Chapter 13

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- Chapter 13 -

Vanessa willingly hugs Riker as soon as they get to Starbucks. "It's going to be okay, Riker. He's going to come back." She tells him.

Riker hugs her back. "Thanks. I just don't want him to get hurt." He tells her.

They walk into Starbucks. "You need to just calm down. He's going to be alright. Just relax." Vanessa says, then orders them some chocolate chip cookies and two cups of coffee.

She goes to sit down and Riker smiles at her. She smiles at him. "What?"

"You know, we barely know each other and you're basically living in our house." Riker says.

Vanessa laughs. "Yeah, I guess we're just so focused on getting Ross and Laura back together we just haven't taken the time to know each other."

"Agreed. We can start right now. I mean, i do need to relax." Riker says.

They start talking and telling each other about themselves.

"We have a lot in common." Vanessa says after a while.

"True. It's weird because we barely talked before and then Ross and Laura brought us together." Riker says.

Vanessa laughs. "Omg, it was like meant to be."

Riker smiles. "What? Like soulmates?"

"Us? Together?" Vanessa laughs. "Wouldn't that just be weird?"

"Maybe. But, a good kind of weird. Right?" Riker says.

"Yeah, I guess. But, what happens if we get married? Are Ross and Laura allowed to marry too?" Vanessa asks.

Riker chokes on his coffee. "Whoa, V. I haven't even asked you out yet."

Vanessa narrows her eyes at him. "Did you just say 'yet'?"

"Don't act surprised." Riker jokes. "You're already talking about our marriage."

Vanessa laughs. "Sorry. I didn't mean too."

"Yeah, you're fine..." Riker says.

A moment of silence waves by and they look around, avoiding eye contact.

"Soooo, Vanessa?" Riker says, breaking the silence.

"Yesss, Riker?" Vanessa smiles.

"Would you want to... Go out some time?" He asks her.

"Like, how this is?" Vanessa asks him.

"No, you know what i mean. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Riker asks her. "Even though, we just kinda met?"

"Yes. That would be cool and weird at the same time. But, can we keep it a secret? Laura will annoy the crap out of me." Vanessa says.

"Sure. And thanks for all of this. I didn't even pay for our first date. I'm a terrible boyfriend." Riker says.

Vanessa laughs. "Don't worry about it. I wanted you to feel as good as possible."

"Can i just hug you, right now? You're just so nice." Riker says.

Vanessa smiles and gets up to hug him.

. . .

The car ride back with the rest of the group was silent.

Rocky was still missing. Ross was worried about what Eric would try to do. Laura was worried about Ross. Rydel and Ratliff were mad at Eric.

Raini and Calum had gone back to their own houses, wanting out of all of this drama and just peace.

Rydel looks at everyone in the car. "Guys, we should really forget about everything for the rest of today and just have some fun."

Ratliff looks to Rydel, thinking. Laura shrugs. "Del, i don't think we're in the mood for any fun." She says.

Ross nods. "Yeah, I think i'm just going to lay in my bed when we get home."

Rydel rolls her eyes. "You all are so boring. It's a hot day outside. Why not just chill by the pool? Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Okay, I'm in." Ratliff says. "We could bring out the hose and stuff. That would be cool. I'll do it if you do it, Rydel."

"Deal. That's good enough for me. Ross and Laura could go sulk inside. We'll be having fun without them." Rydel says and then high fives Ratliff.

Laura rolls her eyes. "Fine, fine. I will too. Or at least just tan."

"Yes!" Rydel says. She looks to Ross. "Ross, are you in or out?"

Ross looks at her. "I don't know. I'll think about it." He says.

"You're gonna be missing out. We're going to have sooo much fun with out you." Ratliff says, trying to encourage Ross.

"Yeah! Don't be such a sulker. Even Laura is going to do it." Rydel says.

"I'll think about it." Ross says.

. . .

Rydel and Ratliff already got in their bathing suits and were heading down to the pool.

Laura got changed and she stopped by the doorway of Ross's room. Laura watches Ross as he lays down on his bed and goes on his phone.

He doesn't notice Laura standing there as he gets up to go to his dresser and looks at a picture of them at the beach. When they were together.

Ross turns around and jumps, seeing Laura standing there. "Laura! Um, hi. How long were you standing there?"

Laura smiles at him and walks in his room, going over to him. "Long enough."

He turns to her. "You didn't hear me talking to myself, did you?"

