Save Me......

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The sweaty hand clapsed over my moulth before I could scream anymore I heard Daryl cursing loudly and I noticed the bag of guns still on the ground where the men had grabbed me I must of dropped it I thought as the men tied my hands together and covered my moulth with duck tape. I had stopped sttruggling when they pushed the knife against my throat I sat in silence as we drove back to their place. They drugg me out of the car and into a buliding. I heard whistles at my arrival and other stupid calls. "well ain't you a fine piece of work?"A man said to me grabbing my chin I yanked away from him "She's with a group G she was trying to steal the guns." The one Daryl shot with his crossbow said. "This true you tried to steal our bag of guns?"He said glaring at me he raised his hand up to rub the back of his neck I flintched away thinking he was going to hit me but it never came G just looked at me and lead the way to a room and tied me to a chair. I sat for what seemed like hours untill someone came in and untied me from the chair leading me up a flight of stairs to bring me out onto the roof the sun blinding my vison. I could hear Rick talking to G. "You have one of our people we have one of yours its a fair trade."Rick nogotiated. "How about this you give me my bag of guns and Miguel here and your girl walks."G said "That's not gonna happen."Rick said "Then this is what will I'm gonna keep your girl let my men use her as a toy.'G said I could feel the smirk across his face. Someone pushed me forward and I could now see Daryl, Rick, and Glenn standing in fornt of G's men I turned my gaze to see T-dog holding a sniper on a roof not far away but I knew it would be useless to run. I looked back at Daryl his blue eyes filled with pain and anger. I felt my self being dragged backwards and back to my room. I didn't fight or move for that matter I was to....afraid. I sat in silence as two men talked with G in front of me. "G can't we just use her like you said?"The bald one said and then the other one came up beside me "Yea man she a fine peice of work."He said bring his hands on my waist I jumped up and round house him knocking him on his back. "Damn G shes fiesty I like it give me 5 minutes with her and I'll have her under control."He said smirking at me looking up and down my body. "Fuck off."I said before slamming back down in my seat. They had left and I sat for what must of been 45 minutes when I could hear people talking and the voices of old people. The rope and handcuffs had cut into my wrists leaving blood dripping down onto the floor leaving a small puddle I had the door to my back and faced a wall I felt broken and dead inside. I had my head low and my eyes shut but I heard the door nobb turning and the door creaking open. I figured it wouldn't be Daryl rescueing me or Rick I felt a pair of hands undoing my hand cuffs and cutting rope lose on my wrists and ankles and they pulled me up and pushed me forward. I looked up to see Daryl standing there with Rick a few feet behind him "I'm sorry."I said before wrapping my arms around his neck with his arms snaking around my waist pulling me into a tight hug. "If anything I should be sorry for not saving you."He said his warm breath onto my shoulder "Your here now thats what matters."I said back and he let me to my feet. "Rick we going or we waiting for the dead to come knocking?"He said and we started out and onto the empty roads. The men turned right but I started left to my apartment untill I felt a hand clasp around my wrist and turned to see Daryl. "Daryl I have to get back to my apartment and get some stuff."I said turning again but his grasp tightened. "Your not going we stay together."Rick said nearing us "I have a duffle bag full of guns and another full of ammo I have to go back."I said looking at Daryl and then back at Rick and he nodded to me turning back to Glenn and T-dog. I started to go but Daryl pulled me into his arms into a hug he let me down and stared into my eyes and before I knew it his lips crashed onto mine they moved together perfectly and he pulled away. "I'll be fine."I said and ran down the street pulling myself onto my fire escape ladder and onto my bolcany. I got into my room only to be faced with a the remains of a female. She growled at me and then lundged for my throat I dodged it easily and grabbed her by the neck and trowing her off the side brains and blood splattering every where. I turned back and pulled the two bags from my closet and filled another with clothes and all the food I had scavenegd. I halled the bags onto my shoulders and ran down the 3 flights of stairs before reaching the exit into the ally. I started off running down the street the extra wieght slowing me down I finally turned another corner to see the truck gone "They left me."I mumbled and then saw them slipping out the hole in the fence. I let out a loud wolf whistle getting all their  attention and jogged over to them. Daryl took the bag of clothes and food and we started running down the street a ear peircing scream filled the silence. Even with the guns slowing me down I was still faster than all of them and made it back to camp to see at least 3 dozen walkers possibly more attacking the group. I pulled a rifle from my bag and shot all the walkers I could with the adrenilene in my system. Two screams came to my attention I looked up to see 4 wlakers surounding Carl and Sophia. I jumped to action and shot the walkers down and protected the children shotting walkers left and right untill the last body falls to the ground my body shaking form adrenilen and fear. "Carl! Sophia!"Carol and Lori screamed for their children and they ran into their mothers arms. I stood horrified by what just happened untill I heard more growls and looked to see a walker trying to get at Rick. Before anyone could go popping off rounds I took my buck knife and flicked my wrist, it twirrled from my fingers flying into the walkers skull. I grabbed my knife from the walkers skull and felt eyes on me and turned to see Shane he watched my every move and then he saw the bag of guns around my shoulders the barrels pointing out I rolled my eyes and went down to the lake to get away. I sat by the water scrubbing the blood and dirt from my arms and splashing my face with the cool water running my fingers through my tangled hair. I saw a shadow approaching me and looked up to see Rick walking over to me. "So we're gonna head out in the morning head to the CDC."He said waiting for my opinion "Sounds good whatever you guys say.'I said shifting my wieght. Ricks gaze turned to my bag of guns I sighed "You like to see what I got?"I said pushing the bag off my shoulders and onto a table like rock. "Might help."He mumbled I zipped open