She Could Belong

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Smoke swirled around Kay's gun as a loud ringing filled the air followed by a heavy silence. All she could hear was the pounding of her own heart in her ears as he hit the floor, blood pooling around his head. He was dead. Kay lowered her shaking hands to the floor and dropped the gun. White noise permeated her thoughts so that she barely recognized the hustle going on around her. Or the sound of her name being called.

"Kay?" Hotch holstered his gun and rushed over to her. "Kay, can you hear me, are you alright?" He placed his large hand on her face and forced her eyes away from Peter's lifeless body, she didn't even know she had been staring at him.

"Um, yeah," she answered looking at him dazedly. Aaron sighed and kissed the top of her head before pulling you onto your feet and holding you in his arms. "He was gonna kill you," she gulped.

"Yeah I know baby, you did the right thing," Aaron whispered to her. She smiled slightly, it wasn't often he called her baby and he never did in public, even though she doubted anyone hear him. Some day Kay would come to grips with the fact that she did the right thing. Most would call it a miracle that even though Kay has been with the B.A.U. almost a year and with the Texas FBI two years before that, she had never had to kill anyone. It wasn't her first time shooting someone of course but she had always been able to injure and not kill and still diffuse the situation.

The B.A.U. was different though, serial killers usually weren't as easily talked down as common criminals. They say your first kill always haunts you, Kay hoped that was bogus but she wasn't holding her breath. As sickening as it sounds, Kay will get used to this. The killing and the horror. However, today she didn't wanna try and get over it and she didn't want to get used to it either, she wanted Aaron's arms and a giant frappuccino.

Everyone was doing their best to cheer Kay up on the plane. Kay, despite her hurting, couldn't help but laugh at their antics. Even the ever so reliable Hotch stopped doing paperwork to wrap an arm around her and laugh with her.  In the midst of the craziness Reid somehow managed to get bubble gum in his hair -long story. So Kay had to break out her out-dated hair skills and perform emergency surgery. Now he low-key looked like he was trying to be the new MCR but he could get it fixed back in his college student/Nerd hipster way that he usually wears it when they get home.

Kay knew her life was in danger when Morgan broke out the Jack Daniels and JJ into her stash of emergency cheetos. Hotch didn't drink of course because he knew he'd have to drive us children home and yes David Rossi is still a child. Despite the fact that Hotch had the power to kill them all on the way home tonight they still chose to pick on the responsible guy.

"The-the beatles white album?" Kay snorted, having a laughing fit into Hotch's chest. Hotch rolled his eyes, can't a guy like the Beatles in peace? 

The entire ride was like that and Kay happily drank away her sorrows which was not a good idea. Kay usually didn't like drinking very much so her body was very much not ready or use to the abuse. Kay giggled as Hotch helped her stumble her way out of the plane. Eventually he just got fed up and threw her over his should much like he did her bag the first day they met. "OOF! Ouch," She laughed. "Mm Nice view," She giggled.

Hotch rolled his eyes but smiled against himself. Kay had been coming out of her shell lately. She was incredibly loud and honest when drunk but even sober Kay had started speaking up. She used to be this shy, blushing girl who was still slightly afraid to speak her mind around others. Now he thinks she finally feels like she's in the right place. She belongs. He thought, maybe...just maybe, she could belong to him.

Stuck Like Glue (Sequel to You Make Me Smile a Hotch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now