I Have Been Tagged Again

751 25 10

Hello and welcome to another tag. Thanks CrazyBlueSmurf for tagging me! She's got a werewolf book out there if you want to go check her out!

1) What is your guilty pleasure?
Probably, to the horror of idcitsbecca, putting lots and lots of brown sugar in my iced coffee. (It's amazing! Right, CrazyBlueSmurf ?)

2) Share something that you did long ago that you're still ashamed of.
Oh, this is hard. I've done lots of stuff. Um... There's a lot, but having your friends irl on Wattpad isn't always good.

3) Share one bad habit you have.
Biting my nails or imagining myself in scenarios that will never happen.

4) Reveal one lie you've told, big or small.
"I don't have a crush on him! I swear!"

5) What is one really silly thing you got really, really angry over?
Probably my mother hiding my blue lipstick (that she hates) and saying I lost it. Or my parents lecturing my for ten minutes about how I should always try my best and not get distracted etc after I got a B in maths.

6) Something you're really bad at.
Not nearly falling asleep in science class.

7) Share something you preach but never do.
"Just tell them that you like him! It's not hard!"

8) Have you ever stolen before? If so, what?
Pens, pencils, things I find on the floor, your dreams, the ball in basketball, etc.

9) Reveal one act of revenge.
Revenge!?! Um... after someone told me I was a bad dancer, I choreographed a dance, taught it to all the girls in my class in less than two hours, and then won.

10) Name someone you used to envy.
I'm not really a jealous type of person.

11) Mischievous things you did in your childhood?
Hide my brother's favourite stuffed toys. He must have been about 5 or 6!

I tag:

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