with a sweet tone I didn't have the heart to tell her that some of the Govenors men had shot up the prison killing, Axel, Sam a survivor I found and Dakota. My best friend had been killed from the hands of one of his soldgires.I sighed again. "Umm well."I started "There was a shoot out and we lost people Dakota was one of them."I said my voice trembling he was my best friend and he was gone. She nodded i could see the tears she was fighting back we drove in silence from there on out untill the car came to a stop. "Lets search this place."Lilly said her voice cracking from what I had told her I knew Daryl wasn't going to take it well either he was like a son to them this was probably killing her. We looked through the windows of the building just darkness. I shrugged and Lilly opened the door slowly. A gun shot fired hitting the wood in frount of my feet I shot my gun and a thud came after Lilly rushed over her gun drawn. "That bastard shot me!"The girl exclaimed looking down at her leg. "Maddie?"Lilly asked lowering her gun. "Lilly!"She exclaimed.

Lilly's pov:

Today was so hecktic I mean Dakota is dead, Rick loves me, and I just found Maddie holy shit. I've cried so much from these past few days it hurt to it might as well of been tears of acid spilling from my eyes.

~OMG I feel like such a terrible person making you wait so long for this chapter I feel like it sucked a tade but forgive me for the shortness I have so much on my mind but love ya guys!! 350 reads I'm sooo happy!!!! love ya guys!!!!!, Jewel<3

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