4: Age 15

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"Oh my fucking- Calum I hate you." Michael scoffed, looking up from the newly unwrapped present to meet the brown eyed boy's eyes. The boy only smirked in return.

Ashton snorted as Michael pulled out a onesie that had Clifford the big red dog on it. Michael wasn't even sure where Calum would have gotten one in his size.

"You know what I'll rock this onesie because it's actually really soft and it seems cozy." Michael said glaring at Calum as he stuffed it back in the bag.

A couple months before his birthday Michael had lost a bet with Ashton and had to dye his hair red. But he screwed up and the color turn out much brighter than he intended. It didn't look as bad as Michael thought it would, it actually looked pretty badass in his opinion(even if he did get grounded for 2 weeks). But then Calum and Luke brought it upon themselves to start calling him Clifford the dog and that sparked a trend in school where that became his nickname.

Ashton on the other hand called him bloody tampon, but Michael punched him in the arm and left a fist sized bruise after the fifth time of him calling him that so Ashton never called him it again after that.

Either way, Michael really did hate his friends.

"That is why I got it, so you would wear it." Calum told him.

"It's still not as cool as the Pikachu one I bought him last year." Luke chimed in.

"Will you stop telling people that? I was the one who bought it." Ashton groaned. "Your dumbass forgot to buy him something so I sacrificed my totally awesome gift and let you give it to him if I remember correctly."

"Yeah... that doesn't ring a bell." Luke grinned at him while Ashton just grumbled.

Michael and Calum shared a look and rolled their eyes because this had to have been the thousandth time they've heard that story. Whenever Luke had the opportunity he reminded everyone and Ashton went off on him.

"Boys! The pizza is here!" His mom called from inside, interrupting them and making all four of the boys book it inside. Pushing each other along the way because, well, pizza.


"Hey Calum did you ever get some with that one girl?" Ashton asked, a mouth full of cold pizza. It's been a couple of hours since Michael's small birthday party and now the boys were just chilling out in Michael's room.

Calum's cheeks flushed as all eyes were suddenly on him. "Um sort of?"

"How do you 'sort of' get some?" Ashton scoffed at the same time Luke asked "What girl?"

Michael just sat there and listened, trying to keep the unwanted frown from forming because he has yet to even kiss anybody while everyone he knows had at least some type of experience.

Except for Luke.

No one has interest in Luke.

Even dogs run away from him.

"Brooke." Calum said.

"Which one? The tall one or the one with the fat ass?" Michael asked, he was actually very offended he never heard about this but Ashton has.

"Brooke Wilson."

"She's two years older and a senior?" Luke's statement coming out to be more like a question, but he was ignored.

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