Laura laughs, giving him a look. "Sadly, no."

Ross smiles and sighs of relief. Laura smiles back at him, not really caring that she didn't hear him talk to himself. She turns to the picture of them, sighing.

Ross looks to the picture too. "I kinda miss those times."

Laura smiles slightly. "Yeah, me too."

There is a moment of silence as they continue to examine the photo, wondering why things had to go wrong.

Ross decides to break the silence.

He looks to her. "Laura..." He starts but then trails off. She looks to him and Ross thinks, wondering if he should tell her or not. He looks away, not being able to find the courage to say anything.

Laura looks into his eyes, searchingly. "You could tell me, Ross. I'll understand." She says to him.

Ross looks back to her, hoping that she will actually understand. "The reason i can't sleep is because there is a pain in my chest."

Laura waits for him to explain and he continues. "Ever since we broke up, i feel like there's a hole in my chest, right where my heart is. And every moment when we pretend to be together in public, i feel like its not pretend anymore and the hole starts to fill. But then, we argue and Eric comes... It just kills me to picture you with anyone else. Laura, every night i think about you and my mistake that broke us up. I hate myself even more everyday."

Laura's eyes start to water. She finally realized how much pain she caused him since the breakup. She's been arguing with him, flirting with Eric, and not caring at all.

Laura looks away from Ross. All she wanted after the breakup was to move on. Ross wanted to get back together.

What was making her about to cry is that she doesn't know how to reply without crushing him anymore than she has.

"I don't really know what is wrong with me but, without you, i just feel so lost. I've never liked a girl as much as i like you, Laura. I never stopped liking you." Ross tells her. "All i want is just to get back together."

Tears make their way down Laura's face and she bites her lip.

Ross turns her face toward him and wipes the water from her face. Laura tries to smile at his endless generosity.

He tucks a clump of hair behind her ear. "It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just want to know if you understand." He says, trying to keep in his pain.

Laura looks into the eyes of a great, attractive, sweet guy. She liked him a whole lot but, she had some mixed feelings. "Ross, i do understand what you're going through. I just can't believe that i was actually hurting you. I never really thought about it like that." She says. "I do still really like you too. But, we both remember the day you brought Elody to the set to try and make me jealous."

"Laura, i said i was sor-." Ross starts.

"No!" Laura exclaims, suddenly. "Just stop saying that you're sorry. What you did was stupid and ignorant but i already know you're sorry. We both were really messed up that day. But, i can't get back together with you yet until i know you'll never do that again."

Ross looks into her eyes, solemnly. "I will never do that to you ever again."

He was dead serious and 100% honest. Laura bit her lip. Something couldn't bring herself to believe him. "My heart shattered that day."

"I promise, Laur. I'm really sorry and i'll never do that again." Ross tells her.

"I do trust you. But, i want you to prove it. I just want to know that you like me enough to never do that again. Can you do that for me?" Laura asks him.

Ross nods. "But, i want to know if you honestly still like me. It would be hard to keep chasing a girl who would just say no in the end."

"Of course. Why else would i make you try so hard?" Laura says.

Ross smiles at her. "Fine." He holds his arms out. "Close to being back together hug?"

Laura smiles at him and pulls him in for their 'close to being back together hug'. Their arms wrap around each other's back. She rests her head on Ross's shoulder. "Almost."

That's when Laura realizes she's still in her bikini. "Are you coming outside?" She asks Ross, still holding on to him.

"Why? Do you want me to come?" Ross asks her, smiling.

Laura smiles and closes her eyes. "Maybe."

"Ehh, well, 'maybe' isn't going to cut it." Ross teases.

Laura hits his back. "Okay, I do want you to come."

Ross's heart flutters, excitedly. "Okay, i'm coming. I was just waiting for you to say that."

Laura hits his back again. "You know what? I take that back." She lies.

"Too late, love." He jokes.

Laura lets go of him and smiles. "See you outside."

"Or not." Ross says, jokingly.

"Whatever. Bye, Ross." Laura says as she leaves.

"Wait! Don't you need help going down the stairs?" He asks her, smiling.

She laughs. "Why do you want to carry me down the stairs?" She asks, jokingly.

"Yeah, kind of." He says.

"You're a dork. I'll see you outside." She laughs walking out into the hallway.

Ross sticks his tongue out at her. "Whatever."

Laura sticks her tongue out back at him and then walks down the stairs.

On one step, she trips and almost falls, making a loud noise as she catches herself. She screams a little.

