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Hey guys whats up well I'm here today with another chapter hope you enjoy love ya <3, Jewel

Daryl's pov:

We woke the next morning and headed to go clear the yard. "Alright guys todays gonna be a long day."Rick said I nodded and stood up noticed a familar warmth was not by my side I looked around and saw her by the gate ready for todays battle. I sighed and grabbed my buck knife from my boot an dwen tover to the rest of the small group that was going in there for this. "Alright stay in formation no matter what if you leave the circle it could be fattle for the rest of us."Rick said everyone but me and Lill nodded we opened the gate and Hershel shut it behind us. Right off the back Lill was breaking rules she tossed her knife at one and ran off to go retreive it. "Lilly! Get back in formation!"Rick growled she got back in her place between me and him. We pushed in killing walkers left and right untill we reached a guard tower right before we rounded the corner Rick had us all get up against a wall I realised why another yard full of walkers man they were everywhere. Four walkers in I guessed protective suits spotted us and made their way over I shot my crossbow at it but the arrow bounced right off of it. Lilly swung her hatchet down but it didn't do a thing she looked back at me and Rick hollered for me I ran over and helped him close the gate to stop the flow of walkers. "See that!"Maggie exclaimed we turned around and saw she had killed one of the protected walkers by stabbing th eknife through its chin to the brain Lilly smirked an dkilled two we took them down and another lunged at me I shot my arrow thorugh its brain but it was a civilain not a prisoner. Glenn started to walk back to the group but Rick stopped him. "Stop!"Rick sia dna dGlenn and Maggie started walking back over to us. "It looks secure."Glenn said I knew we would have to push on "Not from the look of that courtyard over there."I said pointing to the atleast 30 walkers tring to break down the fence "And thats a civilain."I said pointing out the walker I had just killed. "So the interior could be over from walkers outside the prison."T-dog said "Well if theres walls down what are we gonna do we can't rebuild this whole place."Lilly said I knew she was right we couldn't do that. "We can't risk a blind spot we have to push in."Rick sai dna dwe started walking to the entrance of the cell block. Lill stayed in between me and Rick for protection Rick backed up from the door an dnodded to me I pulled my vross bow up an dopened the door Rick went in first and the rest of us followed watching our backs for walkers or any possible survivors. Rick pushed open a door and T closed the outer one to prevent any stray walkers from coming in we looked around at the cell block no walkers so far empty cells and lots of dead bodies. Rick gave some signals and pointed up at the guard room where a body layed dead or alive we couldn't risk it. Rick went up and opened the door I assumed the person was dead since no one but Rick was moving up there Rick came back down with tow sets of keys I smirked and we pushed on into the cell block me and Lilly walked up stairs following a clicking sound two walkers slammed aginst the cell doors reaching for us I sighed an dwe took them out throwing the bodies over the side for us to take out an dburn later. "Its safe?"Carol asked "This cell block is."Rick said "We sleep in the cells?"Beth asked not looking pleased "I found keys I have a set and so does Daryl."Rick said I nodded and everyone stared picking their cells. "I don't sleep in no cage we'll take the perch."I said and Lilly went nad got one of the cots from a cells laying it on the floor. I layed my crossbow against a wall and settled into the cot relaxing my muscles I closed my eyes finally being able to relax for the first time in monthes. 

Lilly's pov:

I went down stairs to check on Dakota he layed on the bed sharing a cell with Carl they were the best of friends. "Night guys."I said and kissed each of their heads. "Night Lilly."They said together I smiled they were good kids I hopped it stayed that way. I pressed my back up against one of the walls closng my eyes for only a second when a hand on my shoulder made my eyes snap open. I looked in the direction and saw Lori. "Damn you scared the shit outta me."I said she chuckled a bit it was good to see her smile again. "I need your help with something can we talk somewhere else?"Lori asked "Uhh yea sure come on."I said leading her to a cell a far enough distance from the group. "So whats up?"I asked "Its the baby I think I lost it and I need to ask you a favor."She said and I was confused I wasn't a doctor "Ok?"I asked "Soo this baby if its still born and I have to be put down from child birth I need you to take care of Carl and Rick."She said I started to but in but she stopped me. "Don't even try to deny it I see the way he looks at you you may not but I do."Lori said and I was getting kinda pissed. "Does no body understand that I love that redneck in there I love him with all my heart and that is something your husband needs to understand."I said raising my voice a bit. "All I'm askin is for you to take care of them and even if this baby lives I would have to have a c-section I will die from that I am putting my family's life in your hands don't make me regret that."Lori said putting her hand on my shoulder I shrugged it off. "Lori I undertsand that but why me?"I asked "You are loving and strong and 'brave you can protect them I knew you could ever since you walked into the group from that truck you have done so much for everyone in this group more than anyone if I die giving birth it can't be Rick it Can't be Carl that does it you make sure of that ok?"Lori said "Yea I can do that."I said and a tear rolled down her face "No don't cry don't cry."I said and pulled her into a hug which was kinda awkward with her bump making it difficult I pulled back and whipped the stray tears off her face and took her back to her cell. "Goodnight."She said softly "Night Lori."I said and made my way up to the perch where Daryl lay I knew he was awake and had probably heard our whole conversation. I sighed and undid my boots putting them by my bow and hand gun Rick and Daryl insited that I carry I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep to much was on my mind with all Lori said. I crept over to the windown seal and sat down on it looking through the bars at the stars and moon that lite up everything I couldn't promise myself that I could prevent what I had promised Lori but I would sure as hell try for everyones sake. I felt his musculer arms snake around my waist I smiled his warm breath heated my neck I turned my head and saw my father I nerly screamed my eyes snapped open I looked around and saw no one but Daryl wait no Daryl wasn't there what the heck I thought getting down and looking around. He sat on the steps leading to the bottom part of the cell block I let out a breath of relif I leaned against the wall again my head was spinning from the thought of my father I finally wasn't dizzy so I took a seat next to Daryl on the steps he was thinking hard about something what was it was the question in my mind. "Couldn't sleep?"I asked "Had stuff on my mind."He said a little harsh I was surprised by his tone. "Ok."I said and started to get up but his hand looped around my waist pulling me back down beside him. "Never said you had to leave."His sweet georgia accent calmed me it was as soothing as staring into his eyes. He kept his arm around my waist the other intertwined with my hand I leaned my head on his shoulder Daryl had been so good to me yet I have been keeping so many things from him it wasn't right and I knew that. "You never did tell me what happened with your father I know its hard but I need to know if he hurt you."Daryl said in a soft voice I looked down I knew it was killing him not knowing what happened that night but it was hard to talk about no one even knew who had hurt me but Daryl and I planned on keeping it that way. "Not tonight please tomorrow I will just not tonight."I said and kept my eyes down. "Ok ok."He cooed in my ear and kissed my forehead I layed my head in the croak of his neck closing my eyes tightly tightly as the images of that night flowed through my mind. 

Mending a broken heart *Daryl Dixon Love story*Where stories live. Discover now