You're So Domestic

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Kay and Hotch dropped Jack off at school before heading to the BAU. Of course everyone was goofing off while the boss wasn't there. Kay ran in first as a warning that Aaron was on his way which gave Reid enough time to hid his physics magic rockets.

Aaron stepped through the door and Garcia and Morgan took enough time away from flirting with each other to look and laugh.

"What?" Kay asked. She didn't understand why they were laughing at them.

"Tell me Hotch," Morgan smirked. "Did Kay dress you or the other way around." Kay looked down at her clothes and then at Hotch and she realized what they were laughing about. They matched. They were both wearing white button up shirts, black pants, and a black suit jacket.

"You're so domestic," Garcia laughed.

Hotch's ears tinted pink just as Kay's cheeks started burning. "I know you've been single for a while Morgan but there's no need to be jealous," Hotch commented casually. He kissed a shocked Kay and walked away. Everyone's jaw dropped, especially Morgans. Kay growled playfully as she watched Hotch ascend the steps to his office. Garcia high-fived her and walked away.

"Alright, alright he wins this round but I know he's all bark and no bite," Morgan sneered.

"No bite? You think I wear scarves in the summer for fun?" Kay smirked.

Garcia busted out laughing and Morgan was once again rendered speechless. Reid look incredibly confused and from behind her Kay heard a familiar Italian voice say,"Ew get a room." Kay just laughed.

"Oh this means war," Morgan challenged.

Kay nodded,"Okay but um, one point team Hotchner."


"We've got a case," JJ announced. "Round table, ten minutes."

Ten minutes later everyone was gathered around the table together. PG grabbed the remote. "The lucky thing is that this one is at least going have nice weather, sunny California is awaiting you my fine furry friends."

She hit a button the the remote showing the pictures on screen. "Some creep over there is getting their kicks out of pouring acid down the throats of women and leaving them in there houses."

Pictures of four women appeared on screen. There mouths were burnt and black and they all had holes in there throats from the acid.

"They all have red hair but other than that they don't have any remarkable similarities," Reid noted.

"Well two of them have obviously dyed there hair red so the authenticity of the red isn't that meaningful," Kay commented.

JJ looked at her confused,"How can you tell? It looks so real."

"I used to work at a hair salon in college. I dyed my own hair black and purple once," She smirked. "You guys don't wanna know how punk I was back then."

"Okay so if the hair isn't what's so important then what is?" Morgan asked.

"They're mothers," JJ and Kay answered simultaneously.

"Yes they are," Garcia confirmed. "How did you know?"

"In the back of the first photo you can see bowls of half-eaten mac-n-cheese, and the only adult who eats that is Kay," JJ answered with a smirk.

"Yeah says you Cheetos Breath," Kay replied. "Also in the other three photos you can see various things like toys and safety gates and A child's drawing."

"How did we not notice that?" Reid questioned.

"Mothers notice things like that," Hotch said smiling at Kay.

"But-," Reid began before Kay cut him off. "What kind of acid was used?"

"Battery acid."

"Where can someone get enough battery acid to do this?" Reid asked.

"Car batteries. Our unsub may work with vehicles," Hotch added.

"So, if our guy likes attacking mothers he is most likely a male who has had an abusive mother. Maybe physically but most definitely verbally considering the acid down the throat thing," Rossi summed.

We all agreed and Hotch nodded,"Wheels up in thirty."

Stuck Like Glue (Sequel to You Make Me Smile a Hotch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now