Ross runs into view. "Laura! Are you okay?"

Laura starts to bust out laughing. "Yeah! I almost fell down the stairs! Oh my god, i can't breathe!" She laughs, uncontrollably.

Ross looks up, relaxing and smiles at her. He shakes his head. "You, you are just something else."

Laura continues to laugh. "I know! I'm the biggest klutz ever!"

"God, you're a mess. Do you want me to help you down the rest of the way? Or do you think you'll handle it?" Ross asks her.

"I'm good, I'm good." Laura says starting to control her laughter and walks down the stairs.

Ross shakes his head, smiling as he walks back to his room to get changed.

Laura makes it outside, in one piece, still laughing a little. When she sees, Ratliff and Rydel having a little moment, she automatically shuts up and hides out of their sight.

They were already in the pool together, splashing each other.

"Ratliff! Ratliff, stop!" Rydel yells, laughing. "I surrender, i surrender!"

Ratliff comes closer to her splashing her some more and laughs. "No surrendering, Rydel! This is my revenge."

Rydel goes underwater and swims behind him. She comes back up and jumps on his back, taking him by surprise.

Ratliff immediately stops splashing and starts laughing along with Rydel. "No fair! This isn't a part of the deal!" He exclaims.

"Deal is off. I win." Rydel says.

"Oh, no. Not yet." He says and pulls Rydel off of his back, spinning her in front of him.

He held her bridal style in his arms. "Now you can't go anywhere or do anything." He says smiling at Rydel, proudly. "Therefore, i win."

Rydel laughs. "Fine, you win."

"Ha! In your face!" Ratliff says, putting her down and splashing water in the air.

Rydel rolls her eyes and she splashes him. "Shut up."

Ratliff goes over to her, grabbing her wrists. "So, you want to play the splashing game again?"

"Wait! No, no, no! I'm sorry!" Rydel says, trying to pull out of Ratliff's grip.

"Okay, apology accepted." He says, letting go of her wrist. "Truce?"

"Truce." She says and hugs him.

They both laugh and stay hugging for a while.

"Rydel?" Ratliff says.

"What's up?" Rydel replies.

"I haven't told anybody this but... I'm thinking about breaking up with Kelly." He tells her.

Rydel pulls back to see him but stays in his arms. "What? Why?" She asks him.

"Well, she isn't as fun to be with anymore and she told me she likes this other dude who goes to her school." He says.

"Oh, i'm sorry, Ratliff. You'll find another girl." Rydel tells him sympathetically.

"Well, i think i did. She's super fun to be with, too. And really crazy." Ratliff tells her.

Rydel thinks. Having Ratliff find another girl would be not so cool, Considering the small crush she still had on him. "So, what does she look like?"

"Hmm, she has brown eyes and straight blonde hair, bangs. I'm really close to her. And in literal terms, too." Ratliff says.

"Me?" Rydel asks him.

Ratliff smiles and nods at her. "Yeah, you."

Rydel smiles at him. "I think you found the right girl." She tells him and all of a sudden, they start leaning in.

They share a kiss that was short, sweet and simple. But, as a start. Rydel and Ratliff pull away and smile at each other.

Laura decides she wants to get in there and walks into view as they start pulling away from each other.

"Laura, you took so long! What were you doing?" Ratliff says.

"I was talking to Ross." She says, putting suntan lotion on and laying down on a beach chair. "It's hot out here."

"Right! Did you convince Ross to come outside?" Rydel asks her.

"Yeah, he'll be here." Laura says.

Ratliff laughs. "He just can't stay away from his girl."

Rydel laughs, too and they high five.

Laura sits up and rolls her eyes at them. Then she lays back down, closing her eyes.

Just then, Ross comes outside. Laura didn't notice.

Rydel and Ratliff see Ross and stay quiet because they know what he was trying to do. They give him a thumbs up.

Ross hurries over to Laura and picks her up, bridal style.

Laura screams. "Ross! Oh my god, stop!"

Ross, Rydel, and Ratliff start laughing. "Oh my god! You were so scared!" Ross exclaims, laughing really hard.

"Oh my god. I hate you." She says, jokingly. "Jeez, Ross. You can't sneak up on me like that. You scared the heck out of me."

Ross laughs. "I know, i know. Why aren't you in the pool?"

"Because i'm tanning." She tells him.

"Tanning isn't fun. And besides you just burn." Ross tells her.

