Chapter 7

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- Chapter 7 -

After checking out, they go to the food court and get something to eat.

When they sit down, paparazzi start flooding in and fans start to notice them.

"Guys, paparazzi." Rydel whispers.

Laura groans as she gets up and sits next to Ross. "Let's just hurry up."

They try to quickly eat their food but a fan comes over. "Ohmigod, hi!"

Ross and Laura look up at a young blond teenager. "Hi!" Laura says in a cheery voice.

"Hi," Ross says.

"I am such a HUGE fan! I absolutely love your show!!" She says.

"Aw, thank you! What's your name?" Laura asks her.

"I'm Kimberly. Most people call me Kim." She says, super fast. Um, hello, this was such an epic moment.

"Cute." Laura says.

"And btw, i think you guys look like such a perfect couple." Kim says.

Ross smiles at her. "Thanks, but no, we're not a perfect couple."

"But you are! You both are so awesome and talented! And i love how your voices blend with each other when you sing!"

Laura laughs. "That's so sweet. But, we are definitely not a perfect couple."

"Come on! Have you even fought once!?" Kim asks.

"Every relationship has a handful of arguments once in a while." Laura tells her, not answering her question directly.

"But, you guys can make up. And you're still together!" Kim says.

Ross glances at Laura and looks away. "Yeah... Totally."

Laura looks at him and sighs.

Kim notices the tension between them. "Uh oh, what's happening?"

Laura and Ross both quickly look at her. "What do you mean?" They ask in unison and then glance at each other.

"I mean, this tension! You seem... I don't know... Detached." Kim says, starting to feel heartbroken.

"What!? No!" Ross says. "We aren't detached."

"Yeah! Still together." Laura says, taking Ross's hand and showing Kim their interlocked fingers. "See?"

"Oh, well, i don't know. But, there are sooo many Raura fans out there. They would be devastated if you broke up." Kim says.

"Good thing we're still together." Ross says, feeling like a bunch of lies poking his mouth.

Well, that was the truth.

. . .

The grocery store stop was quick and silent. No one really said anything after the whole thing with Eric.

The intense silence put everybody out of the mood to go to the water park. So, Riker just drove them home.

The car ride was awkward, too. Riker drove silently, Vanessa looked out the window of the passenger side, Rydel was on her phone by the window, Laura was once again, in the middle, and Ross sat next to her on his phone.

A while of awkward silence goes by until Riker unexpectedly swerves a hard left causing Ross to bump into Laura.

Ross steadies himself and sits up. "Riker, seriously, stop!"

Not Just A Heart: A Raura FanficWhere stories live. Discover now