9: Age 16

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"Never have I ever kissed a guy."

"That's so fucking dumb Luke." Ashton huffed as he took a swig of the bottle in his hand. "You're so dumb." He muttered under his breath as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Michael's cheeks reddened as he caught Calum's glazed over eyes from across the small circle they had formed in the basement of Calum's house. Calum winked at him before taking a drink also and Michael couldn't help but stare.

Calum's parents were out of town for the weekend due to their anniversary so him and Mali took it upon themselves to throw a little get together. People were scattered throughout the house but most of the people Calum had decided to invite were in the basement, playing different drinking games and turning regular games into drinking games.

"Yeah Luke, some of us kiss guys frequently." Ashley, one of the girls who was apart of the circle, added in and Luke just shrugged.

"I'm trying to win here."

"At the rate we're going I'm on the verge of a black out." Ashton announced, cutting off the conversation and swayed in towards Luke's arm. "And you better take a drink mister liar, I've kissed you on the lips! So you've kissed a guy."

"You kissed me, I didn't kiss you. So I never really kissed a guy."

"Details!" Ashton exclaimed and held up his bottle to the younger boy's lips who swallowed back his reply, rolled his eyes and took a small sip. "Our lips connected, I am a guy, therefore you kissed a guy."

"You kissed him?" Elena asked from the other side of Luke.

"Yeah and what's it to you?" Ashton snapped back, a defensive edge to his voice.

Elena scoffed and tightened the grip she had on Luke's hand, "Well he's my boyfriend so..."

Calum nudged Michael's foot with his and dramatically rolled his eyes, earning a huff of a laugh out of the other boy. They both knew what she had said would make Ashton go into a full rant. Ever since Luke had made it official with library girl, that's all that Ashton has been doing. Ranting non stop about every single thing when she starts talking.

"Yeah well I'll kiss him again, right now, at this very party here! You know what? I'll kiss every single guy here-hey, don't give me that look Clifford. I'll even kiss you, for extra long, hey- stop looking at me like that!"

"What if I kiss you?" Ashley cut him off, cocking her head at him.

"So what if you do?"

"Can we do something? I'm sick of listening to Ashton's voice." Calum interrupted, earning a scoff from the said boy.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" One of the girls in the circle exclaimed.

"What are we? 12?" Ashton retorted, immediately shutting that idea down.

"Wait, I have a truth or dare app on my phone, we can play that and use a bottle to determine whose turn it is. If you don't do your dare or answer your truth, you drink. Simple as that." Ashley suggested and looked around the circle of agreeing heads. "Okay perfect." She then said and finished the liquid that was in her bottle before placing both that and her phone in the middle of their circle.

"I'll go first." Ashton exclaimed and went to reach for the phone before his hand got swatted away by Ashley's.

"We let the bottle choose." Was her answer and she spun the bottle, it spun for a few seconds before the tip was pointing at Ashton.

A smug smile took over Ashton's features and he stuck his tongue out at Ashley, "Like I said, I'll go first."

He reached over and tapped the dare button, shielding the screen from everyone else. As soon as it stopped loading his head snapped up to look across the circle and his eyes met Michael's curious gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Michael questioned after a moment, starting to feel uncomfortable as a smirk stretched across Ashton's lips.

"It says, 'kiss the person across from you for 30 seconds'."

Calum's eyes snapped to Ashton, "What do you mean that's what it says?" He asked, not being able to hide the hostility that had creeped into his voice.

Ashton scoffed, "What do you mean what do I mean? Did I stutter? No?"

"You are such a snarky drunk." Luke laughed.

Calum opened his mouth to retort, but got shut down by one of the girls urging Ashton to do it already.

"Mikey baby!" Ashton exclaimed and crawled over to him, grabbing his face in his hands and smushing his lips to his.

The girls hooted and hollered at them and started giggling as they began counting down from 30.

Michael's eyes were wide open and he didn't even know how to react. Ashton's lip were soft and wet and tasted like a mixture of alcohol and weed and soon Michael let his eyes flutter shut and fall into the kiss. His mind was going in all different directions and his heart was pounding. It was only Ashton, but he had to admit that he now understood why so many people fell into a putty in Ashton's hands.

He was a damn good kisser.

Calum watched with a locked jaw and he couldn't understand the sensation boiling in the pit of his stomach. Maybe it was the alcohol but he felt like he might throw up right then and there.

He didn't like it.

He clenched and unclenched his fist before finishing the drink he had in his hand and angrily pushing himself off the ground to go and grab another one.

"What is wrong with me?" Calum breathed to himself running his fingers through his hair then pouring himself a cup of vodka and lemonade.

"3...2...1!" Ashley shouted, "Okay love birds break it up, break it up!"

Ashton pulled away from him and placed another sloppy kiss to Michael's flushed cheek before settling back down next to Luke.

"That was...intense." Luke commented, his eyes going back and forth between Ashton and across the room to Calum.

"I think it was hot." Ashton replied and leaned over to sloppily kiss Luke's cheek too.

"I think I need more to drink." Michael stated, he needed to get away from Ashton, he needed to find Calum and laugh it off with him.

He just needed Calum.

y'all can I just say that my boyfriend's name is Michael so whenever I write about Michael kissing some guy it makes me giggle sm

also I was going to add more to this chapter but obviously I can't so I decided to just update it rather than keep it not updated hah

ALSO I'm trying so hard to keep writing! I'm just not as clever or creative or funny as I was when I was 15 hah

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