3: Age 12

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"Luke will you just shut up."

"Mikey don't be mean." Calum scolded reaching over to smack Michael's arm.

"But he's being stupid!"

"You're being stupid, stupid." Luke shot back, fists in a ball as he glared at Michael.

"Wow really good insult!" Michael replied. "Stupid." He added and then stuck his tongue out at him.

"Stop calling me stupid!"

"What are you gonna do about it?" Michael taunted, a small smirk on his face as he watched anger wash over the younger boy's face.

Luke opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before uncurling his fists and huffed. "I really want to fight you but I know I'd get beat up."

"Be nice to each other." Calum whined laying back on the trampoline, the warm material soaking into his skin, just wanting his two friends to like each other or at least tolerate each other.

"I will end your life." Michael threatened Calum in the most intimidating tone he could muster.

"Shut up you love me too much."

"Um actually that's a lie." Michael corrected folding his arms, fully ready to explain why before Luke interrupted with: "Guys can you just help me decide on what to do for my birthday."

"I told you, go to the arcade!" Michael exclaimed.

"That's stupid and boring." Luke said, exasperated.

"Sounds like Michael." Calum chimed in, grinning at the said boy when he gasped and threw a hand over his heart, glaring at him.

"Well so is going bowling." Michael huffed crossing his arms.

There was silence within the three boys as the sounds of birds chirping and cars going by filled the air.

"Guys, guys, guys I have an idea!" Calum exclaimed, breaking the silence and quickly sitting up, startling the other two. "You should go laser tagging!"

Luke's eyes widened with excitement and he nodded. "Yes! I haven't gone laser tagging in forever."

"You should invite that Ashton kid, he's been here for awhile now and I always see him eating lunch alone. No one really hangs out with him." Calum said, being the one who always wants everyone to be included.

"He's probably weird, why else would no one hang out with him?" Michael scoffed, not liking the idea of another person possibly becoming important to Calum.

Both Calum and Luke ignored Michael's ignorant statement. "But he's older than me, why would he want to hang out with someone younger than him?" Luke said, cheeks blushing pink for no apparent reason.

"We're older than you and still tolerate you?" Michael reminded, rolling his eyes.

"Well yeah, but it's only by a year.." Luke trailed off.

"Ashton's in our grade, Puke."

"But he's older than everyone in your grade." Luke reminded, aggravated with Michaels behavior.

"Ok but he straightens his hair, that's weird for a guy to do." Michael argued, he knew he was being judgemental and that he was reaching but he really didn't want another person getting into their little group.

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