Chapter 9

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*Jason's POV:

Tyler and I got Tiffany ready to go in, we knew that she would be searched as soon as Rosa's uncle saw her. So a gun is out of the question, so we decided to give her some new things that Destinee designed on her own which has worked in many successful missions. We have her a pair of earrings one of them had a mic and ear piece in side of it so she can talk to us and we can talk to her. Then we took one of her bracelets that she never took off and turned it into a sleep dart bracelet so she could take out the bouncers after walking in. She looked terrified, that's when Tyler pulled her close and kissed her head.

"You'll be okay love, just listen to us. We're gonna talk you through everything." Tyler said looking into her eyes.

Tiffany nods, "I know, i'm just afraid that Max will try something if he knows that you just sent me."

I look at her, "Max is smart but he hasn't killed as many people as we have. As soon as you take the guards out that are at the door, we will make our way in and help you out. Nothing to worry about alright?"

She nods and kisses Tyler softly. I look away from their puppy love and stuff. I want to be in love but not after she became a trader by telling her gang that hates my guts where my gang was located. I was ready to kill her that day but i just couldn't do it.

I roll my eyes, " alright you two, lets get Rosa out of that dicks clutches and get the hell out of here."

Tiffany nods and gets out, Tyler pulls the door closed and looks at me with a frown. I look at him, while filling my gun with bullets.

"That was a dick move Jason. I actually like this girl so much, you don't need scare her the fuck away just because you're not capable of loving someone." Tyler said as he began to load his gun.

I roll my eyes, "Just fuck off so we can get Rosa out of there and then relocate."

Tyler stops and looks at me, "you're still not over Carmen, are you? You need to get over that dumb bitch and realize that Rosa is totally in love with you Jason."

I glare at him, "Don't ever talk about her you asshole. Just shut up and lets get this done."

*Rosa's POV:

I was so dizzy and weak from all the beating, I was bruised and bloody. I could barely sit up because of how much my body hurt. I just wish Jason would get here and save me. My uncle was making out with some chick when the door busted open and Tiffany ran in panting.

My uncle pushes the girl away as he stands up and looks at Tiffany, "Where did you come from?"

She stumbles into the room, "I-I escaped from J-Jason... He tried beating m-me." She walks in more, she looks over at me and her eyes widen at the sight of me, "W-what happened to Rosa?"

My uncle smirks and slowly walks over to me, "Jason took her from me so for every hour that he doesn't show up with my money, I hurt her. So far she has suffered the consequences since Jason couldn't pay the price to save this girl."

Tiffany looks at my uncle like he was crazy, "she hasn't done one thing to you Max, she worked her ass off to help you with you're damn club by bringing more customers in. But this is how you treat her?!"

My uncle chuckles, "maybe I should just rape her right now."

There was a sound of a gun being cocked, our heads turn and we all see Jason, Tyler, and a few other guys we didn't know including a girl.

My uncle chuckled and walked beside me, "well well, come to save this precious girl?" He touched my head and I weakly turn away, he chuckles, "she's such a lovely girl."

Jason's face turned red, "don't fucking touch her dick or I'll blow your brains right now."

My uncle chuckles and pulls out a knife, then holds it to my neck, "you shoot me then I kill her Jason. Unless you don't want blood on your hands, I would give me the money that I asked for."

Jason looks at one of the guys and throws a suit case on the ground in front of me, "there's the damn money you wanted now give Rosa over."

My uncle walked to the suit case to see if all the money was there then BANG!! Everyone watched as my uncle fell to ground, with a bullet wound in the center of his head. And that was the last thing a saw as I passed out from all the bleeding my body did.

*Jason's POV:

Max pissed me off at that point that I couldn't wait any longer to get rid of the bastard. He wasn't going to slit some innocent girl's neck because he's being a selfish over fucking money.

Everyone looked at me as I put my gun away after putting a bullet in Max's head, "Take all the money you can find in this building and then plant the bomb so we can get the hell out of here. Tiffany and Destinee come with me so you guys can take care of Rosa."

Everyone does as they are told, Tiffany and Destinee walking over to Rosa's passed out body in the chair and undoing her ties. I gently pick her up out of the chair and the three of us head out to the van, Destinee gets in and gets out the medical kit and gets things ready. She's kind of like our very own doctor on the go. Tiffany laid a blanket down and grabbed a pillow, I then laid Rosa down. Destinee gets to work on her as I get in the driver's seat and start the van up. The guys make their way out one by one and get in the vans and we drive off, I reach into my pocket and push the button for the bomb. We all watched in the mirrors as Max's club blows up into pieces.

Tyler looked at me, "where are we relocating to?"

I pick up the speed as we get on the highway, "Call Liam and tell him to get the jet ready. We're going to Los Angeles tonight."

*Rosa's POV:

My body felt so heavy and weak. I didn't know if I was dead or alive, but it felt like I was dead. I slowly began to move and I could hear voices talking and things shifting around.

I heard Tiffany's voice through everything, "Jason she's waking up."

Jason's voice came through the noise, "Tyler take over driving so I can see her."

There was movement and I felt someone sit down next me, I slowly open my eyes and see Jason staring down at me. I try sitting up and wince in pain.

Jason gently pushes down onto my shoulders, "don't get up Ro. Tiffany get me some more cotton balls and wound cleaner."

I sigh and close my eyes, "where are we?"

Jason takes the medical stuff from Tiffany, "we're on our way to the airport. We're going to Los Angeles tonight." He begins to attend to more of my wounds, i wince as the cotton ball touches a really bad one.

I quickly sit up, "my uncle will be after me!!!"

Jason holds my shoulders, "no he won't love. He's gone."

I look at him, calming down a bit, "w-what do you mean he's gone? Y-you killed h-him?"

Jason nods, "he won't bug you anymore love. You're safe."

I nod and lay back down, shutting my eyes, "I feel so weak and beaten."

Jason continued to cleaned my wounds and I closed my eyes. I relaxed to the soft touch that Jason had while cleaning my cuts. He leaned down and kissed my head, I smile a little and fall asleep knowing that I will no longer be touched by my uncle and i'm safe.

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