8: Age 16

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Michael felt, weird.

He didn't know why or what was happening but he was noticing everything about Calum. The way his eyes crinkle up when he smiles too hard, or that when he starts talking too fast he has to take a pause and regain he breath, how fluffy his hair is, the fact that he licks his lips way more often than the average person.

He didn't know what to do.

Ever since the night Michael called him cute it's as if Calum was trying to be cute and Michael hated it. He suddenly didn't know how to act around him and he didn't know how to stop being so awkward and stupid.

"You stupid motherfucker."

Michael looked up from the bowl of peaches that he was playing with and his eyes met a very irritated Ashton, but Ashton was too busy glaring across the room.

Michael followed his gaze and his eyes stopped on Luke, laughing with some girl with curly hair, "Who is that?"

"Her name's Elena." Ashton practically spat out, "Luke's blown me off four fucking times to hang out for her. We were suppose to go get pizza for lunch but noooo, he had to help Elena with her English homework and now I'm stuck with a sulking you and Calum nowhere in sight."

"Jealousy really does not look good on you." Michael told him, ignoring the last part and looking up just in time to see Calum walk into the library, head down as he tapped away on his phone.

I hope he trips.

"Calum! Thank god!" Ashton exclaimed across the library, getting shushed by multiple people. He got up and kissed Calum's cheek when he got closer to their table, which Calum just laughed and pushed him away, "Gross dude."

Calum's eyes slid to Michael's and he sent him a small smile and was slightly taken aback when all Michael gave him in return was a head nod.

"I am so glad you are here. Luke isn't my bff anymore, I have been replaced and Michael is being stupid." Ashton rambled on to Calum, his hands flying around as he talked.

"Is Luke talking to...a girl?" Calum interrupted as he was scoping out the area, "And he's not a blubbering, awkward mess?"

"I taught him well." Ashton said sadly, "Too well."

"Do you need some peanut butter?" Michael snorted, he wondered if the girl could feel the daggers Ashton was sending her.

"Why would I need peanut butter? Are you kidding me Michael stupid Clifford? What I need is a plan to get Luke back to me." Ashton scoffed in reply.

"For your jelly, silly." Calum chimed in, the corner of his mouth turning upward, "Just go and beat her up. That'll show her not to mess with your man."

"For the last time I am not jealous!" Ashton exclaimed, "And he is not my man." He added as he let out a huff and got up from his seat, a little too loud it seemed as people looked their way to see what the commotion was about. "I'll just do it myself."

"Totally jealous." Calum laughed at his retreating figure.

When Michael didn't respond or even react Calum sighed, "Did I do something wrong or something? Like c'mon Mikey, you're acting as if I've done something to you. Why won't you even look at me for more than 5 seconds?"

Michael's cheeks reddened from being called out, "I-uh, no you didn't." He stuttered out, mentally face palming.

Calum narrowed his eyes at him and slammed his hands on the table, leaning in towards him, "Well now that just sounds like fake news, Mikey."

Kinda Cute ; MalumWhere stories live. Discover now