Character Answers

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Do you think you're actually developing feelings for Michael?
No I do not. He is my best friend, nothing more. I don't even like guys, why do people keep thinking that!

How does it feel knowing that your friends and sister think you're in love with Michael?
Truthfully? I want to murder each and every one of them. I don't mind that they think it, I'm just sick of it being the main topic of every single thing. Especially Mali, girls have this weird thing about gay guys and I don't know why so I guess it's pretty weird that I'm now apart of that.

Is your nose better?
No, (frowns) hurts a lot actually.

How was the kiss?
Was as good as a kiss can be with someone who's never kissed anyone before. (pauses) Does that sound mean? I don't want it to sound mean. (Frowns again)

Hey babes. How ya been? Also..... If things don't work out with Michael..... I'm waiting with ice cream and mean girls *wink*
What kind of ice cream?

How many times do I have to say I'm not- (cuts himself off.) Michael is a smol bean isn't he? I have to start calling him that now!

Top or bottom?? (I'm talking about bunk beds obviously...)
Oh um I don't know, top I guess I like being above everything and it's cool to be up higher than the average bed would be yanno? Although sometimes I think about accidentally rolling off so then the bottom bunk becomes a more rational option. I'm not sure, I guess it depends

Mikey is fine asf. Don't you agree Calpal?
I guess he's kinda cute, don't tell anyone I said that

Can you show Michael more of your kissing skills?
Only if he asks


How did it feel to kiss Calum?
Pretty cool, who knew kissing would be so nice!

Seeing as you get super flustered around Calum, do you think you may be developing feelings for him?
Of course not, I just felt like he was being awkward around me and I didn't know how to act

Why are you so adorable??? I just can't handle it
Neither can my mom

F-u-c-k-i-n-g *wink*
Stop that right now, that was stupid and embarrassing

Do you actually think Ash and Luke are together or will be?
Ashton is always so lovey with Luke whether he means to be or not but Luke is stupid so who knows

Malum or Lashton
Is that our ship names? Oh my god that's genius!


I think you have feelings for Luke. You should date him.
I think that's fake news. Maybe you should date him!

And if you don't have feelings for Luke, you should get to know him more and date him.
I know Luke better than anyone could ever know someone. I know that one time when he was 10 he peed on his cat, on purpose. Who would know that? Nobody and I still would rather be his bestest friend

How did it feel when Michael said that you and Luke were bound to fall in love?
I guess I did it to myself by saying that him and Calum were bound to fall in love and it won't ever happen unless we were stuck on a stranded island so, not mad.

Do you think Michael and Calum are good for each other?
Almost as good together as cookies and cream

Your ego is anything else???
Oh you know there is (winks)

(By that I mean the amount of love you feel in your heart for my baby penguin Luke)
Oh... That too I guess. I do love Lukey with my entire heart!

How's luke
He's okay I guess. Still a noodle with no balance whatsoever so that's good

Just kiss Luke already
Done did it

Do you call Luke names sometimes just so people don't know about your crush on him?
I don't call Luke names. He is my bff I would never be mean, unless it's completely and utterly necessary.


Do you think you may end up falling for Ashton?
Like in love? Of course not

Do you think Calum is a suitable fit for Michael and vice versa?
Yeah i would support

You're the cutest, yay or nay?
Well I don't really know, is there a middle option?

Do you like it up the arse?

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to kiss Ashton?
I have never really thought about kissing Ashton so 1


How are you?
I'm good! Very good actually. Life is treating me well, how are you?

Marry me?
I might just have to accept that offer


Do you think Luke and Ashton have something going on?
Woah wait I thought Calum and Michael were the ones with something going on?

Marry me? (If Mali says no of course)
I don't want to be a second option (pouts)

U bad asf
I know, it's a good thing though, girls love that type of shit

BEN - AGE 19

What do you know that we don't?
Uh, one time Luke peed on our cat?

What's it like being Lukes older brother?
I feel like a mother bear, Luke always needs protecting but I don't mind it. Being Jack's older brother on the other hand... If I had the chance to send him off to China I would

Hello! How are you!


You're so nice to Michael, and you're always welcoming to Calum. Does it ever get hard trying to raise Michael well while trying to balancing everything else out?
Michael and Calum are my babies, I do everything I can to make sure they're all set and good, even if one child isn't actually mine. It does get hard sometimes but Michael is a good boy and always willing to help in anyway he can

Adopt me???
Now what would your parents say about that?


How's work going? What's your job? You never mentioned it.
Work is going great, busy, but great. I am a ER nurse so it gets a little crazy at times

You're doing great at raising Calum. Just make sure he doesn't become a fuckboy.
Oh thank you so much! What exactly is a fuckboy?

ME - AGE 17

When will the next update be?
Alright so I know these are old questions but I'm trying so hard to update :) I've kinda fallen out of the whole wattpad thing but I love this story and all my other stories so much, I want to finish them.

How are you?
I am very very good! I'm graduating in a few weeks, which is totally crazy, so there's that!

This story is super fluffy and cute and I can't wait to read more. Thank you for all the effort you put into this story. I appreciate it!
I appreciate you omg, this is why I love writing stories!

Be my friend?
Of course

Does thou still shippeth Larry?
I will forever ship Larry under any circumstances

What's goodie my dude

Where have you been?
It's been senior year so life has been a lil crazy the past school year

When are you going to update?
Whenever I get a chance and have time to sit down and just write!

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