Laura smiles and hits his chest. "Shut up and put me down so i can tan."

"At least, tan on the floaty chair. So, you'll be in the pool." Ratliff tells her.

"No! I don't trust you little rats. You're going to flip it over!" Laura exclaims.

"No, we aren't, i promise." Ratliff says.

"Yeah, no joke, Laura. We won't touch you." Rydel tells her.

"Please?" Ross asks her.

Laura groans. "Ugh, fine. But, i'm going to hurt somebody if anyone turns it."

Ross smiles at her and puts her down. Laura gets the floaty chair as Ross goes to the hose and wets his hair.

Ross dives in the pool as Laura gets on the floaty chair. "Seriously, guys. No games." She says once Ross comes up.

"We promise, Laura. Don't worry." Ross tells her.

Laura relaxes, feeling convinced and closes her eyes.

Ross, Rydel, and Ratliff line up on one side of Laura's floaty. Rydel counts down with her fingers. Three... Two... One.

They push over the floaty and Laura falls into the pool. They laugh as Laura comes up. "You guys freaking promised!" She laughs, hitting all of them.

"Sorry, Laur. It's just that you needed to cool off because you are hawt!" Ross exclaims, laughing.

Laura laughs at his dorky 'Laura joke'. "I'm going to hurt you." She says going after him.

Ross tries to get away but Ratliff and Rydel hold him back. "Guys!" Ross yells as Laura jumps on him.

They laugh all laugh. "So, are you guys cool now?" Rydel asks them.

"Yeah, I guess. We're not together, though." Laura says.

Ross wraps his arms around her, tightly. "We're not together YET."

Laura wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him back tightly and smiling.

"So, you want to get back together?" Rydel asks them.

"Yep." Laura replies.

"Then, why doesn't Ross just ask you back out again?" Ratliff asks.

"I have to prove to her that i'll be worth it." Ross says, rolling his eyes.

"No, i know you're worth it. I want you to prove that you really like me." Laura says.

"But, i do!" Ross exclaims.

"He does." Ratliff tells her.

"A lot." Rydel adds.

Laura kisses Ross's cheek. "I want him to prove it."

"But, just know i do." Ross says, leaning in close to her. He presses his lips against her's, softly and then pulls away.

"Awww," Rydel exclaims, looking to Ratliff who reflects the same gaze. "It's happening again!"

Ross and Laura smile at each other. "Guys, stop. This is too overwhelming." Laura says.

"I like it." Ross says.

"I know you do." Laura tells him.

"Guys, lets play basketball. Me and you versus Ross and Laura." He says to Rydel.

"Yes! We're so going to win." Rydel says.

"Wait, that's not fair. I suck at basketball." Laura says.

"It's okay. So does Ross." Ratliff says, jokingly.

Ross tackles Ratliff and dunks him underwater, playfully.

Rydel and Laura laugh and move to the side, out of the way. "Sooo, hey, Rydel?" Laura says.

"Heyyy, Laura?" Rydel says.

"So, what's up between you and Ratliff?" She asks her.

Rydel narrows her eyes at her. "Nothing."

"Then, what do you call that kiss?" Laura asks.

Ratliff and Rydel's eyes widen.

Ross stops fighting. "Wait, what?" He looks to Ratliff, smiling.

Ratliff dunks him underwater. "How did you find out about that?"

Ross comes up. "Oh my god! This is going to be sooo fun. You like my sister! You like my sister! You guys kissed! Rydellington is happening! You're going to get married! Aww, you lovebirds are sooo cute!" Ross exclaims.

Ratliff splashes Ross with some water to make him shut up.

Laura laughs. "I was watching the whole thing."

"Oh, god. That's embarrassing." Rydel says.

"Aww, look at how red they are, Laura. Isn't this adorable?" Ross says.

"This is so cute, Ross. Someone needs to take a picture!" Laura says.

"Ugh, you both are so annoying." Rydel says.

"Payback, baby!" Ross says, high-fiving Laura.

"Bam!" Laura says.

"Can we just play some basketball?" Ratliff asks.

"Whatever, lovers." Ross says.


This wasn't much of a wait compared to last time...

I hope you all liked it. I put a bunch of everything in there. Rydellington, Raura, and Ranessa! (Not sure if Ranessa is right.)

Whatever. Please voteeee for moree!

I'm gonna try to get another chapter in before Thursday. (When i leave.)

Yeah so... Yeah!

- allaboutraura

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