6: Age 15

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"Oh fuck Cal, who did you piss off?" Ashton asked reaching out to touch Calum's bruised face.

Calum scoffed and smacked Ashton's hand away. He had a permanent throbbing headache and he did not want to deal with Ashton right now. He should've definitely listened when his mom said to stay home today, but he didn't want to let his team down, even if he was just going to be moral support cheering them on from the bench.

His nose was swollen and sore, under both of his eyes were puffy and a dark shade of purple. His hair was all over the place and had that 'just rolled out of bed' look going on. His head was pounding and he just looked and felt like an absolute wreck.

"Ask Michael." Calum deadpanned.

"He beat you up? That's domestic abuse and I don't think you should take that." Ashton replied reaching out to poke him again, only to get his hand swatted at, again. "He's weak. Just beat him up back."

Calum let out a long and irritated sigh. "Why do you always make stupid jokes about me and Michael being in a relationship? It's fucking annoying."

Ashton didn't reply but the smile on his face didn't leave.

"Speaking of your domestic abuser!" Ashton exclaimed when Michael came around the corner, worry washing over his face as soon as Calum came into his view.

"Shit Cal," Michael trailed off biting his lip, he was going to say sorry for the millionth time but he knew Calum would just tell him to shut up.

Ashton slung an arm around Calum and one around Michael, "Anyone know where Luke is? I want to use your face to show him what'll happen to him if he keeps calling me Ashiepoo."

Michael rolled his eyes, "You love it when Luke calls you that."

"No I do not Michael Clifford." Ashton huffed, "You know nothing." He could deny the statement but he couldn't deny the heat creeping onto his face.

"Denial!" Calum sang.

"Are you ready for the big game tonight?" Ashton questioned, changing the subject, more towards Michael than Calum. "You're starting! Calum, our little baby is starting!"

Michael rolled his eyes, "Its just a game."

"Which you're starting!" Ashton shouted, "Hey Michael's starting at the game! You're gonna be there right?" He said as they passed a couple of girls who were huddled at their locker.

"Shut up." Michael hissed putting a hand over Ashton's mouth, "Nobody cares that nobody Michael is starting at the game."

He was actually full of enthusiasm and a whole bundle of nerves were settling in his stomach. Sure, he's played in games before but never enough time to where he could really show what kind of a player he was, he's also getting the chance to start and that was big. Their coach rarely ever started Sophomores, especially ones who were average at the game. He was excited and anxious but he didn't want Ashton to tell the whole world, it's such a small achievement.

"Mikey," Ashton whined, "I'm happy for you! Let me tell the whole world."

He rolled his eyes and slid his eyes to Calum who was snickering at Ashton's antics, "C'mon we're going to be late."


"This your time Mikey. You know the game, just play your game okay?" Calum spoke to Michael with his hands on his shoulders, both teams did their warm ups and now were just about to start the game. "No reason to be nervous."

"I know, I know." Michael muttered pushing Calum off of him and took a deep breath. There was really no rational reason why he was as nervous as he was, it wasn't a big game, there wasn't a huge crowd of people in the stands, he didn't have to impress anyone.

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