10: Age 16

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Michael bit his lip fiddling with his phone between his hands. His thumb hovering over Calum's contact name.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"I am such an idiot." He whispered to himself and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He took a deep breath before letting his thumb click the call button.

"Hello?" The other boy's raspy, sleep ridden voice answered the phone.

"Hey," Michael breathed out, he wanted to punch himself for letting his heart rate increase the way it was. "Sorry for waking you up." He finished letting his eyes slide to the clock next to his bed. "Actually no I'm not it's almost noon, it's a good thing I woke you up."

Calum let out a laugh and Michael heard some rustling from his end of the phone, "Whatever Mikey, it's the weekend. You're suppose to sleep in, kind of shocks me that you aren't still sleeping actually."

"I haven't been sleeping too well these past few nights, or else you know I'd still be asleep until probably 3."

"You alright?" Calum questioned, concern washing over his tone.

"I'm fine, just have had a lot on my mind," Michael said, "Nothing to worry about."

Calum hummed in reply, "So why did you have to wake me up?"

"Oh right, I'm super bored so I was thinking we go laser tagging."

"You woke me up to go laser tagging?" Calum deadpanned, Michael could almost see the dead look he had on his face.

"That is what I said."

A silence has settled between the two of them for a few seconds before a sigh left Calum's lips and a grin stretched out across Michael's.

"Fine Clifford, but only if I can be the blue vest."

"That's okay, I wanted to be green anyway. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes Cally."

"Remember when we were younger and went laser tagging for Luke's birthday and murdered their team?"

Calum's eyes lit up and nodded his head enthusiastically, "Yes and Luke didn't want to admit to defeat because he's a sore loser."

Michael laughed, "That was the best part!"

Calum looked up at him from buckling his vest, watching as the colored hair boy struggled with his own, his tongue poking out in concentration. A smile made its way on his face at the sight as he hummed in agreement.

Once Michael finally got his vest situated he looked back up at Calum and cocked an eyebrow at him, "Ready to get destroyed?"

Right as Calum opened his mouth to shoot a reply back at him, the entrance doors swung open and the countdown from 10 started so Calum just winked at Michael, threw a quick "That's what she said!" over his shoulder and ran through the doors with Michael hot on his heels.

Through all the few rounds they've been playing they've only really shot each other from far away or in passing, never getting close enough to stay around each other as they both would skid off in the opposite direction of one another.

Michael was sneaking against the wall, trying to find anyone from any of the the other teams, he hasn't seen anybody in a while. All of a sudden the sky blue light on his vest indicating if he was 'alive' or not turned off, he gasped and whipped around trying to find out who had got him. A snicker from the corner of Michael's left gave up the blue vested boy's hiding place, watching Michael with a huge grin on his face.

"Calum Hood! You little shit!" Michael exclaimed making his way quickly to the other boy.

Calum eyes were squinted in laughter as he backed up against the wall with his arms up in surrender, "Mercy, Michael. I said mercy!" He shrieked as Michael got closer to him, Calum's eyes were shining with happiness and his cheeks were flushed from the adrenaline and Michael has never wanted to kiss a person more in his life.

Michael's breath hitched as he watched Calum's eyes quickly flicker from Michael's eyes down to his lips and Michael felt his stomach squeeze, a shiver of nerves running down his body.

Calum's expression changes, from happiness to something a bit darker, unreadable and suddenly Michael is incredibly aware of how close they are, Michael could feel Calum's breath against his lips, and it's so easy, so easy for him to just lean in and kiss him.

They stand there for awhile, staring at each other, breathing each others air, like they're both waiting for something, just something to happen. Their laser tag guns long forgot, hanging off their vests to their side.

Calum was the first to break the silence with a frustrated groan. Grabbing Michael's vest with both hands and pulling him forward, forcing Michael to put his hands on either side of Calum's head on the wall behind him, closing the small gap that was between them. Calum's lips were warm and soft, the opposite of Michael's dry and chapped ones, and moved eagerly against his own and they tasted like the skittles they were eating on the way here. Calum tangled his fingers in Michael's hair and god, Michael felt as though his heart was going race out of his body.

Michael was the first one to pull back, his lips tingling and his stomach in a bundle of nerves, eyes wide as he stares at the dark haired boy, whose own arms dropped back down to his side.

Calum didn't break eye contact even when he picked his gun back up and shot Michael with it not looking down to see if the light turned off or not, the corner of his mouth upturned slightly.

"Gotcha, Clifford."

Laser tag always ends up being something Malum does in my books idk just seems like such a Malum activity.

Short but happy, kissy Malum :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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