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Jack Gilinsky

The job interview was a total lie, but I couldn't come up with something better. Since Casey is expecting me to leave for the interview, I decided to meet up with Johnson since we haven't spoken in ages.

We met up at a nearby coffee shop and ordered a drink as we seated ourselves in a booth. "So how are things with the baby? Thanks for letting me know, by the way." Johnson spat sarcastically, referring to our lack of contact after Alex was born. "I'm sorry, we kind of forgot to inform everyone." I apologised as I checked my phone for the fifth time in five minutes.

"Are you expecting any calls?" Johnson asked as he took a sip from his drink. "N-no not really," I stuttered, trying to not imagine anything happening with Casey or the baby at this moment. "Dude, are you okay?" Johnson pushed my shoulder, trying to get me to focus. I finally gave in, letting out a big sigh, "No, I'm not okay. I'm living in the constant fear that something terrible is about to happen to Casey or Alex. I'm being threatened." I blurted out, Johnson's mouth falling open.

"Bro, I thought you had your shit together." Johnson spoke after a silence fell upon us. "No, I feel like I will never live a normal and settled life again, all because of the bullshit that happened in high school. Something so innocent, so small, can ruin an entire life." I felt like I was over exaggerating, but I needed to get this off of my chest and the only person I trust with this kind of information has to   be Johnson; aka the only person that hasn't fucked anything up yet.

"If I were you I'd go home right now and see if they're okay, don't leave them out of your sight until you're 100% sure they're safe." Johnson suggested, my heart beating faster. He's right, I have to stay with them. I paid for my drink and left Johnson in the coffee shop as I drove back home, sweat starting to build up. I parked my car in front of our apartment building and walked out, struggling to open the door with my keys. As I stumbled in, Casey looked up with, startled as she was breastfeeding Alex.

"I- is everything okay? You seem to be in a hurry." Casey spoke up, finishing the breastfeeding as she laid Alex down on his blanket which was placed on the floor. "You're okay, good." I spoke, out of breath, probably sounding like an idiot. "Jack, is this you being overprotective again?" Casey sighed, walking over to me.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I apologised and walked past her, bending down to kiss Alex' forehead. "Jack, you need to calm down... Unless there's something going on." Casey sounded like she suspected something. "No, I just want to be the best dad and husband, I know I screwed up in the past, but now that I have a son, things are different." I told Casey, feeling guilty for partly lying to her. I don't deserve her.

"I forgave you for your mistakes, now can I trust you with Alex for a couple of hours? I want to go shopping, you know, live a little." Casey smiled, grabbing her purse and keys. "Everything Alex needs are inside that bag. I should be home before he gets hungry again." Case pointed at the mint green bag placed next to Alex' blanket.

"Sure, go do your thing, baby. But remember, I'm one phone call away." I tried to sound calm, but inside I was dying of the nerves. "Sure, superman." Casey kissed my lips before waving at Alex and leaving the apartment.

Nate Maloley

"Listen, Sam, I need you to do this for me, please." I begged for the tenth time today.

"How the hell am I supposed to kidnap Casey without her noticing me?" Sam hissed through the phone, my eyes automatically rolling. "Just do something okay, get people to do it for you. Giovanni and his gang will take the next flight to the US by tonight, I'll text you the address." I instructed, hanging up before Sam would fight back. Once I texted Sam the address, I called Giovanni to tell him Casey will be at their warehouse by the time they arrive.

"Good job, Maloley. I'm impressed on how fast that happened. I guess you're not completely retired after all." Giovanni chuckled, I could already imagine the disgusting smirk on his face.

"Maybe you're right, Giovanni. So listen up, I might not care about Jack, but if the girl gets hurt, I will be after you." And with that, I hung up, slamming my phone on the table.

Sam Wilkinson

"Johnson, I'm heading out, I have some business to take care of." I shouted to make sure he heard me. I slipped on a leather jacket and put on my shoes as I dialled the one person who'd be able to help me with these kind of things; Shane.

"Sam, what's up."

"Listen, Shane, I need you to do me a favor." I walked out and entered my car as I started up the engine.

"Oh really, what could that possibly be?" Shane already sounded amused, I'm pretty sure that if I told him Nate's ex-gang is trying to screw Jack, he'd be even more excited.

"I need you to help me kidnap Casey... Gilinsky." After I let that name roll off my tongue, Shane let out a laugh. "Text me all the details. I'll make sure this goes smoothly, I have the right people."

And that is how you do it.

« hi babes, here's another update. this one's a little bit longer than usual. hope you enjoy!

make sure you leave a comment & vote as well. love you guys. :)

quick reminder: you're fucking amazing & if you ever need anyone to talk or rant to, i'm here to listen, i promise. don't be shy. ❤️ »

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