Not Again

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Kay woke up with a headache that could put a grown man on his knees. Also, whatever it was that was making that awful high pitched ringing was not helping and Kay considered shooting it. Only that would make more noise. Kay looked around and noticed she was curled comfortably into the familiar black sheets that belonged to Aaron Hotchner, sheets that they had used to make only the most magnificent of pillow forts and living room tents out of. The ringing continued. "UGH Turn it off," Kay groaned. When no response came Kay looked up to see that Aaron wasn't there. What day was it? Kay noticed on the dark wood end table laid two pain killers, a bottle of water, and a note from Aaron. Kay smiled and took the pills and read the note.

Take the day off, I took care of Jack and went to the office - Love, Aaron.

OH THAT GOD-FORSAKEN RING AGAIN. If the phone never rang again that would be absolutely fine by Kay.

Kay grabbed her phone, "Hello?" She answered groggily.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay." Kay heard the relieved sigh of Penelope Garcia on the other line.

"What? Why wouldn't I be," She asked.

"Listen Anderson is on his way to get you so get ready you-," Kay cut her off.

"Penelope what is going on, did something happen?"

For a moment there was nothing but silence before her long time friend dropped a bomb on her head.

"Kay honey... Jacks gone missing."


It's hard to explain a moment like this in a person's life. I mean obviously it life changing and you know it will never be the same but how do you put into words the pain that would come with being told your child is missing. Essentially Jack was Kays son. He even asked to call her mom, that's how close the two had gotten in the year that they've known each other. A year is a long time for a child but a heartbeat for an adult. It only took Kay a heartbeat to completely fall in love with Jack.

Now if you've lost a child then of course you can understand and if you've ever been through anything like this before I am so very sorry. The rest of us however can only hope and pray that it never happens to us.

Kay stopped breathing, then she felt sick. Sick to her stomach. Yesterday she thought she would never get over taking another man's life but today anger and sorrow curled in her stomach like a flame. Anger at herself, at her life, and at whoever has taken her precious baby. She wouldn't hesitate to take that man's life.

"Are they at the school?"

"Yes but you could be in danger you need to wait for Anderson."

"Are they sure someone took him?" Kay herself knew that was a stupid question. Aaron had instilled in Jack at a young age the dangers of going off alone with friends and the danger of strangers. There's no way he would just go willingly.

"Yes, they found his backpack in the boys bathroom with a note on it...."

"Well Garcia what did it say?"

"'If you want your son back give her to me, you have seventy-two hours or you never see Jack again. - R.D.'"


Not again... please dear God not again.

Stuck Like Glue (Sequel to You Make Me Smile a Hotch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now