Where's Mommy?

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Darkness circled around her. It was cold. The air was stale and unmoving.
In the darkness she could hear his laughter. Kay looked down at her arms, they were bound to the table she was laying on. She pulled on the restraints and suddenly she was naked on the cold steel table.

His face appeared in her vision. Mitchell. Kay screamed and pulled at her restraints but it was no use. He took out a knife and started slicing up her stomach. "No!" She cried.

"I have you Kay," He mocked. "I have you again. This time Aaron won't save you."

Tears started streaming down her face. "Kay!" He laughed.


"Kay!" Kay shot up and grappled for something to hold onto but gravity quickly won. Kay hit the plane floor with a thud.

"Ow...,"She groaned holding the back of her head. Her heart still beating a million miles a minute.

"Are you alright?" Kay looked up to see Aaron's big brown eyes looking down at her worriedly. Kay grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to the floor with her and kissed him hard. She ran her fingers through his Raven colored hair and held onto him for dear life.

Finally, she broke away from him. "What was that about?" He asked breathing heavily. His hair was sticking up all over the place and his pupils were the size of the moon. Ha, to bad it's not nine in the afternoon.

"Sorry, I'm fine," Kay replied. He got up and helped her off the floor. Kay looked around.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"They were here when you pulled me on the floor," He laughed and scratched the back of his neck.



Kay and the team decided to head straight for the police station. Another woman was found. When they got there Hotch split them into teams.

"Kay, Rossi, you guys go to the new scene," Hotch ordered. They gave a curt nod and headed off. When they arrived at the scene police and reporters were every where.

"Great, reporters," Kay groaned.

"Just avoid making out with Aaron in front of them," Rossi commented with a smirk. Kay slapped him on the arm.

She makes no such promises.

They entered the house. Kids shoes were sat neatly against the wall in the foyer, a diaper bag was hung by the door as well. Probably placed there so she wouldn't forget it.

"Well you were right on the mother thing," Rossi said. He went off the examine the body closer while Kay continued to investigate. She slipped on a pair of rubber gloves and starters going through drawers and things. She noticed the woman's day planner on her desk was open.

"Rossi! What's the estimated TOD?"

"4:00 why?"

Kay looked back at the planner.

It read, Pick up kids. 3:00.

Kay spotted an officer, "Excuse me miss, where are the kids?" She asked.

The woman shrugged. "School?"

"Rossi! No one know where the kids are and her day planner says she picks them up at 3:00, they should be here...unless he took them."

Rossi came beside her,"Took them? That hasn't been his M.O. so far. Do you think he'd deviate that much?"

"No, not normally but where are they?" Kay looked around. There were no kids rooms on the ground floor. Like lightning Kay took off up the stairs. She ran down the hall, opening every door.

Finally she found the right one. The room was painted a soft purple. The lights were off and everything was quiet. Kay walked slowly into the room.


Maybe some else had picked up the kids. Maybe they aren't here.

Then she heard it. A quiet whimper. She turned back. Kay tip-toed over to the closet and pushed the door open.

Inside the closet, sat curled up together were a little girl and a little boy. They looked up at her,"Where's mommy?"

Stuck Like Glue (Sequel to You Make Me Smile a Hotch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now