Can I Call You Mom?

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"Jack! Time for school," Kay shouted. A few seconds later the small sandy haired child bounded into the kitchen. Well, she says small but truth be told the boy is already up to her hip. Jack had grown so much in the past year it was unbelievable. He was growing everyday and soon enough he'll be as big as his father. And Kay will feel even shorter even though she's 5'7.

"What did you pack me for lunch miss Kay?" He asked. Kay smiled at those big brown eyes. He looked so much like Aaron.

"Hey, no miss around here. Just Kay or The amazing K-ster." Jack laughed. "Also lunch is a surprise so no opening it till 12 or else mister," Kay pointed a finger at him and gave him a mocking glare. Kay pinched his nose. "Yes, ma'am." He giggled.

Kay turned around to finish putting away the dishes. "Can I call you mom?" Kay nearly choked on her toast. She took a deep breath and turned back around to the boy.

"Come her darlin'," She grabbed Haley's photo off the shelf and sat down. Jack climbed into her lap. "Baby you know I would love to be your momma, but this nice lady right here," Kay pointed at the picture. "This is your mom and she was a beautiful lady and she loved you and your daddy very much. She was like a superhero, she saved you but unfortunately the bad guy got her. That's what mommies do." Jack smiled. He liked the idea of his mom being a superhero.

"Do you remember her Jack?" He looked at the photo of the blonde haired woman.

"I remember what you and daddy tell me but not much else." Kay sighed. That's sad.

"Now, we can talk to your daddy about calling me mom but only if you promise me that no matter what you will always remember your real mom okay," He nodded excitedly. "Alright-y then lets go it's time for school!" She let him go. He grabbed his lunch and dashed out the door.

Kay stood watching him for a moment and sighed wondering what she was to do. She jumped when she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist. "Aaron! You scared me," Kay scolded struggling to get out of his grip. Which was of course to no avail. Hotch laughed and spun her around to face him. He kissed her softly. She smiled, she still couldn't resist him.

Kay needs a stronger will. Why is Kay referring to herself in the third person? Okay that's enough.

"You know it's okay if Jack wants to call you or consider you his mother. I know he isn't going to remember Haley," Hotch said. Kay smiled softly and touched his cheek.

"No matter what happens. If we get married if we break up, no matter how many times he calls me mom. He will always remember his real mother. We will make sure of it. It's important that he knows." Hotch smiled and kissed her again.

"I love you so much," He whispered.

Kay smiled, "I love you too."

"Daddy! Kay! Can we go now?" Jack yelled from outside. Aaron laughed, "Coming buddy!"

Kay had grown to love both of the Hotchner boys more than she could have ever imagined. She didn't know what she would do without them.

Stuck Like Glue (Sequel to You Make Me Smile a Hotch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now