Chapter 2

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- Chapter 2 -

R5 band rehearsals wasn't the same today.

Ross was soo out of it. He played all the notes and chords wrong. He had the wrong timing and his vocals were too flat.

It affected everyone else. Rocky tried to hold his part on the guitar but ended up messing up. Rydel and Ratliff lost the timing and Riker got confused on the notes.

"Okay, stop!" Riker says and everyone stops playing. "Ross, you're messing us all up."

Ross looks away.

"Yeah, dude. What's up?" Rocky says.

Ross sighs and puts his guitar down. "Guys, i really don't want to talk about it."

"Ross, just tell us." Rydel says.

"Fine," Ross pauses. "Laura and i broke up today."

Everyone gasps. "Oh my god! Nooo!" Rydel says. "Oh no, oh no, oh no." She hurries from the room.

"Aww, Ross! Why?" Ratliff asks.

"Dude! Today is you're anniversary!" Riker says. "What happened!?"

"Well, i told her that i had to go to rehearsals today and she got all mad at m-."

"Dude! Why didn't you go somewhere with her? Skip rehearsals!" Rocky says. "Besides, it really didn't matter. You still sucked."

Ross sends him a hard look. "I called her a few names and she's going out by herself."

"Well, dude! Go apologize! Get back with her!" Riker says.

"But-." Ross starts.

"No, dude! Everyone knows the guy is usually supposed to put their relationship back together. So, go!" Ratliff tells him.

Ross gets up. "Okay, okay!" He says and goes into the living room finding Rydel on her phone. She glares at him.

Ross goes over to her figuring that she was texting Laura. "Rydel, what did she say?"

"None of your buisness." Rydel says. "And I can't believe you didn't just skip band practice. I don't know why she would still like you."

"Rydelllll!" Ross whines. "Do you at least know where she is? I want to apologize."

Rydel sighs. "She's at Bistro Alessio. That place you always go to with her. Like... 5 minutes away from here."

"Oh yeah, figures. Laura loves Italian food." Ross says. "Thanks, sis." He says, giving her a hug.

Rydel hugs him back a little. "Try not to make things worse. She's in an okay mood, right now."

. . .

Ross gets out of his car and looks around for any paparazzi. Then, he goes into the restaurant, seeing Laura laugh.

He looks to who she was laughing with.


How could she do this? Hang out with Calum on their anniversary.

Well, he did choose to hang out with other people.

He starts to walk near them so he could be in hearing range.

"I know! Raini could be scary sometimes! But, she's nice." Laura says, loudly.

The maitre'd stops Ross just as he comes close to hearing range. Dang it. She had a thick Italian accent but Ross could still make out what she was saying. "Hello, how many?"

"Oh, my friends are here already." Ross says, pointing to Laura and Calum. "I need to talk to them, really quick."

The maitre'd nods and Ross goes into hearing range just as he hears Laura say something he would regret hearing. "... Forget Ross. Like, i hate him. Like I'll find someone much better?" Laura says.

Ross feels heartbroken. Laura was really mad. But, did she really hate him? He walked away and out of the restaurant before either of them see him.

"Yeah, I don't know why Raini would tell you to forget Ross. He-." Calum says but then stops short once he sees Ross leave the restaurant.

Laura starts to turn around and see why Calum was staring in the distance. Calum stops her, wondering if Ross got a new girlfriend. Laura would be crushed if she saw Ross move on that quickly.

"Laura! Don't look over there! Finish what your saying!" Calum says, not as subtle as he wanted.

Laura gives him a weird look. "But, you were just saying something... Not me."

Calum sees Ross get in his car leave. "Ohh, i mean... Ross will come around."

She sighs. "Yeah, I still really like Ross. He is still that sweet, cute guy i have always known. Raini is crazy. I can never hate Ross."

Calum wonders why Ross came in the restaurant. "Ross is actually a really good boyfriend for you. Finding someone else than your soulmate would be like... A miracle."

Laura laughs, happy that there was at least two people that understood what Laura was going through. Rydel and Calum.

Rydel texted Laura back: yeah, band rehearsals was a total wreck. Ross messed us all up. Anyways, i gtg we are having a 'talk'.

Laura: see ya later at the set tomorrow, Del!

. . .

Ross got home much later.

Everyone was now in the living room except for Rocky, who was in the kitchen. Ross smelled popcorn.

For some reason, it didn't smell as good as it used to.

Rydel is the first to notice Ross enter the house. "Hey! How'd it go?"

Everyone turns to Ross and just watches as he throws himself on the couch. He puts his elbows on his knees and rubs his eyes. "I didn't talk to her."

Riker sits up. "What? Why not?"

Ross looks at him. "Because she moved on. I overheard her and she said that she hated me and she will find someone much better."

"No, she couldn't have said that." Rydel says.

"Believe it, Rydel."

Rocky comes in the kitchen and sees Ross. "Dude, you look terrible."

Everyone in the room gives him a look.

Rocky sits down.

"So, what were you doing all this time?" Ratliff asks, turning the attention back to Ross.


"What are going to do tomorrow?" Riker asks him.

"I'm going to show her i moved on, too. I'm going out to get a new girlfriend." Ross says, standing up and heading to the door.

Rydel stands up and hurries to him. "Ross, no! That's a terrible idea! You don't understand! You're going to make things worse."

"Rydel, she doesn't care about me anymore." Ross says and then he leaves.



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I'm working on the next chapter!!

- allaboutraura

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