Just One Drink....

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Hey guys did you like the last chapter I thought it was good but let me know what you think it means alot to me and 50 reads thats awesome thanks guys but enjoy this chapter love ya <3, Jewel.

I layed in mine, Daryl's and Dakota's tent now they looked so peaceful both of them sleeping peacefully I smiled the dark surounding me I hadn't been able to sleep not since I got back with Dakota I just kept watching over my shoulder something didn't feel right I didn't know what. "Your awake?"Daryl asked grougily "Yea just woke up for a second checking on Dakota."I said I hated lying to him but I didn't want to talk about what I did to Emment and his crew. Daryl nodded and held his arms open I slipped in the warmth and protection of them laying my head on his chest his arms held me secure. "Get some rest ok."Daryl said kissing my forhead lightly I nodded and closed my eyes hopping to get some sleep but as usual it wasn't a option I laid my eyes open as the morning lights peeked through the tent. It had been almost a month since I had been back with Dakota since the walker attack since I had to kill emment and his men. I sat up cracking my back I stood up slowly not wanting to wake them I slipped out silently pulling on my boots walking over to the house to see Hershel and his family. I walked in the door to see Glenn and Maggie standing in the kitchen in one anothers arms once they saw me they pulled away Beth was by the sink washing dishes it must of been later than I thought I smiled at them. "Wheres Hershel I wanted to know if I can get these stitches out."I said refering to my two wounds. "I haven't seen him this morning."Maggie said and we started up the stairs to his bedroom we knocked on the door no answer. I grabbed at the door knob "Locked."We said in unison I quickly reached in my hair pulling out a boddy pin I had kept in there for emergencys like this. "Ok watch out."I said to Maggie crouching down by the door I grabbed my smaller knife fitting them in twisting them Rick and Glenn came upstairs the click from the door caught my attention. "Bingo."I said grabbing the door yanking it open it appeared that Hershel had been  going through his late wife's stuff Maggie told me that the day I came back Shane had shot up the barn that had held her step mom and step brother I sighed and walked over to the flask that lay on a white dresser in the corner. "Looks like he found a old friend."I said and the smell of whiskey filled my nose. "My dad quit drinkin the day I was born didn't even allow liquior in the house."Maggie said "Whats the bar around here?"Rick asked  "Malvines he basically lived there in his drinkin days."Maggie said a bit of sadness in her voice "Lets go then before he drinks himslef to death."I said and a crash came from down stairs.

Beth's pov:

I washed the dishes in the kitchen from breakfast while Maggie and Glenn talked thoughts of my mother filled my head I heard someone come in  and talk to Maggie but I didn't listen, just continued with my thoughts how she and my brother were gone forever. I would never see them again they were dead because of those things if I had protected them it would be different they wouldn't of ended up in the barn rotten corpses craving my flesh. Its my fault the voice in my head screamed I knew if I had protected them her and Shawn they wouldn't be dead I couldn't take it the guilt was killing me I saw no reason to live without them not one. Then everything blackened I fell to the ground the dish shattered next to me. "Beth!!!"Maggie screamed rushing to my side I laid there my vison came back but I couldn't speak I just layed there "Shes in some sort of shock we need Hershel now."Lilly said picking me up like I was a pillow I was layed in my bed Maggie by my side. "Me, Glenn and Rick will be back soon."Lilly said embracing Maggie she left the room Glenn entered giving her hug she whispered something in his ear he left to get my dad.

Rick's pov:

I waited by the car for Lilly and Glenn Daryl walked over to me. "Morin'."He said "You seen Lill?"He asked looking exhausted "Inside we're about to go on a run just waiting for her and Glenn."I said figuring Lilly hadn't talked to him yet Lilly walked out her gun and bow on her. "Whats this I hear bout you goin on a run?"Daryl asked he sounded a little pissed. "Daryl Beth has gone into some caotic shock we need Hershel and I'm the only one who knows where the bar is I'll be back just watch after Dakota please."She said stopping in front of him. "Your not going."Daryl said standing his ground "Says who?! I'm going we need Hershel Beth could die if he doesn't get here soon."She said "Fine but don't think I'm going to come to your rescue again."He said storming off Dakota came up after him. "I'll be back soon just stay with Dale or Maggie kiddo."Lilly said ruffling his hair "Ok just be safe."He said hugging her they released and he went to the RV with Dale. "Lets go."Glenn said we got in the car Lilly driving Glenn in back I sat in the passenger. Lilly sat in silence the entire way "We're here."She said getting out slamming the door her bow was drawn I drew my gun Glenn came up behind me his shotgun raised I walked up to the door turning the nob Hershel sat at a bar stool bottle and glass beside him. "Hershel."I called "Whos with ya Rick."Hershel said drunkily "Lilly and Glenn."I said lowering my gun "Maggie send him?"Hershel said "He volentered to come but we need to get back Beth has gone into some caotic shock she needs you."I said making my way over to him "What could I do with my luck they would end up like those flesh eating things that took my wife and son there is no hope and you know that now don't you."Hershel said taking another gulp of his drink "Alright thats enough lets go now your girls need you."Lilly said grabbing the bottle from his reach "Stop it! stop telling me how to care for my farm and take care of my family we were fine without you and Iv'e told you I want you gone and I mean it you say your these peoples leader then own up to it cause I don't see a leader!"Hershel said "I am their leader and I'm doing something what are you doing?"I said raising my voice "Really cause you weren't there for her and that little girl nine months ago if you can't look after them then what kind of leader are you?"Hershel said his words cut me deep cause I looked for them everyday up untill Carl got shot. "Well I'm here now!"I said really pissed off he would try and put guilt and blame on me I had tried my best to keep them safe it just wasn't enough and I knew that. "Yes yes you are."Hershel said sinking back down in his chair taking a gulp from his glass refilling itfrom the bottle he had snatched back from Lilly. "So whats your plan drink yourself to death when Beth could die because your to busy running away from your problems?"I said  "Fine if you will drop it I'll come back just get Shane off my land."Hershel said with a pleading look. "I can't do that but I will keep him under full watch."I said Hershel nodded the sound of the bar door opening caught our attention.

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