School AU Pt. II

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"Wolf, darling, breaaakfaaaast!" trilled Wolf's mother, Serena. She was usually in a good mood on a morning of a performance; she said it was good for the muscles. Wolf's parents worked in a circus- his mother as an acrobat, his father as a wolf trainer. It was how Wolf had got his nickname, really. He always told people that his pets were wolves, and it was true. Partially.
The travelling circus's wolves were his pets, when the circus came back to its starting point, where Wolf lived, he would look after the wolves. They all knew him by now, and he knew all of them. All their individual markings, why Socks was called Socks (because of his white markings around his feet), Gentleman was the one with a black ring around his eye, Minnie was the one with black ears, and so on. While his parents were away, being circus-y, as he called it, he lived with his quite peculiar uncle, Jael.
Sometimes Jael would be quite nice, even friendly, but other times he was really quite scary. Scary in the teeth- baring smiles way, the menacingly soft voices, the awkward silences punctuated by Jael's random glares. He didn't know why Jael hated him, or if he even did. Because some weekends Jael would be the nicest person alive to Wolf, but he was grateful for the holidays and various weeks spent with his parents.

"Wolf, have you packed your bag?" asked Serena. "Come on, your dad's car leaves in, uhhh, 40 minutes!" she said, leaning over waterstained circus schedule. "Nope, that's wrong!" School starts in 40 minutes... which means..." Serena gestured hopelessly, hoping Wolf would understand. She was saved by Wolf's dad, a big beefy man named Mosley, walking into the 'living caravan', just after checking in on the wolves.
"The circus car leaves in ten minutes, ready or not!" Wolf groaned.
"The circus car, seriously? And on the first day of school?" Serena tutted, frowning.
"Come on, now, don't have this bad attitude!" she said, gesturing to Wolf. "You will see that girl you are always going on about. What's her name? Maroon? Red? Ah, Scarlet, that's it. And you like your friends, they are nice, yeah? That boy, Thorne always seems very annoying, and the girl that's always with him is very nice and shy, I saw her marvelling at my tricks last show!" Serena beamed. Wolf smiled but rolled his eyes, wishing that his mother would stop talking sometimes. Grabbing his schoolbag, he planted a kiss on her cheek and slid into the circus car, burying his face into his hands to try and wake himself up. He was going to see Scarlet soon, wake up!


Iko was always jumpy before the start of school. Sometimes she would just feel all wrong, she should stop living this lie, own up and say she was android and proud. It was an argument that Iko had with herself a lot: although every time she decided to stay. It was too fun pretending to be human, she could almost forget she was an android for a few precious hours! And the drama! So much better than the TV shows. But could there be someone who knew, or suspected? Or maybe if she annoyed one of the crew, or gang, would they just... let it slip? Tip off Levana? Iko immediately felt horrible after thinking this, of course nobody would! They were all loyal friends, and she was willing to trust them with her life. And maybe, at a stretch, her room.

Her room was nothing special, but it was hers. After Pearl got into one of the top universities, Adri and Garan (mostly Garan) said that her old room could be Peony's and Cinder's play room, they immediately turned it into a room for Iko. And it was so much fun! There were posters on every inch of the wall, and the bed was as comfy as a cloud. Peony had turned the bedside table into a makeup table - Iko was thrilled! She spent hours in front of mirrors, curling, straightening her hair, adding braids, plaiting elaborate coils that Cress had taught her, and her favourite, experimenting with eyeshadow. This blue and this darker blue matched her hair, this yellow and this orange just goes perfectly with this outfit, and so on until maybe just a little bit too much makeup was missing...
On a morning, Iko liked get up very early and just walk around the city. See the places she knew like the back of her hand deserted, see the mist before the sun burnt it away. There was an old man, named Reginald, that Iko was quite fond of talking too. He would buy her a takeaway coffee (which she would sadly throw away when he wasn't looking) and they would just sit, watching the world go by, occasionally discussing politics. It normally meant she had to run to school, but that was ok. Iko liked her life, full of secrets or not.


"Crescent, love, breakfast on the table in 15 minutes!" Said Dr. Erland, yanking open the curtains as Cress groaned; she wasn't a morning person, and the worst bit was getting out of bed. Her books were all neatly stacked, ready for her to slide into her bag to go.
Oh, aces! Thorne was picking her up today! She picked out the flowiest sky blue dress she had, twirled once, and collapsed on her bed, sighing. Today was going to be a good day, she just knew it. Especially because of Thorne. She blushed just thinking of him, his cheeky grin and sly winks. She tried not to overthink school too much, though.
She tended to get a little- okay, a lot - nervous. She presumed it was just her antisocial, stay at home nature, and the years spent alone, homeschooled. Wolfing down her porridge, she kissed her father as he got ready for work.

"Ring me if there's any trouble, okay, Cress?" Dr. Erland didn't like Thorne very much, but he knew Cress did.

"Da-ad, I'll be fine! Thorne is nice, and his mother will be driving us there. And maybe back." I wouldn't mind him walking me back, she thought, blushing.

"Okay. Have fun at school, first day back!" Dr. Erland hugged Cress again as she came to wave him off as he drove to work. When the car had disappeared, Cress, humming to herself, ran her hands through her short hair, until it was sticking up everywhere. Was it like that before? Possibly. Oh, of all the days to have a bad hair day!

I am so, so sorry if you didn't enjoy this. I've been in a writing slump for a while and... *sighs* Anyways, if you did enjoy this, thank you! I also want to say a MASSIVE thank you for this book getting 1K overall reads!! It's amazing seen as though this book sorta started out as a joke. So thank you once again! xx

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