7: Age 16

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I saw that this story is ranked #15 in Malum stories which is crazy so it gave me motivation to update:)

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Michael yelled throwing his controller on the floor-immediately regretting it, that was his favorite light up controller- and nearly hitting the other boy who was sprawled out in front of the couch.

"Can you chill?"

"Can you not cheat?" Michael spat glaring at the other boy who stared back at him with an amused expression.

"I didn't." Calum argued back. "I won fair and square."

Michael opened his mouth about to argue back before closing it again and calming down, "You know what I'm so much cuter than you so who's the real winner here?" Michael huffed out, crossing his arms and falling back into the sofa.

"Oh my god." Calum laughed and threw the pillow he was laying on at Michael, "You are such a sore loser, I can't believe you."

"I can't believe you'd cheat." He scoffed back, throwing the pillow back.

Calum rolled on his side and rested his head on his hand, "You and I both know I didn't cheat so shut up."

"Okay Calum you fucking suck at this game, there's no way you couldn't have not cheated. What cheat codes did you get because I want them, I need to get an even better so your chance of losing increases to 99 percent."

"Will you just let me live in my winning moment?" Calum groaned throwing his arms over his face, they were actually arguing over a stupid video game. Calum really did hate Michael sometimes, he got too heated over a game. "You know maybe I got better since this is the only game you insist on playing, literally all summer dude. The only game. This is my house and yet you still bring over this game because we have to play it."


"Michael." Calum said, becoming irritated as he glared at him.

Michael opened his mouth to spit back a reply but it got caught in his throat when Calum raised an eyebrow at him, something sparked inside of him but he shrugged it off and instead said, "I should've won. Rematch?"

Calum picked up the controller that Michael threw out of rage and handed it out for him to take. "Will you turn into a little bitch when you lose again?" Calum questioned.

"Are you implying that you're going to win again?" Michael asked snatching the controller, "Because fuck you, I am king of all video games. I will redeem myself." He said, concentrating on beginning a new game.

"Let the games begin Clifford." Calum declared, sitting up to get a better grip on his remote.

"You're on Hood."

"And you know I'm actually the cutest out of the two of us so."

Michael glanced over at Calum's concentrated face and shrugged, "Nuh uh, I'm still cuter." He stated before turning his attention to the game and attempting to steal the ball from someone on Calum's team.

After 3 hours of nonstop playing, they've both won a number of times but were still persistent on beating the other. "Honestly, fuck you Calum." Michael scoffed as Calum's team won at the last second. Calum stuck his tongue out at him in reply.

"Why is my brother being fucked?" Mali, who had just walked into the house, asked.

"Shut up Mali." Calum replied back and slid his controller towards the tv. "I'm done for today. I'm hungry and need to pee."

Kinda Cute ; MalumWhere stories live. Discover now