The Search

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"Maybe this was a dead end." Stiles said resting his elbows on the steering wheel of his jeep. I had convinced Scott to investigate the supernatural things going on in Central City. "It's not a dead end." I told him.
"How do you know?" He mumbled.
"I looked into your research, I even went down later that night to ask some whiteness. You were right." I told him leaning my head back against the headrest.
"What do you think is there? A werewolf? Do you think it's a pack? Maybe an alpha? What about-"
"Stiles." I interrupted.
He looked at me.
"It's 2:30 in the morning." I finished.
He sunk back into his elbows and I chuckled softly.
Stiles had had a hopeless crush on me since I came into town a few months ago. But other than the fact that he was a year younger, I knew his heart belonged to a certain red head.
I heard faint voices in the distance, Scott and Derek were chasing something.
As they neared I saw that they in fact weren't chasing anything, they were being chased.
I jumped from the car in seconds and waited a few seconds before I timed my lunge.
Milliseconds after Scott and Derek had passed me I pushed off as hard as I could. My body collided with something large and heavy. The creature and I both tumbled down the hill and I managed to regain my balance and return to my feet seconds before the beast.
And what lie in front of me could only be described as fugly. It was like an alpha on steroids. This wolf-like man was huge, and hairy. And wasn't at all happy I had knocked him away from his targets.
"KELSEY MOVE!" I heard Scott yell.
Suddenly the whatever it was lunged at me.
I moved out of the way just in time to be snatched away by none other than Derek. He carried me over a safe distance and before I could protest he was gone yelling 'STAY HERE' over his shoulder.
I huffed angrily. I felt like a child. Since I wasn't a full werewolf I was always excluded from the action.
I waited until I felt they both had gotten a sufficient ass whooping before I ran down.
No matter how many times I slashed or punched, it seemed the Beast never wore down. Seconds turned into minuets and soon both Derek and Scott were down, Stiles and I were the only ones left. I fought hard but when the Beast slammed me down on my side, every rib in my body cracked. I screamed out and felt all hope leave before I saw Stiles and his jeep barreling down the hill.
The jeep collided with the Beast and knocked it backwards hard enough that after the collision neither moved. As I struggled to stand I saw a flash of red. At first I though it might just have been my cracked skull playing tricks on me, but then it stopped.
It was a man. A man in red.

A/N: All right, how was it? I hope y'all liked it bc I had fun writing it <3, comment what you think :)

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