my bag and his eyes widdened. "Holy shit."He said looking at all the guns. I laughed at his reaction. "If I'm correct there should be 9 shot guns, 6 hunting rifles, 3 sniper rifles, and 3 dozen hand guns."I said checking my numbers in my head. Daryl came into view covered in blood from moving the bodies he have me a small smile and I gave one in return. "How many vehicles do we have?"I said to Rick as Daryl wlaked away to finish his job. "3 if you don't count the RV but the only cars that are open for you to ride in are Daryl's truck or Shane's jeep."Rick said chuckling as if knowing my answer. "I'll talk to Daryl later first I'm gonna go stash these in his truck." I said I started walking up the hill to go ask Daryl's permission I spotted him not far away throwing bodies in a fire with T-dogs help. I made my way over to him the guns slung over my shoulder and then the smell hit me the smell of bodies burning and flesh rotting filled my lungs. "I need to ask you permission."I said to him covering my cough. "What for?"He asked not paying attention "Can I put these in your truck so they don't go missin'?"I said refering to the bag "Go ahead get all your bags and put them in there for in the morning."He said still not paying attention "What for?"I siad knowing what he was meaning. "What you wanna ride with Shane?"He asked looking up at me with a sly smile "I'll go get my stuff."I said walking over to the tree my bag of clothes sat beside grabbing it up I walked over to the old beat up blue truck and put my stuff in the floor of the passengers side. I went to help drag the rest of the bodies untill I saw Andrea sitting in front of the RV hovering over the body of a dead body. I walked over to her slowly. "Andrea may I sit with you?"I said polietly. She looked up at me and nodded silently. I sat to the right of her an dsaw her holding the hand of a young girl that had a bite mark on her neck and throat blood covered her chest and Andrea's arms. "I'm sorry that she died but I know exactly how you feel."I said quietly so only she could hear. She turned to me and gave me a confused look "When the outbreak started me and my family were moved from our home in the woodds and moved to Atlanta and then the city got over run and lets just say did you see me with other people?"I said looking at her."How many did you lose?"she asked her voice cracking."I lost 7 people and put them all down including my 7 year old  brother."I said starting to tear up. "I just wanted to let you  know that your not alone."I said starting to get up. Her arms wrapped around my neck and hugged me close I hugged her back. "It sucks right losing someone you love?"She whispered into my neck. "They will always be in our heart."I said. Tthen shallow breathing filled our silence and we looked to see Amy's chest moving and her arms reaching up, her eye lids opened to reveal the glossy eyes of a walker. I blocked out all thought untill the gun shot rang out and Andrea fell over her sisters chest crying. I leaned my head against the RV and then my hand ran across Andrea's back as some way to comfort her and then I walked out in the woods a bit and rested against a tree trying to shack the thoughts of my family. I pulled my buck knife out and flipped it over untill I found the inscription. "Lilly stay strong and be brave you are smart and strong I love you don't forget that., Tyler"  The words of her brother lifted her sprits she could feel him watching over her keeping her strong and giving her his wisedom. She stood up sheathing my knife back walking to help move the bodies. I walked over and helped move a body T-dog was struggling with. "Thanks."He said as we hulled the body into the fire. "no problem there anymore?"I asked "Naw that was the last one."He said whipping his brow. "Ok tell them I'm gonna hunt."I said walking over to Rick. "Can I have my bow back?"I said stopping in front of him He handed it to me and I slung it over my shoulder "Just about to come give it to you."he said. "Thank you I'll be back before sundown gonna go catch something.I said turning toward the woods. "we have food here you don't have to hunt Daryl already caught us game yesturday."He said walking in front of me. "I don't eat supply food unless its nessary."I said starting to walk again but he caught me off. "I wouldn't feel comfortablle with you going out there alone."he said with a pleading voice. "Rick, I'm a big girl I know everything from tracking and setting traps to being a ninga and catching the big game who do you think taught Daryl everything he knows well other than Merle."I said and walked around him and into the woods being silent but deadly. In about a hour I  had caught 12 squrriel, 2 rabbits, and a decent sized bird. I moved quiet and quick trying to get back before Daryl flipped out the sun was going down so I had to work with the little light I had. Tracking my way back was harder with the little appearence of a foot step I leave. I could tell I was nearing camp cause I could hear the voices and the glow of the fire. "How the hell could you let her go out there on her own?"I heard Daryl yell "She told me she would be back before sun down she wanted to get some game and save th supple food."Rick said trying to apologize. I climbed up a tree to get a better view of whats going on. "That doesn't matter shes out there on her own and hell we just had a walker attack and you let her go out there!"daryl screamed pointing towards the woods. I jumped down from the tree and they all looked at me. "Damn Dixon I leave for a hour and you act like i'm dead you know me better than that."I said walking over to Carol. "I'll skin em' and clean them up it should make a nice meal."I said walking down to the quarry to skin the kills. I leave a squrriel for me and finish up the rest of the kills and walked back up to Carol giving her the cleaned meat. "Thank you."she said as I walked back to the water to start a fire. I sat quietly cooking the small amont of meat the squrriel provided. I knew Daryl was sitting and watching me somewhere. "I know your there Daryl might as well show yourself."I said loud enough for him to hear me. I watched the siloet of someone come from the shadows and near me. "Your only eaten that squrriel ain't much of meal."Daryl said sitting across form me "I haven't had much of a appetite lately."I said pulling the squrriel out of the fire pulling apart the meat. "You think this CDC thing is a good idea?"I asked pulling a peice of and shoving it in my moulth. "Its better than sittin' here waiting for another group of walkers to pass through or go off to  fort Benning like Shane wants."Daryl said. I looked at him the fires glow lite up his face and made his blue eyes shine beautifully.

Mending a broken heart *Daryl Dixon Love story*Where stories live. Discover now