Wincin - Birthday Surprises

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"Hey Winter," Jacin started, leaning against the tabletop counter, looking a bit awkward. Winter hummed and looked briefly up from her Earthen laptop (she was using her two index fingers to type. She had fun but it took painstakingly long). "What do you want to do for your birthday?"

A huge grin split across Winter's face.
"Why, I thought you'd never ask!" She said, smiling all the wider. "To be honest, I want to be with you, Jacin. Maybe we could to the roller coaster place?"

Jacin frowned for a moment.
"We've already been there," he said slowly. "You hated it. You threw up and vowed never to go back there."

It was now Winter's turn to frown.
"Oh. I remember." She paused for a moment. "But I got a teddy bear! It couldn't have been that bad."

"I won that teddy for you."

"Oh. Oh." She repeated, lost in thought. She absent mindedly spun a finger through a thick lock of corkscrew curly hair. Sighing, she relented.
"Okay then. What about a trip to Mars?"

Jacin's eyes bulged as her registered what Winter had just said.
"I don't... bu- but... do you– are you sure? Don't you just want to go on a nice quiet picnic?" he spluttered.

Winter tapped her fingers against her chin. She had always dreamed about going to Mars; going to Mars with Jacin would be even better. Couldn't you get picnics on Mars? she wondered. But maybe if I do what he wants to do this year, he'll agree next year.

"Okay, let's have a picnic. Maybe Mars next year then?"

Jacin gulped, nodded and smiled. Maybe she'd forget by that point.

"Oh, and I want a puppy! Wait. No. I don't want a puppy. I want a kitten! Actually, maybe a puppy would be better. But kittens are so much cuter! That's not true. Puppies and their huge brown eyes are," debated Winter with herself, as Jacin watched and smiled.

At least he knew what he could get Winter for her birthday!


"Winter, get up!" Said Jacin, unusually happy at this time of morning. He had something planned; he couldn't wait to see Winter's face wen he gave her the present!

"I am a bunny frolicking in fields of green. Leave me alone," she moaned, turning over. Jacin grinned.

"Come on, Winter, get up! I have presents!"  He said, lightly shaking her.

Winter was up faster than lightning after he said that. He curly hair covered the sides of her face and stuck out at all different angles – one strand was in the middle of her face and she deftly blew it away.
"Where?" She said, excited.

"Get up and I'll give it to you when we're at the picnic place."

Winter leaned back into bed. "I thought we were going to Mars anyways," she muttered. "But I'm getting up!"


The drive to the botanical gardens was a pretty one. Winter enjoyed staring out of the window, watching the towns and trees whizz by. She couldn't wait to open Jacin's present and show him the present she bought for herself.

Of course, he didn't know that. Winter had told him it was a gift from Scarlet-friend which was very fragile. She was adamant that they had to strap the box in, next to Jacin's large present. She was rather pleased with her lying skills at that point – she was not sure if Jacin believed her entirely, but he didn't object. Surely that meant she's getting better, right?

The drive passed in a flash. Within minutes they were both seated on a rainbow striped picnic mat (not Jacin's favourite, but oh well) with the two large boxes either side of Winter. Just before Jacin was about to take a bite of his sandwich, Winter looked him straight in the eye.

"Jacin. I lied. Scarlet-friend did not buy that present for me. I bought it, for me."

Jacin chuckled slightly, placing down his sandwich. "I sorta guessed. You kept on looking at the box and giggling."

Maybe my 'keeping it cool' act after lying needs more work, Winter thought to herself. Anyhow, she forced a laugh.

"Oh! Well, I will open my present to me from me and show you what me got me." She cocked her head. "Wait. That doesn't sound right. What I got me," she corrected, reaching for the box.

Carefully undoing the red ribbon around the box, she slowly reached in and pulled out a...

A kitten.

Jacin's eyes widened. The kitten had fur whiter than snow and eyes bluer than the sky on a sunny day. It only just about fit it Winter's two cupped hands. It was mewling softly and nibbling on Winter's finger as she giggled softly.

"Her name is Aloe," she murmured contentedly, stroking the little ball of fluff. It was definitely cute, Jacin would it that.

"Now open my present!" He said, almost competitively, eyeing the kitten. It fixed its gem blue eyes on him and yawned.

Winter reached over to the last large box and carefully took off the tape, keeping the wrapping paper for a later art project.

"Oh!" Winter softly exclaimed, looking into the box. A small yap came from it and it tipped over, running from it a little bundle of golden fur, chasing its tail. Aloe mewled sadly and leaped onto Winter's lap as Winter clapped delightedly.

"I have a puppy and a kitten!"

The puppy, undoubtedly a golden retriever, stopped and licked at Winter's outstretched hand. She squealed and picked the dog up, putting its nose to hers.

"So cute!" She squealed. "What's her name?"

"His name is Lynx," said Jacin, gingerly stroking the pup. Aloe leaped up at Winter, desperate for attention. She scooped up both pets into the lap and smiled contentedly.

"I have two beautiful pets," she said, and made to stand up, Aloe and Lynx sliding off her. "And I have an amazing boyfriend as well." With that, Winter closed the space between their lips. It was sweet, but cut short, as Aloe was screeching like a banshee. Lynx had managed to jump on top of Aloe and had started licking the kitten.

Jacin chuckled, leaving the two pets be. "They're going to be best friends!"

Heya! Hope you enjoyed my first piece of Wincin! Anyways I have a huuuuuuge soccer tournament today/ tomorrow (depends when you're reading this, it's on the 4th) so wish me luck xx I'm pretty dang nervous 😳😖😖

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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