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Hey guys I'm sorry if this chapter sucks but I had it written out already but my computer erased it so now I have to rewrite it so hopefully it is still good but I almost started crying when it was 1 erased it cause it took me awhile to write it an dstuff but I'm trying my best so love ya guys enjoy this chapter (hopefully)

Daryl's pov:

We had stayed the extra night still no sign of Sophia and Lilly so we had no choice but to go to the farm were the rest of the group is. We had left a sign and some supplies telling the to wait here we would come every day I hoped she was ok. We pulled in the drive shutting the gate I pulled up beside the house Rick and Lori walked outside. "How is he?"I asked stepping off my motercycle "He'll be just fine."Rick said "How did it happen?"Dale asked stepping out of tthe RV "Hunting accident a stupid hunting accident."Rick said with lori on his arm I nodded grabbing mine and Lilly's stuff I went to set up my tent I knew she would find her way back she always does.

~9 mothes later'~

I sat in my tent the cold wind blowing I fildled with a arrow with nothing else better to do the I heard a gun cock and and Shane say "Get on your knees now who the hell are you?!"He asked I walked out of my tent only to see two teenagers on their knees. "Please sir we're just looking for this girl and her daughter we met them 9 mothes ago but saw them a few days ago we just want to find them."The boy said I looked at Shane and he looked at me and as if reading my thoughts asked "What were their names?"He said even though we had decided not to look for them anymore I still had hope they were alive. "Answer him damnt."I said nearing and Rick came out of the house. "Shane what the hell is goingon?"Rick asked sounding a little edgy "These people just walked in here looking for as girl and her daughter just askin for their names then they can be on their merry way."Shane said sarcasticaly I liked that about him sometimes but thats what can get you killed out here. "Savannah what was the daughters name?"The boy asked "Um Saphie, Sofie, Sophia."She said looking at Rick he looked to me and I stared back at him. "How bout the mother her name?"Shane asked "Lih-lah, Listene,_"I cut her off. "Lilly?"I asked and her eyes flashed to mine "Yes thats it how did you know?"She asked but I ignored her I turned to Rick. 'Damn it man."I said walking off. "You can stay here for awhile but try anything stupid and we will kill you."Rick said "Shes alive was the only thing I could think of. "Daryl!"Rick called I turned around facing him I had started to respect Rick and his authority with how much he stuck by me when we looked for them. "Yea?"I said "Glenn is going on a run will you go with him please?"Rick asked. "Sure."I said grabbing my crossbow I walked over to my truck sitting in the drivers side I waited for Glenn he finally got in the truck shutting the door I started the engine an ddrove down the driveway.

Ricks pov:

I sat on the front steps thinking about what Randell and Savannah had said when Shane came over to me. "Man we gotta take care of that problem at the barn we can't keep livin next a barn full of walkers."Shane said "Shane Heshel wants to deal with walkers this is not our land just leave it be."I said standing up. Our talking had turned into a screaming match which had attracted the group. "You know what man you go play in fantasy land I'm gonna make this call."Shane said and started passing out guns and ran up to the barn with everyone even Hershel's people had come to see the tragety that Shane was about to do. "Shane stop don't do this its not your call!"I screamed at him but he ignored me and broke the lock that held the doors closed holding back at least 2 dozen walkers. I pulled out my gun having no choice but to shoot down the walkers or else become a meal. The last walker fell to the ground and I turned to Shane. "Had to be done brother."He said and my I was about to start screaming at him but my eyes flicked to two people holding bows at us not moving at all they just stared at us one looked to be a child the other a young women and then my attention was drawn to her eyes they were to familar.

Mending a broken heart *Daryl Dixon Love story*Where stories live. Discover now