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"You're kinda cute"

"Which kind of cute? The 'oh my god I want to pinch your cheeks!' type of cute or the 'I would make out with you so hard' type of cute because my goal in life is to be both of those"

or the one where Calum is kinda cute and Michael never realized it until now.

I already have stories that aren't finished so my brain decided to make a new one !! (But the idea was too cute to just not use)

I M P O R T A N T:
•based off of the tumblr post I saw that's similar to the description.

•may be a regular fic, may be a texting fic, I haven't decided yet.

•lashton will have lots of sexual tension but won't be officially together.

Kinda Cute ; MalumWhere stories live. Discover now