Kids Make It Harder

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"Rossi, Get in here!"

Kay smiled at the kids. "Come here darlings. What are your names?"

"My names Meagan and this is my little brother Daniel,"The little girl gestured. The curly haired boy took his thumb out of his mouth long enough to wave.

"Wow what lovely names. How old are you?" Kay asked, kneeling down to there level.

"I'm seven and Daniel is four." Daniel held up four fingers.

Rossi then entered the room. "Well, my name is Kay."

Daniel giggled,"Like the letter?"

"Yes like the letter," Kay smiled. Kay picked up Daniel and stood. "Meagan, Daniel, this is my friend Dave." Rossi then kneeled in front of Meagan.

"Hello, Meagan," he smiled. "Can you tell me how long you guys have been in the closet?"

"I don't know... The man said we had to stay in there or he would hurt mommy." Kay locked eyes with Rossi and they both thought the same thing.

They saw there mothers killer.


Kay and Rossi took the kids downstairs and called in a sketch artist. It was a long shot but if they could describe the man it would be much easier to find him.

"Daniel, Meagan, we have this nice man here who is very good at drawing. Do you think you could tell him what the man you saw looked like?"

"Well, He had brown hair like me and Daniel and he had a weird mark on his face,"Meagan explained.

"A mark? Did it look like this?" Kay pulled up her shirt slightly to show the girl one of her scars.

"Yeah! And it went from here to here," She pointed to her eyebrow and dragged her finger all the way down to her lips. Meagan answered a few more questions and and they got a pretty good description of the man. The scar would really help. Daniel said he had very dirty boots which he thought was strange because their mother didn't allow dirty shoes on the carpet.

"Okay, very good, Can I ask you one more question?" They nodded.
"Had your mommy fussed or scolded you in public lately?"

They hung there heads and nodded. "We opened a juice box in the store and mommy said that we couldn't do that."

Kay smiled at the kids and a man came running in the door. "Danny? Megs?" He grabbed the kids and Kay drew her gun.

"Woah! Sir, you need to back away from the kids till we get some identification," Kay warned and he backed up.

"It's alright Kay, he's the father and he's been cleared," Rossi stated, walking back in the house. Kay nodded and put away her gun. She left the man with the kids and cop just in case.

Her phone rang. "Hey, Hotch whatcha need?" She answered.

"Update me." Kay gave him a quick run down of the situation. "He didn't harm them at all? Well that pretty much confirms the abuse we were talking about. He sees the kids as himself."

"But as his grip on reality loosens he may not hold to that," Kay commented. "I'm gonna have the paramedics check the kids out anyway but they appear to be fine. Other than the most important person in there lives was just murdered." Kay sighed. This sucked.

Cases with kids are harder now that she was so close to Jack. Kay watched as they took the body away.

"Aaron I wanna catch this guy. Quickly. I'm on my way back to the station, I'll talk to you when I get there." Kay hung up. Rossi came over to her and placed a comforting arm around her shoulder.

A silent promise from the man who was quickly becoming the father she never had, that they would catch this guy.

Stuck Like Glue (Sequel to You Make Me Smile a Hotch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now