5: Age 15

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Michael slammed his lunch tray down next to Luke at the table where Ashton and Luke were sitting at, the noise made Ashton stop talking and they both looked up to Michael.

"You interrupted my story." Ashton dead panned, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy.

"I kissed Calum." He blurted out, it's been a couple of weeks since it happened and Calum hasn't mentioned it at all but Michael was dying to tell someone. He was glad this one time that Calum didn't have lunch the same period as them.

"Yeah I know." Luke said, nonchalantly picking at his food while Ashton was completely bewildered. "What the fuck when?" Ashton gasped, the faux annoyed expression on his face instantly disappeared and it was replaced with shock. "How do you know?"

Michael also looked at Luke in confusion, he didn't tell him and he highly doubted Calum told him.

"I saw it." Luke shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Michael asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Why would I? It wasn't my business and I obviously wasn't meant to see it so I wasn't going to mention it." Luke explained.

"I'm offended you didn't tell me that you saw it." Ashton scoffed throwing a tater tot at Luke.

Luke just stared at Ashton, "Everyone in the world would've known if I had told you."

"I can not believe you thought keeping it to yourself was better than telling me. That's actually disrespecting me as your best friend, who do you think you are Lucas." Ashton ranted on, "You were being selfish keeping it yourself."

"Why didn't you join drama? You'd fit right in." Luke replied, ignoring everything that just came out of his mouth.

"Miss me with that geeky, drama shit."

"You'd fit right in." Luke repeated.

"Don't ever say that to me again." Ashton scoffed throwing a tater tot at Luke.

"Guys." Michael whined, bringing the attention back to him. "What do I do?"

"What do you mean what do you do? You kissed him, now you accept the fact that the squish was your first kiss." Ashton told him.

"You aren't suppose to feel all weird and...feely towards the person you kiss." Michael scrunched up his face, trying to find the right words to describe it.

"Well you don't usually kiss your best friend for your first kiss either."

"We made a pact." Michael replied.

"Does Mikey have a crush on the squish?" Luke gasped before a smirk made its way to his face. "That's kinda cute, I definitely called this."

"I do not." Michael denied but the pink tint to his cheeks didn't help his argument.

A smirk forming on Ashton's face matched Luke's, "Mikey and Cal sitting in a tree f-u-c-k-i-n-g." He sang loudly making the girls at the table next to them give them confused looks.

"Stop it!" Michael groaned hiding his face in his arms. He was embarrassed and needed new friends. "I don't like him and I definitely will not be having sex with him."

"It's inevitable, best friends are bound to fall in love at some point." Ashton told him, reaching over to pat his head which was still resting on his arms.

Michael looked up and glanced between Luke and Ashton with wonderment. "So you two fall in love yet then?" He questioned which wiped away the smirk on both of their faces.

Kinda Cute ; MalumWhere stories live. Discover now