Could it

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Madde's pov:

I grabbed Rick up as he whispered something that I couldn't hear I tried going as fast as I could "Stay with me Rick!"I called to him he was fading fast he was losing too much blood he was becoming paler and paler. "Lilly!!!!! Daryl!!!!! Hershel!!!!"I screamed but it was no use I was losing all hope they wouldn't make it and Rick would die and this group would become a fucking chaotic mess. I was about to give up till I heard Lilly shouting my name and running into the room we were in. "Finally."I mumbled under my breath. Lilly yelled for Daryl and others who could help. We picked Rick up stumbling to the cell block a few gasps were coming form the shocked faces of the group. We laid him on a cot. "It's nearly to the bone this he may not survive."Hershel said "Carl what blood type is your dad."Lilly said rolling up her sleeve. "A positive."He answered. "Lilly with your immunity the blood may not work."Hershel said. "Then move I'll stitch him I have more experience."She snapped Hershel nodded and she got to work I leaned against the wall until Hershel lead me out. Before i left I could see the worry in her eyes how they went from blue to a deep gray I sighed and sat on the steps my head in my hands. "I did what I could but he won't be on his feet for at least two weeks and won't be able to do much for a month."She said the group nodded. "Alright who's on watch?"Lilly asked taking on the role of leadership when no one answered she  sighed her arms covered in blood. "Alright Glenn, Maggie first urmm, Tyler and Merle, then I'll take last Carol and Beth can take care of the baby or anyone can urmmm ya..."She trailed off and grabbed her bag off the perch.

Daryl's pov:

We handed him over to Hershel and Lilly, after a few minutes i heard Lill say she would do it and everyone left the cell letting her concentrate. She walked out about 10/15 minutes later blood covering her arms, shirt, and some specks on her cheeks. I zoned out for a few minutes lost in my thoughts about Dakota how much I knew Lilly had longed for a child and then finally got-ton something close only to have it stolen from her. "I'm gonna go wash up."She said her bag on her shoulders. "OK."I said and winked at her she giggled a bit and pecked me on the lips before heading to the showers. 

Lilly's pov:

I was extremely worried about Rick but my thoughts erased from my head as soon as the cold water touched my skin. I scrubbed the blood from my arms and anywhere else. I scrubbed my hair at least twice with some shampoo we had scavenged the cool water letting me forget about the outside world. I switched the water off and wrapped a towel around myself searching through my bag. I slipped my undergarments on followed by my shirt. The door creaked open and my head snapped up I saw Daryl and smiled at him. "You know you have a habit of catching me half naked."I said he chuckled. "Who's says its on accident."I threw my towel at him he had a smug look on his face I looked through my bag pulling out a pair of dark jeans. Just before I pulled them on his hand wrapped around my waist I smiled and leaned into his chest closing my eyes while he held me there. His hot breath hit my neck as he traced butterfly kisses all over it. I knew what he was getting at. "Daryl you can't be serious."I said and his grip tightened telling me he was I smirked and flipped around so I faced him. Immediately his lips crashed to mine moving in sync I could barley catch my breath but it was worth it. My back pressed against one of the walls closing existence of a gap between us I bit his bottom lip playfully as my hands moved to the buttons on his shirt. His shirt went as did his pants and everything I was wearing which wasn't much for getting dressed right? He kissed me rough my back still pinned against the wall and ummmm things went from there for them if ya know what I mean ;).

Rick's pov:

I saw Maddie as she came to my aid. "Help me please."I mumbled knowing she couldn't hear me though. "Stay with me Rick!"She said ripping her shirt and applied pressure to my leg. She picked me up and started running down the halls. "Lilly!!!! Daryl!!! Hershel!!!"She screamed why Daryl I don't need shit from him. When she screamed for them again I knew it was left leg it went numb and I could barley remain conscious. I heard another set of footsteps someone else running. I saw Lilly worry and fear across her face and I blacked out.....

Mending a broken heart *Daryl Dixon Love story*Where stories live. Discover now