Now The Truth Comes Out

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The beast, or Meta Meat as the Mexican called it seemed to have gotten bigger. And stronger. Barry was trying his hardest to contain it but even with his speed he was useless. Once Derek and Scott and taken pretty big chunks out of its legs I pulled Barry aside.
"Kelsey I don't have ti-"
"Mountain Ash. It'll kill it." I told him.
"What? We don't-"
"The jeep where you found us. It's there. If you can get me to it I can get it back here."
Barry looked at the fight and then back at me.
"They can handle it." I reassured.
He took a deep breath and I felt his arms underneath me. I shut my eyes and when I opened them I was at the jeep.
"Hurry." He said.
I bolted to the jeep and dove in.
I tore open the glove compartment searching for the bag we carried. Once I found it I searched for the syringe.
As I stepped out I noticed the blood everywhere. My breath hitched in my throat.
I could barely whisper the name.
But there was no body, no evidence supporting that he was dead.
The only hope I had was that he had crawled out and found a way to get help.
"Kelsey!" Barry yelled grabbing me.
"Let's go!" He yelled again.
When my feet touched the ground my legs sprung to action but my mind was somewhere else.
Derek and Scott were struggling to keep Mega Meat from killing them.
I snapped back and grabbed Barry's arm.
"I need a distraction." I told him. He nodded and sped off.
Once The Beast was occupied fighting off all 3 of them I loaded the syringe with twice as much as I normally used.
And then I ran as fast as I could and jumped.
I steadied the syringe and with one quick motion I implanted it in his neck.
The Beast let out a deafening howl and I was flung back down.
It sat in terror as it looked down at me.
I was fucked now.

Barry's Pov:
She wasn't moving.
Why wasn't she moving.
Before I could comprehend it my legs had lead me to her and I scooped her up as I tumbled into the bushes.
After she mumbled a few choice words she managed to climb out and pull me out with her.
"Thanks." She breathed.
I smiled and brushed some leaves out of her hair.
Her cheeks where already pink from the fight but she seemed to turn a rose color.
She smiled let go of my arm she'd been holding onto the whole time. And ran out.
I followed her to Scott and Derek who were standing over a dead Beast.
They're faces were different. I'd noticed it before. But now I had the chance to ask.
"They're werewolves. Just like that." Kelsey spoke motioning to the fallen animal.
I opened my mouth but no words came out.
"No way." I whispered.
They chuckled.
"Kelsey meant to say we." Derek spoke, his face back to normal.
I looked down at her.
"Her face isn't different though." I said confused.
"She's not a full blood. She's still half human." Scott added.
She gave a feeble smile,

A/N: Sorry the end was kinda rushed, I needed to get things moving along. I wanna know what y'all think. Kelsey and Barry? And who do you think The Beast's target was? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO STILES??? I wanna know yalls theory's.

Love ~
Chrissy 💜

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