Scarlet Drabbles

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This is exactly what the title says it is: little drabbles about Scarlet from quotes I've seen and random ideas I've had.
P.S: Minor Winter spoilers– but just from the preview of it at the end of Cress, if you got that version.

{ movies }

She paced around the cage that the Lunars had kept her in, a thumping headache that never ceased. She ran her hand through her now oily hair, wishing that she had a hairbrush. It was just the little things that annoyed her, and her hair was one of those things. The knots seemed to multiply even when she wasn't doing anything. She thought about her grandmother, how she used to brush her fiery curls, tutting and saying that the rumours must be true. Girls with hair this knotty must be spawn of the devil.

Scarlet smiled sadly, eyes stinging as she let the memories wash over her like a tsunami. How she missed the care free days when the worst thing that happened was watching one of her grandmother's cheesy movies. How she longed to watch them again, grandma by her side, not a care in the world. She refused to cry, she refused to give the Lunars the satisfaction of knowing that she was slowly dying inside this cell.

If only life was as simple as one of those movies.

{ cont. }


Scarlet heard the dainty tapping of Winter's boots on the hard floor. Deciding she was not in the mood for slightly mad conversations today, she curled up and shut her eyes tight, feigning sleep. If only real sleep came as easily as she pretended.

"Scarlet?" Came Winter's melodic voice. Scarlet imagined her sitting outside the cage door. "Are you asleep?"

Pretty stupid question, thought Scarlet. If I was asleep, I could hardly reply.

"Should I wake her for you?" rang the deep voice of the latest guard accompanying Winter. He sounded snooty and stuck up, and Scarlet was glad when Winter snapped at him.

"No, thank you," she said, before her voice softened. "Happiness is expensive these days; let her find it in her sleep."

After a long pause, Scarlet heard the ruffle of Winter's robes as she stood up.

"Let us go," she sang. "We shall return tomorrow at midday– tell whoever you work for."
With that, the sound of boots on concrete receded and Scarlet was left in silence, once again.

{ cont. again because I keep seeing things that work really well with this }


"Grand-mére, I'm scared." She whispered, watching the horror movie through her fingers. "These demons from the lake are going to haunt me, I know."

Her grandmother chuckled, stroking her hair.
"The demons are in a lake in your head, darling, so why not drown them? They're yours, of course."

Scarlet sat in silence for a moment, contemplating this idea. After a few moments she shuddered, staring at her grandmother with wide eyes.
"It didn't work. They can swim. And now the monsters from under my bed are helping the demons. They're all in my head now," she fretted, frowning.

Her grandmother laughed knowingly, eyes still on the horror movie. "Ah, but who let the monsters in, love?" She tapped Scarlet's head. "You, Scar. And now look," she pointed at the screen. "The demons have been killed. Easy. You can do the same. You can do anything as long as you try."

Scarlet opened her eyes, to be met with the bars of her cage. She couldn't get out of here just by trying.

She couldn't even keep the demons out anymore.

{ Wolflet: romantic dinner AU }

Scarlet smiled happily and Wolf over the top of her menu, blissfully happy. It didn't matter that they were in a posh Italian restaurant; they could be anywhere and Scarlet would be just as happy. She was with Wolf and that was all that mattered.

"You know, being formal around you still make me nervous," Wolf admitted, staring at his menu. Scarlet laughed lightly at this.

"I know what you mean. I much prefer just hanging out. Butterflies?"

Wolf nodded, looking up and aiming a small smile at Scarlet. She blushed slightly and looked away.

"Must have been a caterpillar in one of those tomatoes you keep eating."

Wolf chortled, looking ever so slightly guilty.

"I don't eat that many tomatoes, Scar!" He whined, eyes wide.

"Oh, yes you do! Don't lie to me!" She laughed. Wolf still tried to fake innocence, as if eating so many tomatoes was a bad thing. He was such a bad actor anyway.
"I've seen all the grocery receipts you keep in your jean pockets. Aces, you must spend a fortune on fresh tomatoes."

{ a taste of tavern life }

Scarlet stormed into the tavern, lips pursed. Gilles had promised to send her the latest deposit of three hundred univs and hadn't. Michelle Benoit had ranted about 'that lazy man's pig headedness' and how all he wanted was to sit in his stuffy office, counting money. Scarlet, on her part, was also angry and had sped off the get the money. Gilles better have a good reason this time.

Her eyes scanning the crowd, Scarlet recognised many of the regulars – one eyed Ian, grease fingered Amé and impish Bill. They all looked suitably drunk. In fact, many of the people seemed to have one drink too many. There were red-faced men arguing heatedly over some card game in the corner. Scarlet had seen their type – it wasn't going to end in rainbows and bunnies, she knew that for a fact.

"Oi, honey, I wanted to rearrange the alphabet so that 'U' and 'I' could be together!" Yelled one man in his early twenties. His mates laughed raucously. Scarlet recalled Émilie gushing over his emerald green eyes, now clouded with alcohol. What a douche. She'd have to tell Émilie immediately.
"Well, funny you mentioned," snarled Scarlet, whipping around to face the man. "Because in fact, I did rearrange the alphabet so that 'N' and 'O' could be together."
The mans friends laughed at him, slapping his back as he sat back down, laughing along with them. He probably won't even remember this in the morning, Scarlet thought, disgusted.

Returning to her attention to where she was going, she shoved through the various people blocking her from getting to the stairs. Ignoring the barmaid's futile cry of "people aren't allowed up there, mademoiselle", Scarlet took the stairs two at a time and burst into Gilles' office.

"Where's my money?" She growled, eyeing him up and down. "Three hundred univs, three days late. Where is it?" Gilles stood up, hands out in the 'I surrender' position.
"Oh, how stupid of me, I must have forgotten!" he said. Scarlet barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. She was expecting something a little less weak than that. She stood with hands on hips as he ruffled through draws filled to the brim with envelopes. What they were Scarlet didn't want to know or even care.

"Ah, here it is!" Gilles cried dramatically, evidently in a good mood. For some reason, this just made Scarlet even more annoyed. She snatched up the brown envelope Gilles had saved in front of her, stuffing it in her pocket. She came over and leant with both hands on his desk, towering above his pudgy, seated figure.
"Next time, don't expect the freshest cabbage. I might give it to the pub opposite." With that, Scarlet stormed out, just hearing Gilles' small gasp of betrayal. Hah! The Benoit Farm didn't even supply to the pub next door.

Thanks for reading!
With ideas from inflouence and recxrds and fanart from Lostie815 on Deviant Art.
If you enjoyed, a vote and a comment would be greatly appreciated!
Bobbie Penn

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