Thorne's Dreams

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He sat comfortably in a chair in the middle of a large room, chin on hand, deep in thought. Staying with two polished politicians and Cress (who happened to be going through another philosophical phase) made him question things he hadn't really before.

It was Valentine's Day, and Cinder and Kai had decided that it would be the  perfect time for the old crew to meet up again. Well, Thorne pretty much knew it was all Iko's idea. He bet she hadn't let Kai and Cinder have a moments peace since the idea popped into her head, he chuckled.

"Hey, Cress," Thorne began, lifting his head to see the short blonde curled up with a book in her lap. She nodded to show she acknowledged him. "Wouldn't it be cool if I became President of America?"

This, evidently, got Cress's attention. Her head shot up and her eyes were wide, her mouth already half way to saying 'no'.
"Hey hey hey, just think about it though," Thorne quickly added before she had time to speak. "I'm sure Vargas is a nice guy an' all, but I feel like he hasn't been doing some things right."

She snorted. "That's 'cause he could have had you arrested."

"No, not just that. I mean, I don't like how he's been... how he doesn't..." he stumbled, hands gesturing wildly. "Okay. I can't actually find anything wrong with what he's doing, but wouldn't it be cool? Carswell Thorne, President of America." He ended dreamily.

Cress sighed, remembering her page number and gently closing her book. She knew it was best to get the idea out of my his mind before he actually considered running America.
"You want the honest truth?"

He nodded.

"One: there's a long, long time of campaigning. You get bored after sitting still for less than five minutes, so that rules out any press conferences,"

"But what has that got to do with the 'long, long time of campaigning'?" He interrupted, fingers making air quotes as he copied Cress's words.

"You'll get bored of it. Eventually you'll get bored of seeing your own face."

"Me? Never," he scoffed. "How on Luna could anyone get bored of seeing this amazing face?" He mumbled as an afterthought, facing the mirror and running a hand through his hair.

A small smile grew on Cress's lips. "But then you still have the issue of all the money for campaigning and your policies."

Thorne frowned. "What policies?"

Cress ignored him and carried on reading her book.


"Hey Kai, wouldn't it be cool if I was President of America?" Thorne sneaked into Kai's office just to propose this idea.

Kai, in the middle of some really tough paperwork (which happened to be from President Vargas himself) looked up thoughtfully.
"You know, it could work," he started as Thorne beamed. "Just think about it. You're a war hero," Kai hesitated before adding: "Slightly charismatic too–"

Thorne faked mock impatience. "Come on Kai, tell me things I don't know already."

A ghost of a smile played on Kai's lips. "Have you sorted out all your policies?"

Thorne grimaced. "Um... I was sorta hoping you'd help me with that."

Kai glanced down at his paperwork but the choice was already made. As much he didn't really like Thorne's cockiness, it was better than paperwork.

"Come on then," sighed Kai. "You're gonna be here a while."


"Hah!" Exclaimed Thorne victoriously, striding into his and Cress's room, waving a large wad of paper. "I have policies. Can you help me design some campaign posters?"

He handed her the sheaf of papers. She had a slightly dazed look in her eyes.
"Wow, some of these are actually sensible!" She muttered, leafing through.

"Of course they are!" Exclaimed Thorne, his hand on heart. "I'm offended you could even think they wouldn't be sensible!" He paused for a moment, watching Cress's eyes move across the pieces of paper.
"Soooo..." he whistled. "Will you help me with the posters?"

Cress looked up, a small smile on her face. "Sure," she agreed. "Let's get started. Won't you need to fill in some form to apply, or whatever you need to do?"

Thorne waved a dismissive hand. "I've got Kai working on that," he said. "Someone of my pure awesomeness just can't do all that paperwork."

"More like someone with such a short attention span can't do all that paperwork," muttered Cress. "But, if you say so."


Kai had not seen much of Thorne that year. He had filled out his presidential form last year and had all but forgotten it. He had heard rumours that Thorne was actually running for president, but he dismissed for... being rumours. Thorne the president? Likely, he snorted.

But he did know that a knew president had been elected and was scheduled to be in a meeting with him in... he looked at his watch... around ten minutes. He tried to remember some of the other candidates names. Nothing came to him.

Kai rolled his eyes at himself, knowing that he should've kept a closer eye on the elections. It's just that he had been so wrapped with the problem of a new small outbreak of letumosis that he had completely forgotten about the outside world. Well, now it was time to be reconnected with it, he thought, striding towards the meeting room, with a couple of minutes to spare.

Settling into his chair and looking into the camera, he noticed that Queen Comilla was already on the line.

"Good afternoon, Queen Comilla," he greeted. "How are you today?"

"Hello, Emperor Kai. I'm good. How are you?"

Kai quickly dispensed with the pleasantries. "But, Queen Comilla, have you met the new American president?"

She let loose a rather high pitched giggle. "He's a rather charismatic man, I must say. Oh dear, I can for the life of me remember the young mans name."

Slowly, one by one, the other nation's leaders began to log on. Queen Selene, or Cinder, was the last before America's new president. When Kai asked, she just pretended that the connection must be bad or ignored him. He swore that he could see her giggle at one point.

America's feed flickered on. A small, bald man came into view and quickly started speaking.
"Mr President sends his apologies, he's just running a little late..."

A voice in the background yelled: "I'll be there in a second!"

And, with that, a rather flustered Carswell Thorne dropped into his seat. Looking smug, he started.

"I have policies. Would you like to hear them?"

And no one else could get a word in edge ways when President Thorne started.

Happy Valentine's Day for those of you still in the right time zone! Sorry this update is a little late. Any requests and/ or ideas for me to do?

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